Hunger 5K Run/Walk 2016

5K Competitive Run/Walk


November 5, 2016 in Blue Ash, OH

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5K Competitive Run/Walk - Results

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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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374 Ayla Grabenbauer F 01-14 64 5/280 10/1902 21:15 6:51
1010 Kim Noble F 45-49 65 2/214 11/1902 21:15 6:51
2785 Daniel Beitzinger M 01-14 66 15/249 55/1180 21:16 6:51
1261 Kyle Harrison M 01-14 67 16/249 56/1180 21:17 6:52
2688 Joseph Kirby M 15-18 68 20/85 57/1180 21:18 6:52
2681 Noah Kaufman M 15-18 69 21/85 58/1180 21:19 6:52
970 Matthew Rechtin M 01-14 70 17/249 59/1180 21:19 6:52
2252 Aaron Admiraal M 15-18 71 22/85 60/1180 21:20 6:53
2166 Matt Stein M 19-24 72 7/61 61/1180 21:21 6:53
3580 Sydney Skinner F 01-14 73 6/280 12/1902 21:21 6:53
2206 Kenny Wall M 15-18 74 23/85 62/1180 21:23 6:54
906 Aaron Goe M 19-24 75 8/61 63/1180 21:30 6:56
1803 Alex Fertig M 19-24 76 9/61 64/1180 21:34 6:57
2730 Carrie Stecher F 30-34 77 1/119 13/1902 21:41 6:59
652 Bruce Jones M 55-59 78 1/92 65/1180 21:49 7:02
2332 Ryan Gragg M 35-39 79 4/78 66/1180 21:50 7:02
1396 Cole Jungbluth M 19-24 80 10/61 67/1180 21:52 7:03
2204 Chris Vogt M 40-44 81 1/87 68/1180 21:53 7:03
2786 Hannah Beitzinger F 19-24 82 1/91 14/1902 21:53 7:03
2790 Oliver Thecat M 01-14 83 18/249 69/1180 21:54 7:04
2379 Gregory Screws M 25-29 84 4/59 70/1180 21:57 7:04
269 Roger Williams M 40-44 85 2/87 71/1180 22:00 7:06
3244 Brayden Dostal M 01-14 86 19/249 72/1180 22:01 7:06
2808 Brendan Geist M 15-18 87 24/85 73/1180 22:04 7:07
3710 Logan Washburn M 01-14 88 20/249 74/1180 22:04 7:07
2869 Jason Stacy M 40-44 89 3/87 75/1180 22:05 7:07
1050 Rebecca Kollstedt F 25-29 90 2/119 15/1902 22:06 7:07
3412 Liam Horvath M 01-14 91 21/249 76/1180 22:08 7:08
1860 James Hanus F 15-18 92 2/108 16/1902 22:11 7:09
421 Kevin Torrans M 40-44 93 4/87 77/1180 22:11 7:09
1988 Michael McCravy M 30-34 94 5/66 78/1180 22:12 7:09
3396 Sam Wyatt M 55-59 95 2/92 79/1180 22:13 7:10
3207 Justin Beausoleil M 25-29 96 5/59 80/1180 22:13 7:10
1160 Trenton Witkop M 40-44 97 5/87 81/1180 22:17 7:11
2292 Adam Matre M 15-18 98 25/85 82/1180 22:17 7:11
2161 James St John M 15-18 99 26/85 83/1180 22:20 7:12
1816 Vicente Gallardo M 50-54 100 4/89 84/1180 22:22 7:13
1885 Martin Howgate M 40-44 101 6/87 85/1180 22:25 7:14
3595 Luke Welton M 19-24 102 11/61 86/1180 22:28 7:15
3390 Braydon Green M 01-14 103 22/249 87/1180 22:29 7:15

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