The Village Zombie Run 5K



October 26, 2024 in Davenprot, IA


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5K - Results

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584 Molly Giese F4049 467 64/90 265/369 47:10
639 Fiona Scott F0118 468 42/48 266/369 47:18
637 Ellen Scott F4049 469 65/90 267/369 47:18
638 Ezra Scott M0118 470 57/65 203/238 47:18
490 Dawn Stone F4049 471 66/90 268/369 47:20
182 Amy Gonzales F5059 472 24/44 269/369 47:31
251 Zane Kelley M0118 473 58/65 204/238 47:37
249 Keith Kelley M4049 474 51/58 205/238 47:38
248 Amanda Kelley F4049 475 67/90 270/369 47:43
250 Layla Kelley F0118 476 43/48 271/369 47:44
427 Aimee Ruhl F5059 477 25/44 272/369 47:56
611 Becca Casillas F4049 478 68/90 273/369 47:56
310 Alexandrea Mangler F1929 479 36/45 274/369 48:08
12 Jordan Bahen M1929 480 29/31 206/238 48:15
395 Madeline Phelps F0118 481 44/48 275/369 48:17
617 Joseph Kallenbach M3039 482 43/46 207/238 48:18
618 Trent Clark M0118 483 59/65 208/238 48:19
49 Breanna Bridges F1929 484 37/45 276/369 48:22
610 Noni Casillas F0118 485 45/48 277/369 48:38
154 Kasey Fellner F5059 486 26/44 278/369 48:42
299 Ronan Long M0118 487 60/65 209/238 48:46
433 Jamie Sass F3039 488 83/110 279/369 48:47
381 Emily Pecinovsky F1929 489 38/45 280/369 48:58
189 Brooke Guldin F1929 490 39/45 281/369 48:59
469 Reece Shoppa M0118 491 61/65 210/238 49:17
222 Michelle Houy F5059 492 27/44 282/369 49:23
394 Carolyn Phelps F5059 493 28/44 283/369 49:28
396 Roger Phelps M6069 494 6/9 211/238 49:29
388 Jennifer Peters F3039 495 84/110 284/369 49:47
13 Randy Bailey M5059 496 19/24 212/238 49:55
203 Yvette Harry F5059 497 29/44 285/369 49:56
153 Kailey Fellner F1929 498 40/45 286/369 50:07
429 Jennifer Ruplinger F4049 499 69/90 287/369 50:44
298 Carey Long F4049 500 70/90 288/369 50:46
109 Sue Crampton F6069 501 19/28 289/369 50:53
337 Jayne Mooney F6069 502 20/28 290/369 50:58
198 Michael Harlan M4049 503 52/58 213/238 51:04
533 Brittany Vaughn F3039 504 85/110 291/369 51:21
167 Kelsy Gallentine F4049 505 71/90 292/369 51:21
462 Erica Sellnau-Allan F4049 506 72/90 293/369 51:36

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