Fremont Oktoberfest

5K Run


September 21, 2014 in Seattle, WA

Results By

5K Run - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 28 of 28
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267 Chip Jackson M2024 1 1/28 1/264 16:24 5:17
170 Davin Evans M2024 8 2/28 8/264 18:23 5:55
208 Ander Goenaga M2024 17 3/28 16/264 19:45 6:22
465 Peter Rifel M2024 36 4/28 30/264 21:31 6:56
434 Andy Pipak M2024 60 5/28 49/264 22:47 7:20
633 Andy Galbraith M2024 70 6/28 57/264 23:15 7:29
90 Austin Carrillo M2024 113 7/28 84/264 25:09 8:06
123 Nicolas Crowner M2024 123 8/28 91/264 25:24 8:11
541 Jim Storm M2024 129 9/28 94/264 25:31 8:13
595 Curtis Wen M2024 134 10/28 99/264 25:43 8:17
587 Jay Vornhagen M2024 167 11/28 115/264 26:44 8:37
100 Mason Cheung M2024 181 12/28 121/264 27:25 8:50
60 Blake Bishop M2024 182 13/28 122/264 27:25 8:50
561 Lawrence Thibodeaux M2024 202 14/28 134/264 27:51 8:58
336 Jordan Librande M2024 203 15/28 135/264 27:51 8:58
349 Christopher Lunter M2024 213 16/28 142/264 28:04 9:02
49 Ian Bauer M2024 232 17/28 151/264 28:54 9:18
343 Christian Love M2024 249 18/28 158/264 29:34 9:31
154 Neil Duncanson M2024 252 19/28 160/264 29:35 9:32
334 Snow Li M2024 253 20/28 161/264 29:35 9:32
152 James Dudek M2024 278 21/28 172/264 30:14 9:44
521 Christopher Snow M2024 294 22/28 177/264 30:53 9:57
405 Jason Newton M2024 309 23/28 182/264 31:06 10:01
511 Willi Sheller M2024 347 24/28 193/264 32:08 10:21
301 Zeid Khalaf M2024 357 25/28 196/264 32:23 10:26
172 Tyler Evans M2024 370 26/28 199/264 32:55 10:36
135 Carlo Del Mundo M2024 371 27/28 200/264 32:57 10:37
217 Matthew Gummel M2024 580 28/28 248/264 50:00 16:06

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