Quad Cities Marathon 2013

5K Run/Walk - Results

Charts and Stats
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3052 Dorie Fox F6569 571 9/20 320/565 39:31 12:45
3412 Paige Barker F0114 572 15/25 321/565 39:31 12:45
3388 Joann Sandberg F7074 573 3/10 322/565 39:36 12:47
3884 Theresa Hodges F3539 574 27/54 323/565 39:47 12:50
3203 Miranda Waterman F2024 575 22/28 324/565 39:49 12:51
3171 Jessica Scott F2529 576 46/61 325/565 39:53 12:52
3898 Elizabeth Pauley F2024 577 23/28 326/565 39:57 12:54
3942 Lai Leng Kellogg F5559 578 24/49 327/565 40:02 12:55
3025 Jenna Correll F3539 579 28/54 328/565 40:07 12:57
3024 Paula Mauritzen F6569 580 10/20 329/565 40:07 12:57
3930 Bonnie Bryan F5559 581 25/49 330/565 40:12 12:59
3143 Corinne Pete F75UP 582 3/9 331/565 40:13 12:59
3144 Pamela Ontiveros F4549 583 29/46 332/565 40:13 12:59
3985 Becky Schadel F3539 584 29/54 333/565 40:13 12:59
3718 Caleb Carr M2529 585 21/25 240/324 40:14 12:59
3683 Nancy Toohill F5559 586 26/49 334/565 40:18 13:00
3067 Steve Callison M6569 587 12/18 241/324 40:21 13:01
3630 Joseph Solis M6064 588 19/29 242/324 40:40 13:07
3195 Sydney Graves F0114 589 16/25 335/565 40:40 13:08
3193 Bradley Graves M3539 590 21/28 243/324 40:40 13:08
3378 Scott Crowl M5559 591 20/32 244/324 40:42 13:08
3167 Nancy Rupe F5054 592 26/54 336/565 40:43 13:09
3027 Lizett Gerardo F1519 593 15/20 337/565 40:45 13:09
8458 Wendy Phillips F4549 594 30/46 338/565 40:48 13:10
3842 Nicole Kosgei F3034 595 56/83 339/565 40:49 13:10
3491 Chris Nelson F4044 596 47/75 340/565 40:49 13:10
3600 Sandra Hufford F5054 597 27/54 341/565 40:57 13:13
3629 Kathy Solis F4549 598 31/46 342/565 41:04 13:15
3771 Kate Schwager F2529 599 47/61 343/565 41:07 13:16
3711 Alexa Weidemann F2024 600 24/28 344/565 41:07 13:16
3968 Kathryn Combes F5054 601 28/54 345/565 41:07 13:16
3712 Tyson Neumann M3034 602 31/37 245/324 41:09 13:17
3809 Lindsey Meyer F2529 603 48/61 346/565 41:09 13:17
7649 Brenda Smith F7074 604 4/10 347/565 41:12 13:18
3217 Gracie Bagosy F3539 605 30/54 348/565 41:20 13:20
7428 Jennifer Anderson F4044 606 48/75 349/565 41:21 13:21
3648 Lesa Malcolm-Bivens F5054 607 29/54 350/565 41:22 13:21
3479 Raechel Lockrem F3539 608 31/54 351/565 41:30 13:23
3932 Gary Ruffcorn Jr M3034 609 32/37 246/324 41:33 13:24
3574 Sarah Justin F3034 610 57/83 352/565 41:35 13:25

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