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CASA Champions For Children

6K Overall


May 12, 2012 in Eugene, OR

Results By

6K Overall - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 17 of 17
number of records per page: [10] [all]

1589 Jen Phillips F4044 38 1/17 11/179 30:09 8:20
1381 Sydney Koh F4044 122 2/17 57/179 42:00 11:36
1387 Debra Hangett F4044 130 3/17 64/179 44:51 12:24
1523 Lisa Korth F4044 134 4/17 68/179 46:46 12:56
1637 Charleen Strauch F4044 147 5/17 79/179 52:27 14:30
1555 Nicole Mende F4044 150 6/17 80/179 52:44 14:34
1579 Robin Obermire F4044 166 7/17 93/179 55:27 15:19
1638 Julie Stubbs F4044 167 8/17 94/179 55:27 15:19
1432 Kelli Bingham F4044 185 9/17 110/179 58:57 16:18
1588 Darcy Phillips F4044 189 10/17 114/179 59:10 16:21
1578 Kelly Nores F4044 192 11/17 117/179 59:40 16:29
1645 Joesette Tripplet F4044 199 12/17 124/179 1:00:35 16:45
1643 Vicki Tindall F4044 203 13/17 127/179 1:01:06 16:53
1581 Kim Onstad F4044 208 14/17 132/179 1:01:45 17:04
1531 Bridget Larson F4044 209 15/17 133/179 1:01:46 17:04
1421 Tina Barthlow F4044 213 16/17 135/179 1:02:36 17:18
1529 Margaret Lara F4044 226 17/17 141/179 1:03:43 17:37

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