Illiniwek - Race the Night



November 2, 2024 in Hampton, IL


Results By

14K - Results

Charts and Stats
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No division specific results were uploaded for this race.
No division specific results were uploaded for this race.

displaying: 1 - 22 of 22
number of records per page: [10] [all]

106 Raquel Gamez 50 F 14 3/14 45:05 1:30:34 10:25
100 John Arnold 44 M 15 12/21 45:04 1:31:39 10:33
135 Pete Schaefer 42 M 16 13/21 44:11 1:31:39 10:33
143 Vincent Lind 37 M 17 14/21 47:17 1:35:41 11:00
99 Zach Anderson 25 M 18 15/21 49:31 1:35:48 11:01
142 Todd McMillion 59 M 19 16/21 47:55 1:36:02 11:03
131 Andrew Fangman 45 M 20 17/21 47:38 1:38:42 11:21
110 Will Jones 34 M 21 18/21 51:06 1:41:12 11:38
117 Angie Maxfield 43 F 22 4/14 55:56 1:49:44 12:37
111 Elizabeth Jost 42 F 23 5/14 56:32 1:56:05 13:21
103 Jamie Bocox 45 F 24 6/14 56:33 1:56:06 13:21
134 Gene Pish 57 M 25 19/21 56:33 1:56:16 13:22
119 Sam Nowachek 28 M 26 20/21 56:39 1:56:17 13:22
147 Mary Huber 16 F 27 7/14 58:31 2:00:59 13:55
148 Chloe Kilty 27 F 28 8/14 58:32 2:01:05 13:56
118 Justyc Newnum 31 F 29 9/14 1:06:50 2:15:15 15:33
114 Kara Kulp 33 F 30 10/14 1:06:50 2:15:15 15:33
116 Zach Larson 41 M 31 21/21 59:08 2:18:18 15:54
102 Kara Birks 41 F 32 11/14 1:11:30 2:21:40 16:17
112 Denise Keim 38 F 33 12/14 1:11:30 2:21:40 16:18
113 Kristen Kuehl 41 F 34 13/14 1:11:33 2:21:41 16:18
127 Jen Trevino 35 F 35 14/14 1:14:49 2:31:24 17:25

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