The Village Zombie Run 5K



October 26, 2024 in Davenprot, IA


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5K - Results

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436 Phil Schaefer M6069 174 1/9 115/238 29:21
367 Adam Page M4049 175 28/58 116/238 29:21
234 Thomas Jackson M4049 176 29/58 117/238 29:23
288 Elizabeth Lawrence F4049 177 15/90 60/369 29:24
312 Brittany Marks F3039 178 24/110 61/369 29:25
581 Gabe Giese M0118 179 38/65 118/238 29:27
208 Lauren Hayman F1929 180 8/45 62/369 29:31
391 Bill Peterson M4049 181 30/58 119/238 29:34
596 Annie Froeschle F1929 182 9/45 63/369 29:34
595 Trish Froeschle F6069 183 3/28 64/369 29:34
408 Nathan Pozzi M4049 184 31/58 120/238 29:35
432 Sue Saller F5059 185 4/44 65/369 29:41
319 Amanda Matthews F3039 186 25/110 66/369 29:44
80 Sachin Chambers M1929 187 20/31 121/238 29:44
484 Taylor Stewart F3039 188 26/110 67/369 29:44
42 Darryl Blackburn M70UP 189 1/3 122/238 29:45
483 Chad Stewart M5059 190 9/24 123/238 29:45
613 Michelle Dyer F4049 191 16/90 68/369 29:53
510 Tara Thoma F3039 192 27/110 69/369 29:53
157 Monica Foley F4049 193 17/90 70/369 29:57
530 Sachin Vaidya M0118 194 39/65 124/238 29:58
237 Amber Jerson F1929 195 10/45 71/369 29:58
620 Drew Grace M3039 196 24/46 125/238 30:00
74 Morgan Caves F1929 197 11/45 72/369 30:03
241 Kolton Jubell M1929 198 21/31 126/238 30:07
132 Kelli Duran F1929 199 12/45 73/369 30:11
307 Betsy Maertens F5059 200 5/44 74/369 30:17
137 Candice Easton F4049 201 18/90 75/369 30:18
663 Angela Kight F3039 202 28/110 76/369 30:20
441 Megan Schmeink F1929 203 13/45 77/369 30:24
43 John D Blackman M4049 204 32/58 127/238 30:27
65 Grace Carroll F0118 205 11/48 78/369 30:28
313 Jesse Martinez M5059 206 10/24 128/238 30:38
136 Lily Dyer F0118 207 12/48 79/369 30:39
438 Stephanie Schebler F4049 208 19/90 80/369 30:39
640 Hugo Scott M0118 209 40/65 129/238 30:44
641 Pj Scott M4049 210 33/58 130/238 30:45
389 Broder Petersen M0118 211 41/65 131/238 30:47
176 Stewart Gillmor M3039 212 25/46 132/238 30:48
175 Christi Gillmor F3039 213 29/110 81/369 30:49

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