St Patty's Run For The Law

5K Overall


March 15, 2014 in Grants Pass, OR

Results By

5K Overall - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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41 Elizabeth Compton F1929 130 14/22 73/111 41:00 13:12
81 Pat Fahey M5059 131 4/6 58/70 41:08 13:15
4 Jesse Antonucci M1929 132 11/13 59/70 41:36 13:24
179 Emily Morin F0112 133 8/9 74/111 42:19 13:38
79 Lindsey Estabrook F1929 134 15/22 75/111 42:22 13:39
5 Nichole Antonucci F1929 135 16/22 76/111 43:00 13:51
279 Cheryl Edstrom F4049 136 17/22 77/111 43:13 13:55
293 Drew Schilens M1318 137 10/10 60/70 44:06 14:12
274 Eva Thomas F4049 138 18/22 78/111 45:10 14:33
306 Westley Wolfe F1929 139 17/22 79/111 45:10 14:33
91 Kelli Gambucci F4049 140 19/22 80/111 45:14 14:34
120 Sheila Johnson F5059 141 8/14 81/111 45:16 14:35
254 Teri Williams F5059 142 9/14 82/111 45:25 14:38
194 Kenny Ogren M0112 143 12/15 61/70 45:30 14:39
172 Debbie Miller F5059 144 10/14 83/111 45:50 14:46
273 Allison Hampton F3039 145 22/29 84/111 45:56 14:47
86 Phil Foster M3039 146 9/10 62/70 45:56 14:48
227 Hayden Snyder M0112 147 13/15 63/70 46:32 14:59
231 Travis Snyder M0112 148 14/15 64/70 46:32 14:59
230 Travis Snyder M3039 149 10/10 65/70 46:33 14:59
268 Cerena Breeden F6099 150 1/5 85/111 47:17 15:14
271 Allysa Hampton F1318 151 9/10 86/111 47:27 15:17
270 Kyla Lawrence F1318 152 10/10 87/111 47:27 15:17
135 William Landis M5059 153 5/6 66/70 48:44 15:42
246 Cherryl Walker F6099 154 2/5 88/111 48:57 15:46
6 Lavon Arnett F4049 155 20/22 89/111 49:03 15:48
66 Stephanie Dubois F4049 156 21/22 90/111 49:05 15:48
202 Sabrina Petronella F3039 157 23/29 91/111 49:09 15:49
233 Julie Sparks F6099 158 3/5 92/111 49:09 15:50
97 Karen Glass F6099 159 4/5 93/111 49:45 16:01
132 Tommie Kell F3039 160 24/29 94/111 50:09 16:09
207 Paula Powell F5059 161 11/14 95/111 50:10 16:09
203 Wyatt Phillips M1929 162 12/13 67/70 50:33 16:17
93 Jaime Garcia F3039 163 25/29 96/111 51:09 16:28
191 Erin O'Donnell F1929 164 18/22 97/111 51:13 16:29
295 Brianna Stark F0112 165 9/9 98/111 51:13 16:30
1 Tara Alexander F1929 166 19/22 99/111 51:26 16:34
269 Julie Cooper F1929 167 20/22 100/111 52:00 16:45
288 Kathy Lohrfink F3039 168 26/29 101/111 52:14 16:49
289 Barbara Shaw F5059 169 12/14 102/111 52:15 16:49

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