EWEB Run To Stay Warm

Half Marathon Overall - Results

986 Tom Atkins M4044 24 1/20 21/199 1:29:31 6:50
451 Jeff Lehrbach M4044 35 2/20 31/199 1:33:15 7:08
20 David Asscherick M4044 42 3/20 36/199 1:35:09 7:16
4 Pete Dolan M4044 54 4/20 45/199 1:37:19 7:26
53 Brandon Baughman M4044 88 5/20 68/199 1:41:39 7:46
978 Jimmy W. Jones M4044 91 6/20 69/199 1:42:13 7:49
431 Jon Kubu M4044 129 8/20 84/199 1:47:41 8:14
227 Matthew Eddy M4044 130 7/20 83/199 1:47:42 8:14
805 William Tom M4044 142 9/20 88/199 1:49:07 8:20
906 Doug Lauderbach M4044 162 10/20 99/199 1:51:53 8:33
201 Corey Dingman M4044 192 11/20 114/199 1:55:30 8:49
808 Scott Trempe M4044 214 12/20 122/199 1:58:12 9:02
310 Chris Harmening M4044 222 14/20 127/199 1:58:51 9:05
1023 Jeff Brown M4044 223 13/20 124/199 1:58:51 9:05
125 James Chang M4044 250 15/20 145/199 2:02:51 9:23
839 Mike Weber M4044 302 16/20 162/199 2:11:18 10:02
659 Jeremy Robb M4044 323 17/20 168/199 2:14:37 10:17
46 Richard Barnes M4044 362 18/20 179/199 2:24:23 11:02
716 Milan Sherman M4044 390 19/20 188/199 2:33:18 11:43
685 Sean Ryan M4044 404 20/20 193/199 2:40:46 12:17
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