2019 DeutschenPfest 5K



May 18, 2019 in Pflugerville, TX


5K - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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2454 Jeff Foreman M4549 133 10/19 86/184 31:41 10:09
2198 Jeff Parker M4044 134 10/20 87/184 31:46 10:11
1875 Joe Lara M4549 135 11/19 88/184 31:50 10:12
2009 Jessica Robledo F5059 136 8/58 48/301 31:54 10:13
2376 MARK EPSTEIN M6069 137 7/18 89/184 31:59 10:15
1851 Chinwe Onwujuba F4044 138 5/52 49/301 32:01 10:16
2064 Jonathan Malek M4549 139 12/19 90/184 32:01 10:16
2507 Aaron Brumit M3539 140 13/23 91/184 32:03 10:16
2163 Laura Dalfonso F5059 141 9/58 50/301 32:03 10:16
2162 Ken Dalfonso M5059 142 16/35 92/184 32:04 10:17
1950 Meredith Bewley F3034 143 6/34 51/301 32:08 10:18
1876 Leon Villarreal M2529 144 7/9 93/184 32:13 10:20
1963 Brad Patterson M4044 145 11/20 94/184 32:13 10:20
2522 Kathleen Baker F2529 146 4/20 52/301 32:17 10:21
2468 Dorice Thompson F4549 147 4/28 53/301 32:18 10:21
2373 Charles Wright III M3539 148 14/23 95/184 32:26 10:24
2372 Diego Munoz M114 149 10/23 96/184 32:26 10:24
2371 Maria Munoz F3539 150 13/43 54/301 32:27 10:24
2370 Roberto Munoz Jr M1524 151 6/10 97/184 32:28 10:24
2098 Jade Nelson F3539 152 14/43 55/301 32:29 10:25
2353 Raul Esparza M6069 153 8/18 98/184 32:41 10:29
2471 Casey Nall F3539 154 15/43 56/301 32:45 10:30
2270 Carla Burton F2529 155 5/20 57/301 32:45 10:30
2164 Chris Miertschin M2529 156 8/9 99/184 32:48 10:31
2275 Tanairi Rivera F2529 157 6/20 58/301 32:58 10:34
1960 Katelyn Hodges F1524 158 8/19 59/301 32:59 10:34
2105 William Richards M4549 159 13/19 100/184 33:09 10:38
2011 Unknown Partic. 2011 M00 160 1/5 101/184 33:10 10:38
2363 Nina Jenzen F3539 161 16/43 60/301 33:12 10:38
2119 Danielle Pellechio F3539 162 17/43 61/301 33:17 10:40
1896 Michelle Tenney F4549 163 5/28 62/301 33:21 10:41
2385 Linda banh F4549 164 6/28 63/301 33:29 10:44
2245 Madalynn Wolter F3539 165 18/43 64/301 33:33 10:45
2060 William MacIver M114 166 11/23 102/184 33:36 10:46
1883 Lea Pedaci F4044 167 6/52 65/301 33:37 10:46
2585 Dwight Galbi M5059 168 17/35 103/184 33:38 10:47
1888 Rhonda Sims F5059 169 10/58 66/301 33:42 10:48
1889 Danica Sims F5059 170 11/58 67/301 33:43 10:48
2089 Kasey Felter F4549 171 7/28 68/301 33:52 10:51
1954 Rylan Torrez M114 172 12/23 104/184 33:53 10:52

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