Granite Man

10 Mile Mountain Run - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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161 Travis Jantzer 18 M M 16-19 Medford OR 3 0/2 3 1:25:15
144 Michael Stadnisky 29 M M 25-29 Ashland OR 4 1/6 4 1:25:29
139 Jenn Shelton 28 F F 25-29 Ashland OR 5 0/3 1 1:25:54
84 Nathan Broom 34 M M 30-34 Jacksonville OR 6 1/3 5 1:30:42
134 Chris Rennaker 36 M M 35-39 Ashland OR 7 1/12 6 1:31:07
129 Mike Ottenweller 30 M M 30-34 Medford OR 8 2/3 7 1:34:43
126 Drew Mebane 36 M M 35-39 Ashland OR 9 2/12 8 1:36:30
95 Maggie Donovan 36 F F 35-39 Medford OR 10 0/3 2 1:36:48
149 Pete Wallstrom 39 M M 35-39 Ashland OR 11 3/12 9 1:37:16
110 Sean Grunwald 41 M M 40-44 Medford OR 12 1/10 10 1:37:31
89 Tyler Davis 24 M M 20-24 Talent OR 13 1/2 11 1:37:53
111 Michael Gullo 32 M M 30-34 Ashland OR 14 3/3 12 1:39:53
119 Steve Kominsky 29 M M 25-29 Jacksonville OR 15 2/6 13 1:39:58
158 Lars Ferguson-Rockwell 16 M M 16-19 Ashland OR 16 1/2 14 1:40:11
146 Nathan Stroh 40 M M 40-44 Klamath Falls OR 17 2/10 15 1:41:24
101 Kevin Federline 38 M M 35-39 Ashland OR 18 4/12 16 1:42:57
85 Joseph Chick 35 M M 35-39 Ashland OR 19 5/12 17 1:43:23
165 Bryce Benge 39 M M 35-39 Portland OR 20 6/12 18 1:46:28
100 Erin Federline 37 F F 35-39 Ashland OR 21 0/3 3 1:47:08
163 Chris San Marco 44 M M 40-44 Eagle Point OR 22 3/10 19 1:47:10
151 Karolina Wyszynska 34 F F 30-34 Ashland OR 23 1/4 4 1:47:29
155 Melyssa Glatte 43 F F 40-44 Central Point OR 24 1/8 5 1:47:40
90 Ryan Derosier 28 M M 25-29 Williams OR 25 3/6 20 1:49:04
127 Elena Meyer 48 F F 45-49 Central Point OR 26 1/2 6 1:49:15
82 Darrin Bolz 45 M M 45-49 Medford OR 27 1/4 21 1:51:05
114 Whitney Hunter 26 F F 25-29 Jacksonville OR 28 1/3 7 1:51:30
159 Pam Downs 42 F F 40-44 Ashland OR 29 2/8 8 1:52:00
91 Eric Dinger 38 M M 35-39 Phoenix OR 30 7/12 22 1:52:55
124 Richard McNeilly 44 M M 40-44 Klamath Falls OR 31 4/10 23 1:53:36
140 Matt Shore 43 M M 40-44 Phoenix OR 32 5/10 24 1:54:03
115 Timothy James 44 M M 40-44 Jacksonville OR 33 6/10 25 1:55:11
93 Bryce Dole 14 M M 01-15 Grants Pass OR 34 1/2 26 1:56:10
94 Jim Dole 47 M M 45-49 Grants Pass OR 35 2/4 27 1:56:34
168 Safia Tobar 36 F F 35-39 Talent OR 36 1/3 9 1:56:59
80 Crissi Berry 31 F F 30-34 Phoenix OR 37 2/4 10 1:57:33
88 Mike Davis 53 M M 50-54 Talent OR 38 1/2 28 1:58:08
123 Christian Martin 35 M M 35-39 Grants Pass OR 39 8/12 29 1:58:22
164 Kathryn McElroy 25 F F 25-29 Pardeeville WI 40 2/3 11 1:59:31
141 Jesse Snow 38 M M 35-39 Medford OR 41 9/12 30 2:00:11
83 James Bozeman 28 M M 25-29 Medford OR 42 4/6 31 2:00:12

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