Tri~ing for Children's Kids Triathlon - 2012

Ages 05-06


July 28, 2012 in Eagle, WI

Results By

Ages 05-06 - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 31 of 31
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1517 Quinten Beyer M05-06 15 13/32 13/32 12:40
1786 Zachary Behrends M05-06 16 14/32 14/32 12:50
1507 Magdalene Anderson F05-06 17 3/13 3/13 12:50
1769 Tyler Walsh M05-06 18 15/32 15/32 13:14
1744 Easton Tolbert M05-06 19 16/32 16/32 13:29
1530 Julien Califano M05-06 20 17/32 17/32 13:31
1576 William Grellinger M05-06 21 18/32 18/32 13:32
1501 Alison Abhold F05-06 22 4/13 4/13 13:32
1536 Owen Colvin M05-06 23 19/32 19/32 13:33
1577 Abigail Grittinger F05-06 24 5/13 5/13 13:45
1669 Logan O'Brien M05-06 25 20/32 20/32 13:56
1772 Holly Weninger F05-06 26 6/13 6/13 14:08
1745 Lauren Toll F05-06 27 7/13 7/13 14:11
1611 Tyler Kopka M05-06 28 21/32 21/32 14:27
1723 Finn Slauson M05-06 29 22/32 22/32 14:32
1763 Grace Versey F05-06 30 8/13 8/13 14:39
1632 Annaliese Majewski F05-06 31 9/13 9/13 14:53
1613 Jack Kraemer M05-06 32 23/32 23/32 15:05
1544 Carly Durian F05-06 33 10/13 10/13 15:09
1792 Jameson Punzel M05-06 34 24/32 24/32 15:27
1795 Mason Hildebrand M05-06 35 25/32 25/32 15:59
1559 William Ford M05-06 36 26/32 26/32 16:02
1666 Connor O'Brien M05-06 37 27/32 27/32 16:14
1558 Taylor Ford F05-06 38 11/13 11/13 16:17
1554 Warren Faga M05-06 39 28/32 28/32 16:20
1641 Lindsay May F05-06 40 12/13 12/13 18:00
1663 Adam Nowotny M05-06 41 29/32 29/32 18:29
1714 Caleb Schreiber M05-06 42 30/32 30/32 19:13
1581 Jake Gustafson M05-06 43 31/32 31/32 19:26
1602 Benjamin Kierzek M05-06 44 32/32 32/32 19:39
1638 Camden Marshall F05-06 45 13/13 13/13 20:04

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