2021 Garmin Kansas City Marathon



October 16, 2021 in Kansas City, MO

Event Groups

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Marathon - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
number of records per page: [10] [25] [all]

392 Seth Marek M 30-34 15 4/109 15/622 2:55:36 6:43
774 Derek Loseke M 25-29 16 4/118 16/622 2:55:49 6:43
18 Vern Cushenbery M 45-49 17 2/63 17/622 2:57:06 6:46
580 Skyler Schlageck M 30-34 18 5/109 18/622 2:57:14 6:46
786 Johnny Vanderhorst M 35-39 19 3/100 19/622 2:58:57 6:50
334 Zachary Breitenstein M 40-44 20 1/64 20/622 3:01:59 6:57
576 Piper Parres F OVERA 21 1/3 1/320 3:02:46 6:59
211 Matt Schmidt M 35-39 22 4/100 21/622 3:03:05 7:00
157 Nick Wages M 30-34 23 6/109 22/622 3:03:47 7:01
721 Ben Chan M 30-34 24 7/109 23/622 3:04:40 7:03
134 Corbin Keech M 35-39 25 5/100 24/622 3:05:16 7:05
364 Joshua Butler M 30-34 26 8/109 25/622 3:06:37 7:08
234 Terrance-David Krause M 35-39 27 6/100 26/622 3:07:28 7:10
243 Eddie Grier M 35-39 28 7/100 27/622 3:07:52 7:11
83 Jonathan Kindler M 35-39 29 8/100 28/622 3:07:56 7:11
604 Gary Krugger M 35-39 30 9/100 29/622 3:08:06 7:11
358 Jay Ensor M 40-44 31 2/64 30/622 3:08:27 7:12
608 Bryan Moffitt M 40-44 32 3/64 31/622 3:08:33 7:12
913 Travis Ratliff M 30-34 33 9/109 32/622 3:08:35 7:12
396 Jorge Atayde M 18-24 34 2/56 33/622 3:10:58 7:18
204 Aaron Barnhart M 55-59 35 1/32 34/622 3:12:00 7:20
172 Daniel Yeargin M 30-34 36 10/109 35/622 3:12:39 7:22
78 Brett Pikarsky M 35-39 37 10/100 36/622 3:14:06 7:25
89 Dylan Drambour M 25-29 38 5/118 37/622 3:14:21 7:26
350 Cade Remsburg M 45-49 39 3/63 38/622 3:16:23 7:30
880 Dan Trujillo M 50-54 40 1/40 39/622 3:17:03 7:32
159 Timothy Fields M 30-34 41 11/109 40/622 3:17:14 7:32
688 Patrick Tassone M 30-34 42 12/109 41/622 3:17:52 7:34
870 Ryan Humston M 45-49 43 4/63 42/622 3:18:30 7:35
900 Cade Jones M 25-29 44 6/118 43/622 3:18:41 7:35
597 Nathan Komar M 25-29 45 7/118 44/622 3:19:12 7:37
925 Shawn Healy M 45-49 46 5/63 45/622 3:20:10 7:39
676 Luke Burgett M 25-29 47 8/118 46/622 3:20:18 7:39
186 Scott Reed M 35-39 48 11/100 47/622 3:21:11 7:41
821 Todd Willemsen M 40-44 49 4/64 48/622 3:21:20 7:42
149 Adrienne Morgart F OVERA 50 2/3 2/320 3:21:26 7:42
735 Justin Tan M 25-29 51 9/118 49/622 3:21:27 7:42
36 Joe Linder M 25-29 52 10/118 50/622 3:21:27 7:42
291 Andy Jones M 45-49 53 6/63 51/622 3:21:32 7:42
614 Ben Fields M 35-39 54 12/100 52/622 3:22:04 7:43

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