4th of July ACLU Liberty Run

4 Mile Run/Walk


July 4, 2009 in Denver, CO

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4 Mile Run/Walk - Results

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displaying: 1 - 22 of 22
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6774 Esteban Rodriguez M6069 71 1/22 58/201 31:04 7:46
3895 Leo Quirarte M6069 86 2/22 70/201 32:26 8:07
3731 Doug Berkey M6069 90 3/22 72/201 32:55 8:14
3685 Link Lubken M6069 100 4/22 77/201 33:32 8:23
3510 Paul Lewandowski M6069 120 5/22 88/201 34:46 8:42
3764 David Dawson M6069 144 6/22 102/201 36:06 9:02
6731 Dale Vodehnal M6069 161 7/22 110/201 36:39 9:10
3824 Coye Jones M6069 201 8/22 124/201 38:26 9:37
3642 Phil Davis M6069 206 9/22 126/201 38:42 9:41
3502 Bob Parsons M6069 257 10/22 143/201 41:19 10:20
3872 Edward Moss M6069 266 11/22 146/201 41:52 10:28
3561 Ross Wadsworth M6069 274 12/22 147/201 42:13 10:34
3753 Bob Clark M6069 280 13/22 150/201 42:30 10:38
3825 Jim Jones M6069 305 14/22 155/201 43:54 10:59
3612 Bob Schlenker M6069 309 15/22 156/201 44:18 11:05
6772 Don Marscellas M6069 326 16/22 161/201 45:40 11:25
3513 Jerry Wischmeyer M6069 354 17/22 169/201 48:32 12:08
3823 Greg Johnson M6069 378 18/22 177/201 51:44 12:56
3871 John Morley M6069 407 19/22 186/201 57:30 14:23
3580 James Syring M6069 426 20/22 193/201 1:03:29 15:53
3508 Tom Frick M6069 444 21/22 199/201 1:21:37 20:25
3654 James Bronstine M6069 447 22/22 200/201 1:21:58 20:30

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