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5K Run


June 15, 2019 in MIDDLETON, WI

Results By

5K Run - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 167 of 167
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302 Ryan Schollmeyer M15-19 1 1/21 1/75 17:14 5:33
769 Zachary Leffel M15-19 2 2/21 2/75 17:14 5:33
149 Egan Johnson M15-19 3 3/21 3/75 17:23 5:36
142 Braedon Gilles M15-19 4 4/21 4/75 18:33 5:59
289 Noah Ollendick M15-19 5 5/21 5/75 19:16 6:13
169 James Krzak M40-44 6 1/4 6/75 19:20 6:14
297 Jim Reichling M40-44 7 2/4 7/75 19:21 6:14
776 Hunter Warner M15-19 8 6/21 8/75 19:22 6:14
285 Zach Nelson M15-19 9 7/21 9/75 19:23 6:15
774 Alex Korth M15-19 10 8/21 10/75 19:46 6:22
755 Vikash Malik M35-39 11 1/7 11/75 19:53 6:24
768 Edward Goodmn M25-29 12 1/5 12/75 20:08 6:29
165 Thomas Kleinheinz M10-14 13 1/12 13/75 20:14 6:31
107 Colin Baker M35-39 14 2/7 14/75 20:22 6:34
214 Kyle McCaffrey M30-34 15 1/4 15/75 21:29 6:55
139 Ethan Frank M15-19 16 9/21 16/75 21:32 6:56
136 Carson Fleres M15-19 17 10/21 17/75 21:37 6:58
298 Charles Reinke M25-29 18 2/5 18/75 21:47 7:01
102 Brittany Allen F35-39 19 1/8 1/63 22:03 7:06
333 Brian Van Zante M45-49 20 1/8 19/75 22:22 7:12
216 Lucas McGuire M15-19 21 11/21 20/75 22:25 7:13
316 Walt Strange M10-14 22 2/12 21/75 22:26 7:14
766 Samuel Wheeler M15-19 23 12/21 22/75 22:44 7:19
215 Joe McGuire M35-39 24 3/7 23/75 22:46 7:20
223 Alejandro Munoz M50-54 25 1/5 24/75 22:56 7:23
770 Emma Van Orsdel F15-19 26 1/7 2/63 23:08 7:27
777 Douglas Neitzel M45-49 27 2/8 25/75 23:16 7:30
288 Anna Ollendick F15-19 28 2/7 3/63 23:18 7:30
317 Sam Strange M01-09 29 1/2 26/75 23:19 7:31
295 Cameron Regan M15-19 30 13/21 27/75 23:23 7:32
315 John Strange M40-44 31 3/4 28/75 23:30 7:34
775 Elliot Wilcox M15-19 32 14/21 29/75 23:30 7:34
222 Lucas Munoz M15-19 33 15/21 30/75 23:34 7:35
319 Steph Tauscher F25-29 34 1/6 4/63 23:44 7:39
115 Joshua Boland M15-19 35 16/21 31/75 23:49 7:40
117 Rhya Brandemuehl F15-19 36 3/7 5/63 23:52 7:41
328 Jack Van Kammen M10-14 37 3/12 32/75 24:02 7:44
329 Kevin Van Kammen M35-39 38 4/7 33/75 24:02 7:45
349 Randy Zoran M50-54 39 2/5 34/75 24:07 7:46
1831 John Lemmon M25-29 40 3/5 35/75 24:16 7:49
125 Owen Cooney M10-14 41 4/12 36/75 24:21 7:51
306 Luke Sievers M25-29 42 4/5 37/75 24:57 8:02
135 Mark Eriksson M45-49 43 3/8 38/75 25:07 8:05
151 Kj Kalscheur M15-19 44 17/21 39/75 25:32 8:13
224 Brian Nacker M45-49 45 4/8 40/75 25:33 8:14
114 Alex Betzle M15-19 46 18/21 41/75 26:40 8:35
137 Emily Fountas F15-19 47 4/7 6/63 26:42 8:36
163 Melanie Kleinheinz F40-44 48 1/6 7/63 27:10 8:45
286 Mazie Olkowski/ellington F10-14 49 1/7 8/63 27:26 8:50
212 Michelle Manning F45-49 50 1/9 9/63 27:29 8:51
345 Sam Wyse N10-14 51 1/2 1/29 27:32 8:52
331 Levi Van Maanen M10-14 52 5/12 42/75 27:32 8:52
778 Stephanie Beckman F35-39 53 2/8 10/63 27:48 8:57
113 Erik Berg N15-19 54 1/1 2/29 27:50 8:58
138 Jim Fountas M10-14 55 6/12 43/75 28:01 9:01
767 Roberta Ericksson F45-49 56 2/9 11/63 28:07 9:03
1843 Greta Schmidt F15-19 57 5/7 12/63 28:13 9:05
150 Wendy Johnson F55-59 58 1/3 13/63 28:20 9:08
141 Lena Gilbert F35-39 59 3/8 14/63 28:21 9:08
772 Leo Mastronardi M01-09 60 2/2 44/75 28:24 9:09
773 Nick Mastronardi M35-39 61 5/7 45/75 28:24 9:09
108 Megan Beckman F25-29 62 2/6 15/63 28:54 9:18
170 Lauren Krzyzostaniak F30-34 63 1/2 16/63 29:14 9:25
291 Will Omohundro M15-19 64 19/21 46/75 29:19 9:27
290 James Omohundro M55-59 65 1/1 47/75 29:24 9:28
153 Nancy Keen F35-39 66 4/8 17/63 29:42 9:34
133 Pat Eagan M65-69 67 1/2 48/75 29:45 9:35
119 Steve Brietzman M50-54 68 3/5 49/75 29:48 9:36
340 Seann Watson M45-49 69 5/8 50/75 29:58 9:39
201 Steve Lawrence M50-54 70 4/5 51/75 30:09 9:43
116 Nasreen Bowhan F35-39 71 5/8 18/63 30:15 9:45
326 Caleb Van Horn M10-14 72 7/12 52/75 30:42 9:53
293 Megan Petti N25-29 73 1/3 3/29 30:47 9:55
166 Samantha Kleinheinz F10-14 74 2/7 19/63 30:49 9:56
164 Troy Kleinheinz M40-44 75 4/4 53/75 30:54 9:57
121 Fin Brintlinger N01-09 76 1/3 4/29 30:59 9:59
120 Ben Brintlinger M35-39 77 6/7 54/75 31:00 9:59
300 David Ryan N35-39 78 1/6 5/29 31:02 10:00
327 Valerie Van Horn F35-39 79 6/8 20/63 31:03 10:00
104 Loretta Anderson F25-29 80 3/6 21/63 31:04 10:00
761 Ann Bodette F60-64 81 1/3 22/63 31:14 10:04
148 Ed Janairo M50-54 82 5/5 55/75 31:42 10:12
147 Michael Janairo M10-14 83 8/12 56/75 31:42 10:13
220 Matthew Misener M60-64 84 1/2 57/75 31:44 10:13
762 Paul Montague M70-74 85 1/2 58/75 31:48 10:14
123 Ryan Conners M45-49 86 6/8 59/75 32:04 10:19
124 Devin Conners N10-14 87 2/2 6/29 32:08 10:21
305 Brittany Sherman F25-29 88 4/6 23/63 32:19 10:25
218 Ryan Mechelke N35-39 89 2/6 7/29 32:24 10:26
217 Annette Mechelke N30-34 90 1/1 8/29 32:24 10:26
344 Joan Witthuhn F50-54 91 1/1 24/63 32:28 10:27
103 Ariel Alperstein N25-29 92 2/3 9/29 32:38 10:31
312 Lisa Stern F40-44 93 2/6 25/63 32:58 10:37
296 Paul Reichel M70-74 94 2/2 60/75 33:05 10:39
210 Mason Madaus M15-19 95 20/21 61/75 33:09 10:40
118 Anne Brasier F65-69 96 1/1 26/63 33:11 10:41
765 Adam Kempf M15-19 97 21/21 62/75 33:21 10:44
322 Ryan Tydrich M30-34 98 2/4 63/75 33:23 10:45
292 Kathleen Peckham F20-24 99 1/2 27/63 33:23 10:45
347 Julia Zella F45-49 100 3/9 28/63 33:27 10:46
348 Curtis Zella M45-49 101 7/8 64/75 33:27 10:46
140 Alexandra Geffert F10-14 102 3/7 29/63 33:59 10:57
299 Mary Rowe F45-49 103 4/9 30/63 34:03 10:58
219 Amy Misener F55-59 104 2/3 31/63 34:11 11:01
294 Barbara Rashke F60-64 105 2/3 32/63 34:21 11:04
338 Christina Vins F40-44 106 3/6 33/63 34:35 11:08
143 Michelle Gleeson N55-59 107 1/1 10/29 34:39 11:10
131 Benjamin Dyar M10-14 108 9/12 65/75 35:03 11:17
129 John Dyar N50-54 109 1/2 11/29 35:07 11:19
758 Anna Ruddell F35-39 110 7/8 34/63 35:10 11:20
105 Owen Bailey M10-14 111 10/12 66/75 35:36 11:28
206 Logan Lickel M10-14 112 11/12 67/75 35:37 11:28
205 Angela Lickel N40-44 113 1/5 12/29 35:38 11:28
204 Steve Lickel N60-64 114 1/3 13/29 35:38 11:28
112 Porter Beckman M10-14 115 12/12 68/75 36:04 11:37
314 April Stern F01-09 116 1/8 35/63 36:07 11:38
311 Greg Stern N45-49 117 1/2 14/29 36:20 11:42
304 Alex Schultz M25-29 118 5/5 69/75 36:28 11:44
303 Britta Schultz F25-29 119 5/6 36/63 36:28 11:45
122 Dan Burkhalter N60-64 120 2/3 15/29 36:35 11:47
126 Sharon Corrigan N60-64 121 3/3 16/29 36:35 11:47
763 Shalini Bhat F40-44 122 4/6 37/63 37:51 12:11
764 Leek Fang F01-09 123 2/8 38/63 37:53 12:12
301 Nancy Sandy F55-59 124 3/3 39/63 37:57 12:13
287 Emeline Olkowski/ellington F10-14 125 4/7 40/63 37:59 12:14
225 Nina Neff N25-29 126 3/3 17/29 38:14 12:19
146 Megan Isaacson F30-34 127 2/2 41/63 38:33 12:25
160 Drew Killian M35-39 128 7/7 70/75 38:48 12:30
771 Isa Killian F10-14 129 5/7 42/63 38:49 12:30
1863 Isabel Bellehumeur F10-14 130 6/7 43/63 39:19 12:40
208 Tugba Madaus F45-49 131 5/9 44/63 39:24 12:41
207 Stanley Livingston M65-69 132 2/2 71/75 40:07 12:55
309 Kevin Staum M30-34 133 3/4 72/75 40:14 12:57
1810 Laura Conners F45-49 134 6/9 45/63 40:18 12:59
154 Anabelle Keen F10-14 135 7/7 46/63 40:23 13:00
155 Raffi Keen N01-09 136 2/3 18/29 40:29 13:02
152 Brian Keen M45-49 137 8/8 73/75 40:29 13:02
127 Evie Covey F01-09 138 3/8 47/63 44:32 14:20
128 Anne Covey F45-49 139 7/9 48/63 45:46 14:44
173 Laura Lane F45-49 140 8/9 49/63 45:53 14:47
346 Anne Marie Wyse F01-09 141 4/8 50/63 46:16 14:54
332 Holly Van Maanen F01-09 142 5/8 51/63 46:16 14:54
330 Jeremy Van Maanen N40-44 143 2/5 19/29 46:16 14:54
132 Samantha Dyar F01-09 144 6/8 52/63 46:22 14:56
130 Monica Dyar N50-54 145 2/2 20/29 46:26 14:57
313 Abigail Stern F15-19 146 6/7 53/63 46:30 14:58
343 Molly Watson F15-19 147 7/7 54/63 47:00 15:08
203 Athena Lickel N35-39 148 3/6 21/29 47:35 15:19
221 Bri Mueller F25-29 149 6/6 55/63 47:54 15:25
213 James Marshall M30-34 150 4/4 74/75 47:55 15:26
342 Katherine Watson F20-24 151 2/2 56/63 48:42 15:41
341 Elizabeth Watson N45-49 152 2/2 22/29 48:42 15:41
175 Veronica Lawrence F45-49 153 9/9 57/63 49:04 15:48
111 Aspen Beckman N01-09 154 3/3 23/29 51:22 16:32
109 Teri Beckman F40-44 155 5/6 58/63 51:32 16:36
172 Gaurav Kulkarni N35-39 156 4/6 24/29 52:14 16:49
171 Rachel Kulkarni N35-39 157 5/6 25/29 52:15 16:49
310 Andrea Staum F35-39 158 8/8 59/63 57:20 18:28
759 Bill Schnell M60-64 159 2/2 75/75 58:18 18:46
308 Stacy Smulka F40-44 160 6/6 60/63 1:08:04 21:55
334 Jen Vasam N40-44 161 3/5 26/29 1:08:14 21:58
335 Praveen Vasam N40-44 162 4/5 27/29 1:08:18 21:59
336 Anya Vasam F01-09 163 7/8 61/63 1:08:35 22:05
324 Ethan Vaade N40-44 164 5/5 28/29 1:12:41 23:24
323 Beth Vaade N35-39 165 6/6 29/29 1:12:43 23:25
325 Norah Vaade F01-09 166 8/8 62/63 1:12:50 23:27
760 Sue Schnell F60-64 167 3/3 63/63 1:30:13 29:02

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