Timberline Marathon

Half marathon - Saturday


June 1, 2013 in Government Camp, OR

Results By

Half marathon - Saturday - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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207 Scott Onder 31 M M 30-34 7 3/22 7 1:48:45 7:40
259 Robert Schabel 26 M M 25-29 8 1/9 8 1:50:13 7:46
226 Matthew Preusch 34 M M 30-34 9 4/22 9 1:50:35 7:47
137 Lynette Kertis 45 F F 45-49 10 1/19 1 1:52:21 7:55
127 Jamie Hurd 30 F F 30-34 11 1/44 2 1:53:57 8:01
121 Mike Homma 23 M M 20-24 12 1/4 10 1:56:46 8:13
263 Jacob Scott 37 M M 35-39 13 2/13 11 1:57:22 8:16
202 Tim Nortz 36 M M 35-39 14 3/13 12 1:57:23 8:16
891 Rob Nelly 55 M M 55-59 15 1/4 13 1:57:26 8:16
196 Lee Newbill 32 M M 30-34 16 5/22 14 1:58:32 8:21
222 Jim Peters 42 M M 40-44 17 3/17 15 1:59:02 8:23
197 Jeremiah Newell 25 M M 25-29 18 2/9 16 1:59:44 8:26
61 Robert Dayton 31 M M 30-34 19 6/22 17 2:01:49 8:35
76 Rachel Fordyce 26 F F 25-29 20 1/22 3 2:02:06 8:36
179 Ben Meade 30 M M 30-34 21 7/22 18 2:02:12 8:36
303 Desiree Tullos 33 F F 30-34 22 2/44 4 2:02:40 8:38
84 Erin Gaughan 30 F F 30-34 23 3/44 5 2:03:28 8:42
24 Steven Beverlin 50 M M 50-54 24 1/4 19 2:03:43 8:43
68 Shawnie Emmons 40 F F 40-44 25 1/35 6 2:04:12 8:45
120 Jason Hirshon 34 M M 30-34 26 8/22 20 2:04:44 8:47
212 Todd Parker 47 M M 45-49 27 2/8 21 2:05:18 8:49
119 Hillary Hirshon 32 F F 30-34 28 4/44 7 2:05:23 8:50
176 Dennis McGraw 65 M M 65-69 29 1/1 22 2:06:12 8:53
298 James Thomson 36 M M 35-39 30 4/13 23 2:06:20 8:54
46 Nathan Cashion 30 M M 30-34 31 9/22 24 2:07:02 8:57
126 Patrick Hughes 38 M M 35-39 32 5/13 25 2:07:12 8:57
60 Beverly Dawkins 41 F F 40-44 33 2/35 8 2:07:22 8:58
160 Justin Loveland 35 M M 35-39 34 6/13 26 2:08:13 9:02
56 Karen Connolly 42 F F 40-44 35 3/35 9 2:08:32 9:03
178 Joseph McMichael 48 M M 45-49 36 3/8 27 2:09:31 9:07
16 Tricia Barry 33 F F 30-34 37 5/44 10 2:09:32 9:07
210 Tom Palke 47 M M 45-49 38 4/8 28 2:09:52 9:09
330 Jennifer Yeh 22 F F 20-24 39 1/8 11 2:10:04 9:10
116 Dean Hinchliff 54 M M 50-54 40 2/4 29 2:10:31 9:11
145 Katrina Langenderfer 34 F F 30-34 41 6/44 12 2:10:51 9:13
80 Cheryl Frankenfield 34 F F 30-34 42 7/44 13 2:10:55 9:13
224 Tim Pitts 34 M M 30-34 43 10/22 30 2:11:57 9:18
33 Diane Bradley 26 F F 25-29 44 2/22 14 2:12:08 9:18
192 Kristen Mullen 51 F F 50-54 45 1/14 15 2:12:20 9:19
125 Patrick Hudson 27 M M 25-29 46 3/9 31 2:12:42 9:21

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