Run of The Mill 5K

5k Road Race


July 7, 2012 in Mill Creek, WA

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5k Road Race - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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279 Michael Danas 23 M M2029 - Marysville WA 391 36/59 269/581 27:01 8:43
1428 Jacob Brandvold 10 M M0112 - Snohomish WA 392 0/0 270/581 27:01 8:43
504 Henry Haveman 18 M M1619 - Lynnwood WA 393 43/50 271/581 27:02 8:43
937 Taylor Pirnke 20 M M2029 - Mill Creek WA 394 37/59 272/581 27:02 8:44
192 Donna Cancel 64 F F6069 - Huntsville AL 395 1/28 122/740 27:03 8:44
1219 Jeffrey Ward 28 M M2029 - Renton WA 396 38/59 273/581 27:06 8:45
1263 Ethan Willems 11 M M0112 - Snohomish WA 397 12/72 274/581 27:07 8:45
1002 Austin Rose 9 M M0112 - Anacotes WA 398 13/72 275/581 27:08 8:46
1300 David Yoon 46 M M4049 - Mill Creek WA 399 54/111 276/581 27:09 8:46
121 Stephen Blue 43 M M4049 - Bothell WA 400 55/111 277/581 27:09 8:46
32 Kelly Araneda 36 F F3039 - Bothell WA 401 22/166 123/740 27:11 8:46
947 Riley Quarders 10 M M0112 - Bothell WA 402 14/72 278/581 27:11 8:46
503 Bobby Haveman 16 M M1619 - Lynnwood WA 403 44/50 279/581 27:11 8:47
492 Adriana Harden 48 F F4049 Inner Athlete Everett WA 404 24/158 124/740 27:15 8:48
1066 Jennifer Shepherd 37 F F3039 - Snohomish WA 405 23/166 125/740 27:16 8:48
765 Kristin Martinez Clark 46 F F4049 John's Brainiacs Mill Creek WA 406 25/158 126/740 27:17 8:48
669 Jason Kumai 44 M M4049 - Bothell WA 407 56/111 280/581 27:19 8:49
161 Tomoko Bryant 43 F F4049 - Mill Creek WA 408 26/158 127/740 27:21 8:50
1200 Roman Vicente 10 M M0112 - Mill Creek WA 409 15/72 281/581 27:22 8:50
1388 Emily Capponi 13 F F1315 - Snohomish WA 410 0/0 128/740 27:22 8:50
1152 Matthew Throckmorton 24 M M2029 - Seattle WA 411 39/59 282/581 27:23 8:50
706 Lindsay Leonard 26 F F2029 Columbia Athletic Club Bothell WA 412 21/122 129/740 27:23 8:50
231 Benjamin Clarke 38 M M3039 - Bothell WA 413 52/115 283/581 27:26 8:51
233 Timothy Clarke 8 M M0112 - Bothell WA 414 16/72 284/581 27:27 8:51
1271 Christopher Wilson 42 M M4049 - Bothell WA 415 57/111 285/581 27:30 8:53
796 Jennifer Meader 49 F F4049 - Mukilteo WA 416 27/158 130/740 27:31 8:53
271 Matt Cryan 47 M M4049 - Seattle WA 417 58/111 286/581 27:33 8:53
775 Richard McCammon 47 M M4049 - Mill Creek WA 418 59/111 287/581 27:33 8:54
1144 Jenni Thoman 30 F F3039 - Everett WA 419 24/166 131/740 27:35 8:54
1341 Jon Gosline 35 M M3039 - Bothell WA 420 53/115 288/581 27:36 8:54
652 Sam Kim 35 M M3039 - Woodinville WA 421 54/115 289/581 27:37 8:55
1334 Jadyn Edwards 12 F F0112 - Snohomish WA 422 8/56 132/740 27:38 8:55
966 Tabita Regus 36 F F3039 - Bothell WA 423 25/166 133/740 27:39 8:56
1046 Abbey Scholle 17 F F1619 Jackson Cross Country Everett WA 424 18/45 134/740 27:40 8:56
1409 David Kim 44 M M4049 - Newcastle WA 425 0/0 290/581 27:40 8:56
14 Joe Aguilar 51 M M5059 Outer Edge Crossfit Bothell WA 426 23/63 291/581 27:42 8:56
1064 Anastasia Shatzka 21 F F2029 - Lynnwood WA 427 22/122 135/740 27:42 8:56
483 Kyla Hall 24 F F2029 - Seattle WA 428 23/122 136/740 27:44 8:57
400 Oscar Franco 45 M M4049 - Snohomish WA 429 60/111 292/581 27:44 8:57
1181 Annie Ubben 22 F F2029 - Everett WA 430 24/122 137/740 27:46 8:58

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