Lebanon Strawberry Festival Run

1M Overall


June 2, 2012 in Lebanon, OR

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1M Overall - Results

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[next 40 records]

408 Caleb Waller M1014 1 1/9 1/41 6:37 6:37
417 Kyle Haley M1014 2 2/9 2/41 6:50 6:50
262 Tristan Schneider M1014 3 3/9 3/41 7:01 7:01
386 Jayden Stock M1014 4 4/9 4/41 7:07 7:07
169 Cheyanne Grissom F1014 5 1/7 1/49 7:11 7:11
414 Evan Emerald M0109 6 1/22 5/41 7:15 7:15
433 Drew Charley M0109 7 2/22 6/41 7:28 7:28
416 Sam Brandt M0109 8 3/22 7/41 7:38 7:38
261 Mark Schneider M3644 9 1/4 8/41 7:38 7:38
377 Mary Workman F1014 10 2/7 2/49 7:40 7:40
378 Mark Workman M0109 11 4/22 9/41 7:48 7:48
419 Sage Kramer F0109 12 1/11 3/49 7:48 7:48
432 Scott Charley M1014 13 5/9 10/41 7:53 7:53
109 Rachel Brandt F2635 14 1/7 4/49 7:55 7:55
437 Joshua Walker M1014 15 6/9 11/41 8:04 8:04
447 Brandon Gallardo M1014 16 7/9 12/41 8:21 8:21
376 Emily Workman F1014 17 3/7 5/49 8:42 8:42
260 Carlin Schneider M0109 18 5/22 13/41 8:50 8:50
449 Lindsie Gallardo F1517 19 1/4 6/49 8:51 8:51
418 Preston Kramer M0109 20 6/22 14/41 8:54 8:54
434 Laurie Charley F3644 21 1/8 7/49 8:58 8:58
365 Porter Barnes M0109 22 7/22 15/41 9:02 9:02
362 Denver Decker M0109 23 8/22 16/41 9:02 9:02
364 Nathan Barnes M2635 24 1/2 17/41 9:02 9:02
138 Eli Cummins M0109 25 9/22 18/41 9:07 9:07
369 Cooper Phillips M0109 26 10/22 19/41 9:10 9:10
112 Blake Breitler M0109 27 11/22 20/41 9:14 9:14
244 Henry Pointer M0109 28 12/22 21/41 9:17 9:17
113 Cole Breitler M0109 29 13/22 22/41 9:20 9:20
114 Jeff Breitler M3644 30 2/4 23/41 9:21 9:21
115 Lorna Breitler F3644 31 2/8 8/49 9:22 9:22
187 Cassidy Jones F0109 32 2/11 9/49 9:31 9:31
200 Heidi Lewis F2635 33 2/7 10/49 9:36 9:36
359 Porter Mhoon-Coatney M0109 34 14/22 24/41 9:50 9:50
439 Riley Grossman M0109 35 15/22 25/41 9:55 9:55
189 Rowan Jones M0109 36 16/22 26/41 9:56 9:56
188 Kristin Jones F3644 37 3/8 11/49 9:56 9:56
446 Grant Gilman M0109 38 17/22 27/41 9:58 9:58
451 Toree Headings F1014 39 4/7 12/49 10:04 10:04
284 Shelby Tarrant F0109 40 3/11 13/49 10:05 10:05

[next 40 records]

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