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EWEB Run To Stay Warm

Half Marathon Overall - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 13 of 13
number of records per page: [10] [all]

163 Larry Coxe M5559 18 1/13 16/199 1:27:29 6:41
78 Todd Bosworth M5559 51 2/13 40/199 1:36:01 7:20
603 Jeff Ostler M5559 90 3/13 67/199 1:41:57 7:47
550 Wally Miller M5559 122 4/13 79/199 1:46:19 8:07
309 Steve Hardy M5559 153 5/13 94/199 1:50:42 8:28
608 Doug Parham M5559 176 6/13 104/199 1:53:48 8:42
976 Daren Webster M5559 190 7/13 110/199 1:55:03 8:47
303 Randy Hampton M5559 198 8/13 116/199 1:56:17 8:53
301 Rick Guerra M5559 230 10/13 131/199 1:59:41 9:09
533 Fredy Medrano M5559 232 9/13 130/199 1:59:49 9:09
591 Peter Ogura M5559 348 11/13 174/199 2:20:37 10:45
84 Paul Boyd-Batstone M5559 379 12/13 185/199 2:30:08 11:28
161 Jon Correll M5559 400 13/13 191/199 2:38:48 12:08

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