The Village Zombie Run 5K



October 26, 2024 in Davenprot, IA


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5K - Results

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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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314 Allison Mason F3039 306 50/110 143/369 34:46
9 Erin Assenmacher F3039 307 51/110 144/369 34:48
270 Kristen Kuehl F4049 308 36/90 145/369 34:49
201 Emilee Harness F4049 309 37/90 146/369 34:50
660 Adelli Hehlke F0118 310 19/48 147/369 34:56
658 Kelli Hehlke F4049 311 38/90 148/369 34:58
537 Matt Voelcker M6069 312 2/9 164/238 35:00
279 Benjamin Lampton M3039 313 33/46 165/238 35:08
224 Shari Huecksteadt F5059 314 11/44 149/369 35:11
580 Noela Islami F0118 315 20/48 150/369 35:16
113 Gary Curtis M5059 316 15/24 166/238 35:17
114 Jennifer Curtis F4049 317 39/90 151/369 35:17
437 David Schebler M70UP 318 2/3 167/238 35:18
322 Lori McFate F5059 319 12/44 152/369 35:18
88 Meredith Clinkinbeard F4049 320 40/90 153/369 35:19
129 Tina Docherty F5059 321 13/44 154/369 35:19
475 Jeremy Smith M4049 322 43/58 168/238 35:20
217 Rose Hernandez F6069 323 6/28 155/369 35:22
5 Elizabeth Anderson F5059 324 14/44 156/369 35:22
455 Robin Scott F5059 325 15/44 157/369 35:25
196 Hayden Halligan M0118 326 50/65 169/238 35:27
195 Dakota Halligan M3039 327 34/46 170/238 35:28
575 Meztli Barbosa F0118 328 21/48 158/369 35:37
555 John White M6069 329 3/9 171/238 35:39
281 Amy Larkin F4049 330 41/90 159/369 35:43
576 Carlos Barbosa M4049 331 44/58 172/238 35:43
574 Marisol Barbosa F3039 332 52/110 160/369 35:43
357 Caleb Norville M1929 333 25/31 173/238 35:49
623 Mae Pettis F0118 334 22/48 161/369 36:02
1 Maggie Albers F3039 335 53/110 162/369 36:05
622 Molly Pettis F3039 336 54/110 163/369 36:05
59 Stephanie Burbidge F3039 337 55/110 164/369 36:05
655 Carrie Lewis La Plante F4049 338 42/90 165/369 36:11
329 Evan Miles M1929 339 26/31 174/238 36:17
199 Lucas Harmon M1929 340 27/31 175/238 36:24
191 Brad Hager M6069 341 4/9 176/238 36:25
192 Jenny Hager F6069 342 7/28 166/369 36:25
190 Brittany Haberkorn F3039 343 56/110 167/369 36:25
559 Valene Wilkins F4049 344 43/90 168/369 36:25
645 Angela Goetz F4049 345 44/90 169/369 36:31

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