2019 DeutschenPfest 5K



May 18, 2019 in Pflugerville, TX


5K - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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2385 Linda banh F4549 164 6/28 63/301 33:29 10:44
2245 Madalynn Wolter F3539 165 18/43 64/301 33:33 10:45
2060 William MacIver M114 166 11/23 102/184 33:36 10:46
1883 Lea Pedaci F4044 167 6/52 65/301 33:37 10:46
2585 Dwight Galbi M5059 168 17/35 103/184 33:38 10:47
1888 Rhonda Sims F5059 169 10/58 66/301 33:42 10:48
1889 Danica Sims F5059 170 11/58 67/301 33:43 10:48
2089 Kasey Felter F4549 171 7/28 68/301 33:52 10:51
1954 Rylan Torrez M114 172 12/23 104/184 33:53 10:52
1853 Jared Edwards M1524 173 7/10 105/184 33:57 10:53
2059 Mary MacIver F114 174 4/13 69/301 34:01 10:54
2389 Anthony Lecorchick M3034 175 10/14 106/184 34:04 10:55
2374 Christine Terry F5059 176 12/58 70/301 34:14 10:58
2199 Natasha Parker F4044 177 7/52 71/301 34:23 11:01
2096 ellen treybig F5059 178 13/58 72/301 34:29 11:03
1989 Tricia Mirabelle F4044 179 8/52 73/301 34:32 11:04
2513 Amy Tennison F3034 180 7/34 74/301 34:35 11:05
2355 Amy Cobb F4044 181 9/52 75/301 34:37 11:06
1925 Kelsey Torres F2529 182 7/20 76/301 34:42 11:07
2092 Clayton Keil M4044 183 12/20 107/184 34:44 11:08
2168 Katie Atnip F2529 184 8/20 77/301 34:48 11:09
1943 Katy Herber F1524 185 9/19 78/301 34:52 11:11
2144 Jonathan Gawlik M114 186 13/23 108/184 34:55 11:11
2179 Kevin Gullikson M3034 187 11/14 109/184 34:58 11:12
2088 Sonseree Gibson F4044 188 10/52 79/301 35:01 11:13
2090 Patricia Grant F5059 189 14/58 80/301 35:02 11:14
2196 Kushay How F5059 190 15/58 81/301 35:03 11:14
1978 Whitney Ingersoll F3034 191 8/34 82/301 35:03 11:14
1942 Holly Herber F114 192 5/13 83/301 35:03 11:14
2183 Sandra Loza F4044 193 11/52 84/301 35:05 11:15
2093 Christal Mauldin F4044 194 12/52 85/301 35:08 11:16
2251 Flavia Miller F3539 195 19/43 86/301 35:11 11:17
2380 Kelly Stevens F3539 196 20/43 87/301 35:13 11:17
2178 Cori Norman F3034 197 9/34 88/301 35:14 11:18
2197 Emily Parker F1524 198 10/19 89/301 35:17 11:19
2458 Devon Guthrie F3539 199 21/43 90/301 35:17 11:19
1873 Henry Lara M114 200 14/23 110/184 35:18 11:19
2379 Dana Lively F4044 201 13/52 91/301 35:20 11:19
2177 Rhonda Summers F3539 202 22/43 92/301 35:20 11:19
2219 Kristi Robinson F4044 203 14/52 93/301 35:32 11:23

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