The Village Zombie Run 5K



October 26, 2024 in Davenprot, IA


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5K - Results

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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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360 Remington Oliver M0118 508 62/65 214/238 51:49
98 Kelsi Connell F3039 509 87/110 295/369 51:53
293 Kyle Joy Lloyd F5059 510 30/44 296/369 51:54
244 Margaret Kaufman F5059 511 31/44 297/369 51:54
359 Jann Oliver F3039 512 88/110 298/369 51:57
649 Mark Sanders M5059 513 20/24 215/238 52:15
91 Autumn Collier F0118 514 46/48 299/369 52:23
93 Daniela Collier F3039 515 89/110 300/369 52:23
272 Mike Kurth M5059 516 21/24 216/238 52:37
577 Richard Lamboi M4049 517 53/58 217/238 52:40
421 Parker Riemers F0118 518 47/48 301/369 53:35
139 Jan Ebert F6069 519 21/28 302/369 54:02
138 Chelsea Ebert F3039 520 90/110 303/369 54:03
344 Becca Mueller F3039 521 91/110 304/369 54:08
413 Holly Quinn F3039 522 92/110 305/369 54:10
544 Hillary Walker F4049 523 73/90 306/369 54:21
95 Catrina Collins F4049 524 74/90 307/369 54:26
464 Hannah Serrano F3039 525 93/110 308/369 54:37
349 Nicole Nagle F1929 526 41/45 309/369 54:38
578 Jaclyn Levetzow F3039 527 94/110 310/369 54:38
297 Brian Long M4049 528 54/58 218/238 54:41
515 Tyler Thomsen M1929 529 30/31 219/238 55:13
81 Stella Champion F0118 530 48/48 311/369 55:17
339 Francie Morgensen F6069 531 22/28 312/369 55:17
521 Mariela TreviƱo F3039 532 95/110 313/369 55:17
446 Roxanne Schmitt F5059 533 32/44 314/369 55:17
549 Brittany Wells F4049 534 75/90 315/369 55:18
125 Cassidy Depoy F3039 535 96/110 316/369 55:19
514 Brent Thomsen M5059 536 22/24 220/238 55:23
100 Joe Cooper M5059 537 23/24 221/238 55:26
185 Angie Grau F5059 538 33/44 317/369 55:27
588 Octavia Houtekier-Boyd F4049 539 76/90 318/369 55:59
604 Tara Ferencik F5059 540 34/44 319/369 56:06
112 Francette Curtis F5059 541 35/44 320/369 56:07
605 Rose Ferencik F70UP 542 3/3 321/369 56:08
518 Courtney Tittle F3039 543 97/110 322/369 56:11
426 Sarah Roessler F4049 544 77/90 323/369 56:12
532 Caroline Vandecasteele F5059 545 36/44 324/369 56:12
277 Ryley Lamb F1929 546 42/45 325/369 56:18
188 Ricki Grover F1929 547 43/45 326/369 56:18

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