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2014 Jameson 5K



November 8, 2014 in Georgetown, TX


5K - Results

6837 Doug Pautz M 60-69 12 1 11 19:39 19:39 6:18
6722 Donald Loewe M 60-69 34 2 28 22:33 22:33 7:14
6661 Henry Fluck M 60-69 44 3 34 23:50 23:50 7:38
6690 Ken Holley M 60-69 54 4 39 24:55 24:55 7:59
6663 Warren Gaaswint M 60-69 67 5 44 25:37 25:36 8:12
6824 Glen Suhren M 60-69 92 6 56 29:21 29:12 9:22
6828 Larry Brocklesby M 60-69 94 7 58 29:21 29:15 9:23
6742 Robert Musselman M 60-69 96 8 60 29:41 29:27 9:26
6746 Ed Oswald M 60-69 103 9 64 29:56 29:41 9:31
6684 Gary Halko M 60-69 121 10 72 31:38 31:32 10:06
6865 Ed Ellis M 60-69 139 11 77 33:36 33:26 10:43
6750 John Ozmun M 60-69 154 12 84 36:07 35:57 11:31
6693 Joe Huerta M 60-69 161 13 88 37:24 37:05 11:53
6641 Joe Daniels M 60-69 173 14 95 39:49 39:36 12:42
6711 Don Knox M 60-69 201 15 99 49:57 49:37 15:54
6801 Russ Verkest M 60-69 219 16 103 54:09 53:44 17:13
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