The Village Zombie Run 5K



October 26, 2024 in Davenprot, IA


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5K - Results

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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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100 Joe Cooper M5059 537 23/24 221/238 55:26
185 Angie Grau F5059 538 33/44 317/369 55:27
588 Octavia Houtekier-Boyd F4049 539 76/90 318/369 55:59
604 Tara Ferencik F5059 540 34/44 319/369 56:06
112 Francette Curtis F5059 541 35/44 320/369 56:07
605 Rose Ferencik F70UP 542 3/3 321/369 56:08
518 Courtney Tittle F3039 543 97/110 322/369 56:11
426 Sarah Roessler F4049 544 77/90 323/369 56:12
532 Caroline Vandecasteele F5059 545 36/44 324/369 56:12
277 Ryley Lamb F1929 546 42/45 325/369 56:18
188 Ricki Grover F1929 547 43/45 326/369 56:18
525 Brittany Tullis F4049 548 78/90 327/369 56:20
20 Jillian Barnett F3039 549 98/110 328/369 56:21
553 Elizabeth White F3039 550 99/110 329/369 56:22
18 Angie Barnett F5059 551 37/44 330/369 56:25
143 Sarah Eikleberry F4049 552 79/90 331/369 56:30
231 Izaac Jackson M0118 553 63/65 222/238 56:34
70 Brianna Casarotto F3039 554 100/110 332/369 56:45
226 Mikayla Hughes F1929 555 44/45 333/369 57:27
498 Keri Struckman F4049 556 80/90 334/369 57:27
141 Chris Edwards M4049 557 55/58 223/238 57:41
4 Emily Allison F3039 558 101/110 335/369 57:42
571 Unknown Runner M???? 559 1/2 224/238 57:56
347 Toby Murphy F5059 560 38/44 336/369 58:12
90 Robin Cole F3039 561 102/110 337/369 58:13
386 Kenzie Pepping F3039 562 103/110 338/369 58:15
166 Aubrey Fyfe F4049 563 81/90 339/369 58:16
103 Calyn Corum F3039 564 104/110 340/369 58:22
104 Chance Corum M3039 565 44/46 225/238 58:23
146 Julie Ellis F4049 566 82/90 341/369 58:24
582 Henry Giese M0118 567 64/65 226/238 58:44
583 Brent Giese M4049 568 56/58 227/238 58:45
173 Laura Gibson F4049 569 83/90 342/369 59:04
156 Lori Fobert F6069 570 23/28 343/369 59:04
159 Kimberly Franco F5059 571 39/44 344/369 59:24
239 Donnette Jones F6069 572 24/28 345/369 59:24
465 Julie Serrano F4049 573 84/90 346/369 59:25
177 Mike Gladelter M6069 574 7/9 228/238 59:28
107 James Cox M6069 575 8/9 229/238 1:00:28
361 Jodi Olson F5059 576 40/44 347/369 1:02:10

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