2020 Cozad Cross Country Invitational

Middle School Results--Seachable Format - Results

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displaying: 1 - 124 of 124
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4495 Josiah Wilkinson MS 1 1/65 1/65 5:38 5:38
244 Braylon Russell MS 2 2/65 2/65 5:40 5:40
6013 Porter Connick MS 3 3/65 3/65 5:50 5:50
4853 Gavin Anderson MS 4 4/65 4/65 5:58 5:58
6941 Isaac Goosey MS 5 5/65 5/65 6:04 6:04
4438 Joshua Wilkinson MS 6 6/65 6/65 6:05 6:05
2218 Michael Golus MS 7 7/65 7/65 6:06 6:06
3716 Oznie Barger MS 8 8/65 8/65 6:07 6:07
1011 Lorenzo Levario MS 9 9/65 9/65 6:08 6:08
5412 Barrett Renfo MS 10 10/65 10/65 6:10 6:10
1652 Marv Robinson MS 11 11/65 11/65 6:17 6:17
5465 Braelyn Gifford MS 12 1/59 1/59 6:19 6:19
6285 Logan Robirds MS 13 12/65 12/65 6:21 6:21
2217 Chase Bailey MS 14 13/65 13/65 6:25 6:25
6830 Leyton Connell MS 15 14/65 14/65 6:25 6:25
2315 Baron Medina MS 16 15/65 15/65 6:26 6:26
3313 Emma Cappel MS 17 2/59 2/59 6:29 6:29
1336 Nolan Albers MS 18 16/65 16/65 6:31 6:31
233 Colton Kelley MS 19 17/65 17/65 6:33 6:33
5411 Zaiden Peterson MS 20 18/65 18/65 6:35 6:35
4057 Braeden Gale MS 21 19/65 19/65 6:35 6:35
3312 Paige Bortner MS 22 3/59 3/59 6:37 6:37
1334 Jonathan Aguirre MS 23 20/65 20/65 6:37 6:37
3237 Saraie Barber MS 24 4/59 4/59 6:43 6:43
221 Jackson Hansen MS 25 21/65 21/65 6:49 6:49
6100 Hudson Deeds MS 26 22/65 22/65 6:51 6:51
7000 Davian Hoit MS 27 23/65 23/65 6:53 6:53
4216 Davien Hanson MS 28 24/65 24/65 6:55 6:55
5851 Theron Nitsch MS 29 5/59 5/59 6:55 6:55
1536 Tyler Reinhardt MS 30 25/65 25/65 6:56 6:56
248 Dylan Schmidt MS 31 26/65 26/65 6:57 6:57
5495 Savvy Miles MS 32 6/59 6/59 6:58 6:58
1010 Isaac Kelly MS 33 27/65 27/65 6:58 6:58
174 Logan Bell MS 34 28/65 28/65 7:01 7:01
29 Erin Fitzgerald MS 35 7/59 7/59 7:03 7:03
4520 Lilly Holthuesen MS 36 8/59 8/59 7:05 7:05
5394 Trey Kirchner MS 37 29/65 29/65 7:05 7:05
64 Ivy Tullis MS 38 9/59 9/59 7:06 7:06
1181 Mylee Mick MS 39 10/59 10/59 7:06 7:06
28 Ella Cool MS 40 11/59 11/59 7:06 7:06
1926 Simon Shafer MS 41 30/65 30/65 7:08 7:08
6538 Shelby Layher MS 42 12/59 12/59 7:09 7:09
666 Diego Chojolan MS 43 31/65 31/65 7:10 7:10
7107 Daniel Zuniga MS 44 32/65 32/65 7:11 7:11
2119 Michel Welsh MS 45 33/65 33/65 7:21 7:21
254 Abbie Albrecht MS 46 13/59 13/59 7:22 7:22
346 Isaiah Arroyo MS 47 34/65 34/65 7:23 7:23
1242 Trystan Koch MS 48 35/65 35/65 7:24 7:24
1000 Emmett Kelly MS 49 36/65 36/65 7:27 7:27
1817 Robert Schmidt MS 50 37/65 37/65 7:28 7:28
3669 Megan Miller MS 51 14/59 14/59 7:30 7:30
156 Jacey Osmond MS 52 15/59 15/59 7:30 7:30
6471 Haylee Dimmitt MS 53 16/59 16/59 7:32 7:32
87 Eli Rogers MS 54 38/65 38/65 7:34 7:34
1568 Aden Riley MS 55 39/65 39/65 7:35 7:35
213 Shaun Crawford MS 56 40/65 40/65 7:36 7:36
40 Greeley Hrupek MS 57 17/59 17/59 7:37 7:37
1483 Camden Mullen MS 58 41/65 41/65 7:42 7:42
6738 Ani Trimble MS 59 18/59 18/59 7:43 7:43
132 Gracie Hackel MS 60 19/59 19/59 7:45 7:45
5973 Natalia Wiezorek MS 61 20/59 20/59 7:45 7:45
652 Ryan Chipps MS 62 42/65 42/65 7:45 7:45
2021 Sam Tunks MS 63 43/65 43/65 7:47 7:47
165 Katelynn Royle MS 64 21/59 21/59 7:47 7:47
1397 James Miles MS 65 44/65 44/65 7:48 7:48
3019 Clara Denny MS 66 22/59 22/59 7:48 7:48
4296 Carter Hartwell MS 67 45/65 45/65 7:49 7:49
5866 Hazie Uerling MS 68 23/59 23/59 7:50 7:50
1864 Beckett Shafer MS 69 46/65 46/65 7:50 7:50
6680 Natalie Sheets MS 70 24/59 24/59 7:53 7:53
7091 Killian Rooney MS 71 47/65 47/65 7:53 7:53
4745 Ella Schlake MS 72 25/59 25/59 7:53 7:53
694 Hunter Faimon MS 73 48/65 48/65 7:54 7:54
80 Caleb McFate MS 74 49/65 49/65 7:55 7:55
157 Maggie Peterson MS 75 26/59 26/59 7:56 7:56
71 Uotong Haidle MS 76 50/65 50/65 7:57 7:57
1321 Anthony Kuehn MS 77 51/65 51/65 7:58 7:58
2637 Nolan Stabenow MS 78 52/65 52/65 8:01 8:01
1018 Ricardo Perez MS 79 53/65 53/65 8:01 8:01
2029 Owen Weiss MS 80 54/65 54/65 8:07 8:07
6645 Emmalee Nicholson MS 81 27/59 27/59 8:07 8:07
1065 Darcy Davis MS 82 28/59 28/59 8:08 8:08
1032 Annalyse Bartos MS 83 29/59 29/59 8:11 8:11
3509 Jaylee Hammond MS 84 30/59 30/59 8:12 8:12
1079 Paige Faimon MS 85 31/59 31/59 8:13 8:13
267 Libby Bennett MS 86 32/59 32/59 8:15 8:15
6284 Dimitri Pettit MS 87 55/65 55/65 8:21 8:21
4814 Tylee Wang MS 88 33/59 33/59 8:22 8:22
1193 Jenna Ochsner MS 89 34/59 34/59 8:23 8:23
1041 Savannah Born MS 90 35/59 35/59 8:25 8:25
276 Crystal Hernandez MS 91 36/59 36/59 8:26 8:26
6184 Nick Krondak MS 92 56/65 56/65 8:27 8:27
280 Rugor Aden MS 93 57/65 57/65 8:33 8:33
412 Brodyn Bockerman MS 94 58/65 58/65 8:36 8:36
180 Oliver Birnie MS 95 59/65 59/65 8:36 8:36
89 Kacee Evans MS 96 37/59 37/59 8:39 8:39
3115 Hannah Pagel MS 97 38/59 38/59 8:46 8:46
2943 Serenity Copoper MS 98 39/59 39/59 8:46 8:46
1303 Ruby Schardt MS 99 40/59 40/59 8:47 8:47
1034 Kyra Beahm MS 100 41/59 41/59 8:51 8:51
1026 Talyn Propp MS 101 60/65 60/65 8:53 8:53
279 Camryn Yilk MS 102 42/59 42/59 9:01 9:01
3610 Erin Herron MS 103 43/59 43/59 9:01 9:01
2563 Sunder Schemper MS 104 61/65 61/65 9:07 9:07
3046 Emme Lucas MS 105 44/59 44/59 9:08 9:08
2644 David Yepez MS 106 62/65 62/65 9:12 9:12
172 Rylie Wistisen MS 107 45/59 45/59 9:13 9:13
1237 Andrea Perez MS 108 46/59 46/59 9:14 9:14
6426 Kelsey Amos MS 109 47/59 47/59 9:15 9:15
2221 Tristan Goodschmidt MS 110 63/65 63/65 9:19 9:19
3369 Jenna Wilkinson MS 111 48/59 48/59 9:20 9:20
5416 Naomi Dekleva MS 112 49/59 49/59 9:20 9:20
1158 Emily Hooper MS 113 50/59 50/59 9:21 9:21
1008 Jesiah Bowen MS 114 64/65 64/65 9:22 9:22
115 Maydee Guevara MS 115 51/59 51/59 9:23 9:23
1187 Piper Moll MS 116 52/59 52/59 9:41 9:41
3837 Brighton Foley-Walkington MS 117 65/65 65/65 9:45 9:45
5716 Aashi Naidoo MS 118 53/59 53/59 9:56 9:56
2148 Kenia Solache MS 119 54/59 54/59 10:07 10:07
113 Genesis Guevara MS 120 55/59 55/59 10:15 10:15
138 Michelle Medina MS 121 56/59 56/59 10:37 10:37
278 Taeh Soe MS 122 57/59 57/59 10:52 10:52
1164 Jocelyn Martinez MS 123 58/59 58/59 11:12 11:12
1302 Daisy Romero Aguilar MS 124 59/59 59/59 11:27 11:27

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