Point Bock Run

5 Mile Overall


March 2, 2024 in Stevens Point, WI

Results By

5 Mile Overall - Results

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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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1597 Keith Schwenn M3539 1012 88/127 628/852 53:22 10:41
1596 Emily Schwenn F2529 1013 31/57 385/884 53:22 10:41
216 Connie Brock F5559 1014 21/57 386/884 53:28 10:42
77 Jess Bank F3539 1015 73/163 387/884 53:29 10:42
1003 Emily Lee F1924 1016 25/43 388/884 53:30 10:42
388 Amanda Dusso F3539 1017 74/163 389/884 53:31 10:43
1372 Brian Plamann M5559 1018 57/80 629/852 53:31 10:43
671 Alee Hein F3539 1019 75/163 390/884 53:34 10:43
1744 Emily Teetzen F3034 1020 48/117 391/884 53:34 10:43
192 Vinny Bonino M2529 1021 67/81 630/852 53:35 10:43
1198 Keith Moss M4044 1022 77/104 631/852 53:39 10:44
126 Danielle Belsky F3539 1023 76/163 392/884 53:39 10:44
1185 Nicole Molski F4044 1024 74/142 393/884 53:40 10:44
952 Katie Krueger F3034 1025 49/117 394/884 53:41 10:45
385 Natasha Duda F4044 1026 75/142 395/884 53:42 10:45
76 Cody Bank M3539 1027 89/127 632/852 53:43 10:45
1325 Amy Pawlitzke F4044 1028 76/142 396/884 53:45 10:45
384 Suzanne Dubois F5559 1029 22/57 397/884 53:45 10:45
1428 Emily Reil F2529 1030 32/57 398/884 53:46 10:46
296 Lindsay Cole F4044 1031 77/142 399/884 53:49 10:46
1322 Andrew Pavelski M4044 1032 78/104 633/852 53:50 10:46
246 Kristin Burbey F3539 1033 77/163 400/884 53:55 10:47
1296 Kevin Ostrowski M5054 1034 57/78 634/852 53:56 10:48
604 Donna Grim F6569 1035 4/17 401/884 53:58 10:48
1347 Julie Peterson F7079 1036 2/10 402/884 53:59 10:48
790 Kelly Jankowsky F4044 1037 78/142 403/884 54:01 10:49
1316 Mara Patterson F4549 1038 51/112 404/884 54:03 10:49
1317 Michael Patterson M4549 1039 66/91 635/852 54:03 10:49
1384 Tim Pongratz M4044 1040 79/104 636/852 54:04 10:49
1958 Melissa Wysocki F3034 1041 50/117 405/884 54:11 10:51
257 Amy Butters F3539 1042 78/163 406/884 54:12 10:51
1651 Sadie Sopa F3034 1043 51/117 407/884 54:15 10:51
773 Pete Irwin M4549 1044 67/91 637/852 54:16 10:52
441 Shyann Eswein F3539 1045 79/163 408/884 54:16 10:52
347 Emily Dickert F3034 1046 52/117 409/884 54:16 10:52
93 Loren Bartnik M3539 1047 90/127 638/852 54:16 10:52
1895 Erik White M3539 1048 91/127 639/852 54:20 10:52
315 Stephanie Czerwonka F3034 1049 53/117 410/884 54:22 10:53
491 Amanda Folger F3539 1050 80/163 411/884 54:23 10:53
148 Patrick Berg M3539 1051 92/127 640/852 54:24 10:53

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