2021 Garmin Kansas City Marathon



October 16, 2021 in Kansas City, MO

Event Groups

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Marathon - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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896 Layth Alkhatib M 25-29 735 98/118 513/622 5:02:22 11:33
910 Jared Robbins M 25-29 736 99/118 514/622 5:02:29 11:33
1349 Anna Raya Ehlers F 30-34 737 39/62 223/320 5:02:31 11:33
42 Darian Johnson Potts F 25-29 738 46/57 224/320 5:02:35 11:33
555 Samantha Diaz F 25-29 739 47/57 225/320 5:02:35 11:33
332 Mark Curry M 35-39 740 90/100 515/622 5:02:36 11:33
73 Becky Cogdill F 50-54 741 11/17 226/320 5:02:41 11:34
902 Catherine O'Neill F 30-34 742 40/62 227/320 5:03:01 11:34
818 Beth Allen F 40-44 743 28/41 228/320 5:03:02 11:34
455 Kathryn Lynch F 25-29 744 48/57 229/320 5:03:07 11:35
321 Ryan Traistaru M 25-29 745 100/118 516/622 5:03:11 11:35
848 Jeff Pinkel M 40-44 746 51/64 517/622 5:03:11 11:35
363 James Butler M 60-64 747 11/17 518/622 5:04:02 11:37
616 Ashley Ballard F 35-39 748 41/65 230/320 5:04:17 11:37
171 Gr Gordon-Ross M 45-49 749 57/63 519/622 5:04:24 11:38
90 Christina Gaudreau-Ergenbright F 30-34 750 41/62 231/320 5:04:26 11:38
99 Kara Asher F 35-39 751 42/65 232/320 5:04:35 11:38
898 Raquel Figueroa F 30-34 752 42/62 233/320 5:04:55 11:39
19 Christopher Wright M 35-39 753 91/100 520/622 5:05:15 11:40
718 Brittany Wallace F 35-39 754 43/65 234/320 5:05:20 11:40
151 Craig Grimes M 55-59 755 26/32 521/622 5:05:23 11:40
417 David Taylor M 30-34 756 89/109 522/622 5:05:35 11:40
1332 Maureen Heuer F 60-64 757 6/9 235/320 5:05:37 11:40
872 Jonathan Owen M 40-44 758 52/64 523/622 5:05:50 11:41
749 Rebecca Culler F 35-39 759 44/65 236/320 5:05:51 11:41
37 Timothy Houston M 25-29 760 101/118 524/622 5:05:55 11:41
366 Landon Berry M 25-29 761 102/118 525/622 5:06:22 11:42
247 Dallas Kelly M 25-29 762 103/118 526/622 5:06:56 11:43
344 Thomas Eutzy M 18-24 763 51/56 527/622 5:07:05 11:44
610 Noelle Flanagin F 25-29 764 49/57 237/320 5:07:35 11:45
709 Danielle Flanagin F 30-34 765 43/62 238/320 5:07:35 11:45
971 Colten Stevens M 25-29 766 104/118 528/622 5:07:49 11:45
439 John Ray M 30-34 767 90/109 529/622 5:08:03 11:46
915 Cameron Robinson M 17- 768 3/3 530/622 5:08:09 11:46
916 Tait Robinson M 40-44 769 53/64 531/622 5:08:10 11:46
348 Mark Stallbaumer M 50-54 770 35/40 532/622 5:08:15 11:46
732 Robin Phillips F 35-39 771 45/65 239/320 5:08:59 11:48
1310 Jen Cadenhead F 40-44 772 29/41 240/320 5:09:03 11:48
917 Jeremy Driskill M 40-44 773 54/64 533/622 5:09:42 11:50
535 Kelly Lammert F 35-39 774 46/65 241/320 5:10:11 11:51

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