8-Hour Dream Endurance Race

Individuals - Results

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110 Andrew Borst M 45-49 34.54 18 2/11 12/69 7:23:14 7:23:14 12:50
111 Steven Brown M 35-39 34.54 19 3/12 13/69 7:27:42 7:27:42 12:58
179 Jessica Nathan F 35-39 34.54 20 2/9 7/39 7:43:30 7:43:30 13:26
117 Damon Clements M 55-59 34.54 21 1/9 14/69 7:49:09 7:49:09 13:35
193 Kaitlin Ryckman F 25-29 33.32 22 1/1 8/39 7:06:43 7:06:43 12:49
142 Rich Hibner M 40-44 33.32 23 2/8 15/69 7:14:35 7:14:35 13:03
131 Christelle Douillet F 45-49 33.32 24 2/8 9/39 7:44:33 7:44:33 13:57
156 Peter Kirkwood M 35-39 33.16 25 4/12 16/69 7:52:24 7:52:24 14:15
226 Jimmy Girten M 35-39 32.98 26 5/12 17/69 7:41:39 7:41:39 14:00
173 Jen Metcalf F 45-49 32.98 27 3/8 10/39 7:43:10 7:43:10 14:03
220 Keith White M 50-54 32.46 28 2/13 18/69 7:50:16 7:50:16 14:30
120 Sarah Clouser F 35-39 32.28 29 3/9 11/39 7:41:35 7:41:35 14:18
143 Lisa Hiday F 50-54 32.10 30 1/5 12/39 7:44:08 7:44:08 14:28
158 Jen Knife F 40-44 31.76 31 3/5 13/39 7:49:36 7:49:36 14:48
166 Robert Lopez M 50-54 31.58 32 3/13 19/69 7:40:18 7:40:18 14:35
151 Katherine Kaminskis F 30-34 31.40 33 3/4 14/39 7:39:07 7:39:07 14:38
114 Mike Carraher M 50-54 31.40 34 4/13 20/69 7:40:02 7:40:02 14:40
174 Aaron Milauskas M 25-29 31.24 35 4/5 21/69 7:54:34 7:54:34 15:12
144 Blondell Hinton F 55-59 31.06 36 1/4 15/39 7:37:04 7:37:04 14:43
218 Craig Weigel M 35-39 31.06 37 6/12 22/69 7:51:14 7:51:14 15:11
141 Glenda Hernandez F 20-24 30.88 38 1/2 16/39 7:53:19 7:53:19 15:20
196 Jeff Schneider M 55-59 30.72 39 2/9 23/69 7:13:56 7:13:56 14:08
225 Timothy Burns M 30-34 30.72 40 4/6 24/69 7:54:25 7:54:25 15:27
153 Eric Kimlinger M 35-39 30.36 41 7/12 25/69 7:29:59 7:29:59 14:50
210 Miles Stucky M 35-39 30.36 42 8/12 26/69 7:53:21 7:53:21 15:36
177 Thomas Mulhern M 40-44 30.36 43 3/8 27/69 7:56:54 7:56:54 15:43
199 John Sites M 65-69 30.18 44 1/1 28/69 7:43:42 7:43:42 15:22
204 Scott Spinner M 45-49 29.66 45 3/11 29/69 7:53:05 7:53:05 15:58
103 Dave Barber M 45-49 29.66 46 4/11 30/69 7:53:21 7:53:21 15:58
175 Keith Morey M 40-44 29.14 47 4/8 31/69 7:51:18 7:51:18 16:11
217 Jeff Weber M 50-54 28.96 48 5/13 32/69 7:30:27 7:30:27 15:34
140 Todd Grimes M 45-49 28.96 49 5/11 33/69 7:41:21 7:41:21 15:56
320 Tim Surber M 50-54 28.96 50 6/13 34/69 7:49:24 7:49:24 16:13
128 Alexis Davidson M 60-64 28.26 51 1/3 35/69 6:59:13 6:59:13 14:51
212 Thomas Triumph M 55-59 28.26 52 3/9 36/69 7:42:16 7:42:16 16:22
180 Andrew Neddo M 30-34 27.04 53 5/6 37/69 5:55:38 5:55:38 13:10
224 Logan Samson M 50-54 27.04 54 7/13 38/69 6:42:26 6:42:26 14:53
213 Karin Van Den Broeck F 45-49 27.04 55 4/8 17/39 7:04:26 7:04:26 15:42
165 Meredith Loew F 20-24 27.04 56 2/2 18/39 7:31:47 7:31:47 16:43
170 Jennifer McClure F 35-39 27.04 57 4/9 19/39 7:35:10 7:35:10 16:50

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