Lions 5K



May 19, 2024 in Newton, MA


Results By

5K - Results

Charts and Stats
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No division specific results were uploaded for this race.
No division specific results were uploaded for this race.

displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
number of records per page: [10] [25] [all]

    NO FN LN OVERALL "ChipTime" "Total Pace" TIME
155 MICHELE DALY 233 31:22.05 10:05 31:26.07
91 MARGARET HALLIWELL 234 31:23 10:05 31:45.02
89 NATALIE SCHWARTZ 235 31:23.06 10:06 31:44.06
193 ROSHAN RASALINGAM 236 31:27.07 10:07 31:36.09
247 MAYA GLAZER 237 31:28.04 10:07 31:55.02
347 MICHAEL BRADLEY 238 31:28.09 10:07 31:49.04
44 DOUGLAS CLARK 239 31:30.04 10:08 31:47.02
298 MARY PIERCE 240 31:34.05 10:09 31:48.08
286 IVY CHEN 241 31:34.09 10:09 31:51.06
252 BRUCE GELIN 242 31:37 10:10 31:55.03
280 REBECCA GONZALEZ 243 31:43 10:12 31:57.01
30 LEONAS ALKAN 244 31:44 10:12 31:54.08
118 ERIC LI 245 31:49.05 10:14 31:56.05
273 CASIMIR ALKAN 246 31:57.02 10:16 32:09.01
94 LILA GINSBURG 247 32:04.02 10:19 32:08.01
42 SHELLEY LIU 248 32:08.02 10:20 32:22.09
164 JENNIFER ROCNIK 249 32:28.02 10:26 32:48.09
239 KRISTIN STIRLING 250 32:29.08 10:27 32:41.06
240 ADELINA STIRLING 251 32:31 10:27 32:41.08
348 MICHAEL POGREBNYAK 252 32:44.07 10:32 32:56.08
393 SERENA CHAO 253 32:47.09 10:33 33:11.04
173 BRANDON YEE 254 32:53.06 10:35 33:01.08
88 ALEXANDRA HUNT 255 32:56.04 10:35 33:15.04
378 MAVIVELISSE DIAZ 256 33:16.02 10:42 33:41.09
104 AVA RANSBOTHAM 257 33:30.08 10:47 33:45.09
208 ENA TSUKAMOTO 258 33:34.04 10:48 33:40.06
31 OZAN ALKAN 259 33:48 10:52 33:59.06
150 CATIE CORKERY 260 33:48.04 10:52 34:04
342 MAHESH KRISHNAMURTHY 261 34:01.02 10:56 34:32.04
77 LILIAN WOOD 262 34:19.08 11:02 34:23.06
194 EUGENE JUNG 263 34:32.04 11:06 34:37.09
383 KATE LANGAN 264 34:39.03 11:09 34:58.02
43 ANNE CLARK 265 34:43.08 11:10 34:57.06
78 EVA VINARSKY 266 34:47.03 11:11 34:51.05
80 EMMA PRESTON 267 34:47.06 11:11 34:51.05
382 LIAM LANGAN 268 34:48 11:11 34:54.09
51 CATHY WILLIAMS 269 34:54 11:13 34:59.01
72 SHUNTARO OE 270 34:57.06 11:14 35:07.06
23 JACOB LAM 271 35:09.08 11:18 35:18.04
    NO FN LN OVERALL "ChipTime" "Total Pace" TIME
21 ANTHONY LAM 272 35:10.05 11:19 35:18.05

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