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IMT Des Moines Marathon - 2015



October 18, 2015 in Des Moines, IA

Event Groups

This event belongs to the following groups:

Marathon - Results

1 Philip Lagat M3034 1 1/126 1/819 33:37 5:25 4 1:11:16 5:27 1 1:47:57 5:24 1 33:06 2:21:02 5:23
6 Naamn Weldeyohans M2024 2 1/63 2/819 33:36 5:25 1 1:11:15 5:27 1 1:47:55 5:24 1 33:24 2:21:18 5:24
4 Birhanu Kemal M3034 3 2/126 3/819 33:37 5:25 3 1:11:17 5:27 3 1:47:57 5:24 2 33:37 2:21:34 5:25
5 Abraham Rutto M3034 4 3/126 4/819 33:36 5:25 1 1:11:16 5:27 2 1:48:07 5:25 3 34:25 2:22:32 5:27
2 Stephen Chelimo M3034 5 4/126 5/819 33:36 5:25 2 1:11:17 5:27 4 1:48:26 5:26 4 38:04 2:26:29 5:36
8 Ben Zywicki M2529 6 1/90 6/819 33:56 5:28 1 1:11:29 5:28 1 1:50:36 5:32 1 39:11 2:29:46 5:43
1484 Kory Cool M2529 7 2/90 7/819 36:26 5:52 2 1:16:13 5:50 2 1:54:37 5:44 2 35:20 2:29:57 5:44
25 Birukitayit Degefa F2529 8 1/96 1/575 36:57 5:57 1 1:17:47 5:57 1 1:56:55 5:51 1 36:05 2:33:00 5:51
1378 Thomas Madut M3034 9 5/126 8/819 35:41 5:45 5 1:16:20 5:50 5 1:56:53 5:51 5 36:33 2:33:25 5:52
3 David Chepkwony M3539 10 1/120 9/819 33:37 5:25 1 1:11:17 5:27 1 1:49:12 5:28 1 47:04 2:36:16 5:58
1247 Jason Thomas M2024 11 2/63 10/819 35:50 5:46 3 1:15:11 5:45 3 1:54:04 5:43 3 45:44 2:39:48 6:06
7 Evans Chelanga M2024 12 3/63 11/819 33:37 5:25 2 1:11:17 5:27 2 1:48:52 5:27 2 51:03 2:39:55 6:07
26 Frehiwat Goshu F2529 13 2/96 2/575 37:22 6:01 2 1:20:11 6:08 2 2:01:14 6:04 2 39:40 2:40:54 6:09
28 Pauline Mutwa F2024 14 1/56 3/575 37:22 6:01 1 1:20:11 6:08 1 2:01:14 6:04 1 40:30 2:41:43 6:11
1686 Tristan Mitchell M2529 15 3/90 12/819 39:19 6:20 6 1:22:44 6:19 8 2:04:53 6:15 4 37:40 2:42:33 6:13
1199 Tesfay Russell M2529 16 4/90 13/819 38:30 6:12 5 1:22:29 6:18 5 2:05:30 6:17 5 38:48 2:44:18 6:17
320 Brian Falcone M3539 17 2/120 14/819 38:58 6:17 3 1:22:31 6:18 2 2:05:33 6:17 2 39:08 2:44:40 6:18
27 Jane Rotich F3034 18 1/97 4/575 37:20 6:01 1 1:20:12 6:08 1 2:03:06 6:10 2 41:44 2:44:49 6:18
900 Eric Kosters M3034 19 6/126 15/819 39:18 6:20 6 1:22:44 6:19 6 2:05:29 6:17 6 40:28 2:45:56 6:20
1444 Matthew Segebart M4044 20 1/117 16/819 39:29 6:22 1 1:23:56 6:25 1 2:07:39 6:23 1 38:59 2:46:38 6:22
1727 Nicholas Ekel M2529 21 5/90 17/819 39:47 6:24 7 1:22:39 6:19 6 2:04:43 6:15 3 42:35 2:47:17 6:24
213 Matthew Drake M2529 22 6/90 18/819 37:20 6:01 3 1:21:05 6:12 3 2:05:50 6:18 6 41:47 2:47:36 6:24
1372 Gerad Mead M3539 23 3/120 19/819 39:02 6:17 4 1:23:39 6:24 3 2:08:23 6:26 3 41:54 2:50:17 6:30
1650 Toessawat Suparat M3034 24 7/126 20/819 39:38 6:23 7 1:23:54 6:25 7 2:07:55 6:24 7 44:08 2:52:02 6:34
1569 Mark Carey M4044 25 2/117 21/819 40:24 6:31 3 1:25:22 6:31 2 2:10:01 6:31 2 42:16 2:52:17 6:35
1687 Matthew McDermott M3539 26 4/120 22/819 41:00 6:36 5 1:26:46 6:38 5 2:10:59 6:33 4 41:23 2:52:22 6:35
919 Rich Bruns M4044 27 3/117 23/819 41:24 6:40 4 1:27:05 6:39 4 2:11:01 6:34 3 41:30 2:52:31 6:36
29 Missy Rock F3034 28 2/97 5/575 39:27 6:21 2 1:23:57 6:25 2 2:10:09 6:31 3 42:25 2:52:34 6:36
978 Tyler Nullmeyer M2024 29 4/63 24/819 40:20 6:30 4 1:25:24 6:32 4 2:09:23 6:29 4 43:58 2:53:20 6:37
1363 Tyler Fisher M3034 30 8/126 25/819 41:27 6:41 12 1:28:02 6:44 10 2:13:29 6:41 9 40:09 2:53:38 6:38
656 Tyler Husak M2529 31 7/90 26/819 38:24 6:11 4 1:22:21 6:18 4 2:08:00 6:24 7 45:57 2:53:57 6:39
1453 Sarah Bakula F2529 32 3/96 6/575 43:22 6:59 3 1:31:39 7:00 3 2:17:22 6:53 3 40:13 2:57:34 6:47
356 James Garner M3539 33 5/120 27/819 38:57 6:17 2 1:24:12 6:26 4 2:11:28 6:35 5 46:28 2:57:55 6:48
1336 Alban Crook M2529 34 8/90 28/819 39:49 6:25 8 1:22:44 6:19 7 2:08:03 6:25 8 49:55 2:57:57 6:48
1744 Andy Hemenway M4044 35 4/117 29/819 42:21 6:49 5 1:28:34 6:46 5 2:14:20 6:43 4 43:43 2:58:02 6:48
1203 Michael Hulett M4549 36 1/106 30/819 39:14 6:19 1 1:23:44 6:24 1 2:09:59 6:30 1 48:47 2:58:45 6:50
1607 Philip Waltermire M4044 37 5/117 31/819 40:12 6:29 2 1:26:53 6:38 3 2:14:45 6:45 5 44:39 2:59:23 6:51
1390 Derek Dreier M3034 38 9/126 32/819 41:57 6:46 13 1:29:12 6:49 14 2:16:00 6:48 10 43:25 2:59:25 6:51
1701 Aaron Heun M3034 39 10/126 33/819 39:52 6:25 8 1:23:56 6:25 8 2:09:37 6:29 8 50:03 2:59:40 6:52
1652 Kevin Freeman M2529 40 9/90 34/819 43:43 7:03 17 1:32:02 7:02 13 2:19:05 6:58 12 42:03 3:01:08 6:55
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