EWEB Run To Stay Warm

Half Marathon Overall - Results

204 Matthew Dodd M2529 7 1/30 7/199 1:18:53 6:02
934 Kevin Gritsch M2529 10 2/30 10/199 1:21:57 6:16
368 James Ingerson M2529 13 3/30 13/199 1:25:04 6:30
276 Greg Gibson M2529 23 4/30 19/199 1:28:39 6:47
414 Kevin Kinports M2529 28 5/30 24/199 1:31:34 7:00
531 Felipe Medina M2529 32 6/30 27/199 1:32:11 7:03
153 Brandon Collins M2529 40 7/30 33/199 1:35:00 7:16
607 Jay Padzensky M2529 41 8/30 34/199 1:35:05 7:16
371 Craig Iseli M2529 43 9/30 35/199 1:35:11 7:16
780 Trevor Stroh M2529 52 10/30 43/199 1:36:51 7:24
412 John Henry King Iii M2529 53 11/30 44/199 1:36:51 7:24
82 Dan Bowers M2529 72 12/30 54/199 1:38:57 7:34
847 Sam Whalen M2529 82 13/30 64/199 1:40:36 7:41
36 James Ball M2529 98 14/30 72/199 1:42:56 7:52
947 Chaowaroj Wanotayaroj M2529 99 15/30 73/199 1:43:01 7:52
678 Noah Rosenthal M2529 125 16/30 80/199 1:47:06 8:11
478 Ian Ludvickson M2529 138 17/30 87/199 1:48:51 8:19
495 Nick Manzke M2529 163 18/30 97/199 1:52:00 8:33
681 Nathaniel Rotta M2529 193 19/30 113/199 1:55:30 8:49
444 Cole Lathrop M2529 195 20/30 115/199 1:55:52 8:51
420 Erik Knight M2529 224 21/30 125/199 1:58:54 9:05
365 Dan Huston M2529 255 22/30 146/199 2:03:37 9:27
327 Paul Hernandez M2529 307 23/30 163/199 2:12:11 10:06
308 Kurt Hardin M2529 310 24/30 164/199 2:12:56 10:09
352 Gabriel Hoxmeier M2529 367 25/30 182/199 2:25:30 11:07
210 Matthew Driskill M2529 380 26/30 186/199 2:30:49 11:31
288 Marlan Glovatsky M2529 397 27/30 190/199 2:35:52 11:54
959 Travis Post M2529 413 28/30 194/199 2:56:44 13:30
422 Bryan Krawczyk M2529 419 29/30 195/199 3:08:47 14:25
801 Erik Tillford M2529 428 30/30 199/199 3:57:03 18:06
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