Ganzo's Cinco de Mayo 5K - 2017



May 6, 2017 in Davenport, IA


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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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533 Ann Jones F4549 731 48/52 430/504 52:30
467 Deborah Argenta F5054 732 45/59 431/504 52:30
540 Teresa Van Alsburg F5054 733 46/59 432/504 52:32
434 Amy Darnell F3034 734 63/70 433/504 53:15
504 Shelley Siebel F4044 735 37/45 434/504 53:19
249 Julie Linville F3034 736 64/70 435/504 53:23
492 Terri Stanger F4549 737 49/52 436/504 53:26
817 Dawn Allison F4044 738 38/45 437/504 53:26
349 Bette Meade F5559 739 44/52 438/504 53:27
827 Rob Ramsdale M3034 740 43/44 302/320 53:33
402 Josh Morehead M3034 741 44/44 303/320 53:34
79 Abby Bollengier F3539 742 63/68 439/504 53:38
690 Traci McCory F3539 743 64/68 440/504 53:39
352 Kandra Blumenshein F5054 744 47/59 441/504 53:43
353 Melissa Blumenshein F2529 745 61/69 442/504 53:44
578 Angie Paprocki F4044 746 39/45 443/504 53:45
234 Jennifer Sholl F4044 747 40/45 444/504 53:45
826 Julie Ramsdale F3034 748 65/70 445/504 53:45
613 Deb Guyette F65UP 749 10/13 446/504 53:59
612 Dean Guyette M65UP 750 14/15 304/320 53:59
210 Nick O'Brien M2529 751 22/23 305/320 54:00
432 Stephani Doonan F5054 752 48/59 447/504 54:04
687 Tiffany Johnston F2529 753 62/69 448/504 54:06
377 Veronica Pianca F5559 754 45/52 449/504 54:08
833 Cynthia Orourke F5054 755 49/59 450/504 54:08
436 Alexandra Hinz F2529 756 63/69 451/504 54:08
62 Tia Gendron F5054 757 50/59 452/504 54:12
835 Jeff O'Rourke M6064 758 15/16 306/320 54:15
546 Gayla Ganahl F4549 759 50/52 453/504 54:17
376 Rick Pianca M5559 760 19/21 307/320 54:19
548 Tyrone Phillips M4044 761 56/56 308/320 54:20
565 Dale Lallier M5054 762 22/24 309/320 54:33
72 Rob Schmit M5054 763 23/24 310/320 54:33
566 Lisa Mangels F5054 764 51/59 454/504 54:40
76 Dawn Deem F4549 765 51/52 455/504 54:40
291 Lori Ortiz F5559 766 46/52 456/504 54:42
290 Chelsea Ortiz F2529 767 64/69 457/504 54:44
392 Jean Ruefer F5559 768 47/52 458/504 54:44
118 Rachel Gartner F3034 769 66/70 459/504 54:44
211 Michele O'Brien F5054 770 52/59 460/504 55:02

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