Panther Prowl 5K - 2019

Individual Results


October 12, 2019 in Milwaukee, WI

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[next 40 records]

671 Terry McMillan M 20-24 1 1/111 1/456 16:06 5:12
1188 Scott Wolter M 25-29 2 1/46 2/456 16:31 5:20
681 Nicholas Michalowski M 20-24 3 2/111 3/456 17:11 5:33
1401 Ricardo Caontreras M 20-24 4 3/111 4/456 17:28 5:38
316 Alex Francis M 25-29 5 2/46 5/456 17:38 5:42
123 Gerrit Bruni M 25-29 6 3/46 6/456 17:53 5:46
1067 Jason Tomrell M 40-44 7 1/39 7/456 18:02 5:49
520 Alec Kirtley M 20-24 8 4/111 8/456 18:06 5:51
1074 David Trainor M 15-19 9 1/43 9/456 18:10 5:52
737 Matthew Niquette M 20-24 10 5/111 10/456 18:10 5:52
558 Jesse Kulberg M 20-24 11 6/111 11/456 18:11 5:52
884 Thomas Roth M 15-19 12 2/43 12/456 18:17 5:54
910 Alexander Sayles M 20-24 13 7/111 13/456 18:27 5:58
1128 Arthur Warneke M 60-64 14 1/23 14/456 18:29 5:58
400 Joey Heinrichs M 40-44 15 2/39 15/456 18:40 6:02
731 Will Nicholas M 15-19 16 3/43 16/456 18:44 6:03
1137 Shawn Weaver M 15-19 17 4/43 17/456 18:49 6:04
1151 Michael Wert M 40-44 18 3/39 18/456 18:53 6:06
163 Sergio Chontal M 40-44 19 4/39 19/456 19:04 6:09
667 Casey McGrath M 25-29 20 4/46 20/456 19:17 6:14
251 Brian Dutkowski M 20-24 21 8/111 21/456 19:18 6:14
929 Robert Schneider M 40-44 22 5/39 22/456 19:23 6:15
734 Dylan Nicosia M 15-19 23 5/43 23/456 19:24 6:16
583 Brian Leatherman M 40-44 24 6/39 24/456 19:29 6:17
623 Ryan Lisser M 20-24 25 9/111 25/456 19:32 6:18
574 Chris Larson M 34-39 26 1/21 26/456 19:32 6:18
579 Joseph Laurendi M 30-34 27 1/34 27/456 19:33 6:19
1402 Phillip Bzdosek M 40-44 28 7/39 28/456 19:45 6:22
750 Benjamin Omwando M 34-39 29 2/21 29/456 19:45 6:23
973 Keygan Sinclair M 20-24 30 10/111 30/456 19:49 6:24
1018 Ty Stetler M 20-24 31 11/111 31/456 19:50 6:24
353 Ryan Glor M 40-44 32 8/39 32/456 19:54 6:25
128 Noah Bue M 15-19 33 6/43 33/456 19:56 6:26
323 Joe Frisch M 20-24 34 12/111 34/456 19:59 6:27
1410 Ryan Schmizo M 20-24 35 13/111 35/456 20:12 6:31
1443 Unknown Unknown NO AGE 36 1/1 36/456 20:14 6:32
355 Eliberto Gomez-Rodriguez M 15-19 37 7/43 37/456 20:21 6:34
1138 David Webb M 50-54 38 1/39 38/456 20:25 6:35
1003 Charles Steele M 20-24 39 14/111 39/456 20:29 6:37
205 Angel Dalsbo M 20-24 40 15/111 40/456 20:32 6:38

[next 40 records]

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