From Here To Hear 5K

5K Overall Results


September 23, 2012 in Eugene, OR

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5K Overall Results - Results

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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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50 Kerry Rasmusson F4049 53 9/15 24/61 47:47 15:23
62 Jeffrey Towery M5059 54 3/3 30/46 48:42 15:41
65 Paige Towery F0114 55 3/5 25/61 48:48 15:43
68 Tony Veltri M6069 56 2/5 31/46 51:19 16:31
69 Sally Veltri F6069 57 2/14 26/61 51:21 16:32
2 Antonella Antonelli F3039 58 5/12 27/61 51:25 16:33
9 Zach Davis M3039 59 10/12 32/46 51:25 16:33
106 John Huckabee M4049 60 6/8 33/46 51:33 16:36
107 Deena Huckabee F4049 61 10/15 28/61 51:34 16:36
11 Raymond Dodson M6069 62 3/5 34/46 54:19 17:29
4 Kyra Carroll F5059 63 2/4 29/61 54:28 17:32
98 Aidan Worthington M0114 64 6/9 35/46 56:25 18:10
36 Karen McCoy F6069 65 3/14 30/61 56:28 18:11
96 Linsey Zeller F3039 66 6/12 31/61 56:29 18:11
37 William McCoy M6069 67 4/5 36/46 56:29 18:11
92 Kristin Eaton F2029 68 7/7 32/61 56:30 18:11
32 Ron Lesley M6069 69 5/5 37/46 56:33 18:12
33 Lynne Lesley F6069 70 4/14 33/61 56:34 18:13
23 Dina Harmon F6069 71 5/14 34/61 57:06 18:23
40 Mary McDonald F6069 72 6/14 35/61 57:14 18:26
16 Kim Giansante F4049 73 11/15 36/61 58:58 18:59
17 Daniella Giansante F0114 74 4/5 37/61 58:59 18:59
22 Laurence Hamblen M7099 75 1/1 38/46 59:27 19:08
110 Carol May - 76 0/0 38/61 59:27 19:09
45 Sarah Parker F3039 77 7/12 39/61 59:28 19:09
5 Katharine Collier F6069 78 7/14 40/61 1:00:25 19:27
59 Amanda Starks F3039 79 8/12 41/61 1:00:27 19:28
100 Cathy McGrath F6069 80 8/14 42/61 1:01:01 19:39
95 Shari Monson F6069 81 9/14 43/61 1:01:02 19:39
54 Anthony Rodeen M0114 82 7/9 39/46 1:04:07 20:39
43 Nelda Owsiak F6069 83 10/14 44/61 1:04:30 20:46
52 Amanda Rodeen F0114 84 5/5 45/61 1:04:34 20:47
53 Michael Rodeen M4049 85 7/8 40/46 1:04:41 20:49
21 Paula Graff F5059 86 3/4 46/61 1:04:48 20:52
61 Crystal Thomas F4049 87 12/15 47/61 1:04:50 20:53
19 Jeannette Graff F4049 88 13/15 48/61 1:04:54 20:54
20 Marc Graff M4049 89 8/8 41/46 1:05:01 20:56
115 Maureen Warman F3039 90 9/12 49/61 1:06:25 21:23
114 Rotana Costello F4049 91 14/15 50/61 1:06:27 21:24
41 Mary Beth McLeod F6069 92 11/14 51/61 1:06:55 21:33

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