Peak2Peak 10-Mile Run

10 Mile Searchable Results


September 7, 2024 in Omaha, NE

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10 Mile Searchable Results - Results

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displaying: 1 - 22 of 22
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153 Ronald Lampe M6069 8 1/1 6/11 1:22:40 1:22:31 8:16
80 April Billingsley F4049 9 2/6 3/18 1:24:02 1:23:57 8:24
168 Melinda Westlund F3039 10 1/8 4/18 1:24:29 1:24:21 8:27
149 Kevin Kathka M5059 11 1/3 7/11 1:24:59 1:24:56 8:30
167 Daren Waters Jr M3039 12 3/3 8/11 1:28:09 1:28:08 8:49
91 Toya Broadway F2029 13 1/2 5/18 1:28:14 1:28:13 8:50
165 Phil Taylor M5059 14 2/3 9/11 1:28:39 1:28:26 8:51
159 Crystal Neihoff F4049 15 3/6 6/18 1:31:59 1:31:56 9:12
169 Erin Wolfe F3039 16 2/8 7/18 1:33:07 1:32:58 9:18
68 Dayana Aguilar F2029 17 2/2 8/18 1:33:49 1:33:42 9:23
108 Amelia Cooney F3039 18 3/8 9/18 1:33:58 1:33:53 9:24
144 Karen Marie Gilgenbach F4049 19 4/6 10/18 1:34:14 1:34:03 9:25
161 Tiffany Parsons F3039 20 4/8 11/18 1:34:22 1:34:17 9:26
163 Malisa Radke F6069 21 1/1 12/18 1:36:45 1:36:41 9:41
156 Samantha McKenna F3039 22 5/8 13/18 1:39:15 1:39:09 9:55
152 Sarah Laferla F4049 23 5/6 14/18 1:40:00 1:39:51 10:00
146 Jacob Hervert M4049 24 2/2 10/11 1:41:02 1:40:59 10:06
78 Kylah Barnes F4049 25 6/6 15/18 1:46:42 1:46:29 10:39
150 John Keenan M5059 26 3/3 11/11 1:46:50 1:46:36 10:40
154 Brianna Lough F3039 27 6/8 16/18 1:53:18 1:53:10 11:19
142 Nayeli Espinoza Bravo F3039 28 7/8 17/18 1:55:57 1:55:55 11:36
170 Elizabeth Ramos F3039 29 8/8 18/18 2:13:52 2:13:45 13:23

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