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Half Madness 13.1

Half Marathon Results


August 26, 2012 in Batavia, IL

Half Marathon Results - Results

1063 Mike Spain M2024 1 1/15 1/512 1:09:36.95 5:19
1096 Nick Hird M2529 2 1/50 2/512 1:11:56.41 5:30
798 Daniel Woldesilassie M2024 3 2/15 3/512 1:15:14.77 5:45
1069 Daniel Whipple M3034 4 1/69 4/512 1:16:19.91 5:50
310 Dave Walters M5559 5 1/37 5/512 1:18:08.85 5:58
945 Damian Bednorz M3034 6 2/69 6/512 1:18:37.62 6:01
1070 Nathan Kennedy M2529 7 2/50 7/512 1:18:38.19 6:01
1073 Scott Majewski M3539 8 1/80 8/512 1:21:28 6:14
870 Josh Peck M2529 9 3/50 9/512 1:21:38.96 6:14
1024 Arthur R. Gallegos III M3034 10 3/69 10/512 1:21:56.72 6:16
1005 Neal Klein M2024 11 3/15 11/512 1:21:56.82 6:16
724 Jared Carlson M2024 12 4/15 12/512 1:22:20.09 6:18
1056 Gregory Ruthig M3539 13 2/80 13/512 1:22:48.10 6:20
1156 Jason Moderi M3539 14 3/80 14/512 1:22:58.74 6:21
865 Brad Keating M2024 15 5/15 15/512 1:23:18.24 6:22
1043 Tom Jordan M3034 16 4/69 16/512 1:23:28.04 6:23
1035 Thomas Zero M2529 17 4/50 17/512 1:23:41.19 6:24
1079 Mike Begich Jr M2529 18 5/50 18/512 1:23:52.10 6:25
831 Rich Calvario M2529 19 6/50 19/512 1:23:57.55 6:25
477 Tom Zielinski M5054 20 1/60 20/512 1:24:04.97 6:26
1124 Tammy Lifka F4044 21 1/85 1/474 1:24:19.93 6:27
333 Humberto Deleon M3539 22 4/80 21/512 1:24:24.97 6:27
799 Angie Fiese F3539 23 1/109 2/474 1:24:37.76 6:28
25 Christopher Cook M4044 24 1/93 22/512 1:24:47.72 6:29
589 Michael Konopinski M3539 25 5/80 23/512 1:25:43.11 6:33
148 Jacqui Aubert F2529 26 1/65 3/474 1:26:50.68 6:38
848 Paul Kapellas M3034 27 5/69 24/512 1:26:53.70 6:38
653 Kim Castner F4549 28 1/53 4/474 1:27:12.49 6:40
779 Jake Austin M2024 29 6/15 25/512 1:27:43.95 6:42
214 Andrew Buss M3034 30 6/69 26/512 1:27:48.04 6:43
107 Kristen Schneider F2024 31 1/20 5/474 1:27:50.36 6:43
995 Tom Chisholm M4549 32 1/83 27/512 1:27:51.70 6:43
1102 Marisa Mele F2529 33 2/65 6/474 1:28:05.41 6:44
478 Christopher Johanneson M3034 34 7/69 28/512 1:28:46.90 6:47
1132 Bill Akins M4044 35 2/93 29/512 1:28:48.11 6:47
827 Ashley Molidor F2529 36 3/65 7/474 1:29:07.13 6:49
951 Karen Meraw F2529 37 4/65 8/474 1:29:25.23 6:50
837 Robert Klawans M4549 38 2/83 30/512 1:29:33.91 6:51
446 Britta Dahlberg F2529 39 5/65 9/474 1:29:55.75 6:52
1166 Matt Lydon M2024 40 7/15 31/512 1:30:03.46 6:53
530 Arpan Chokshi M2529 41 7/50 32/512 1:30:09.84 6:53
479 Kevin Madden M5054 42 2/60 33/512 1:30:27.48 6:55
126 Herman Beck M4044 43 3/93 34/512 1:30:41.48 6:56
844 Brad Voehringer M4549 44 3/83 35/512 1:30:41.53 6:56
1015 Darren Clark M4044 45 4/93 36/512 1:30:43.98 6:56
771 Eric Wedow M5054 46 3/60 37/512 1:31:05.65 6:58
370 Elena Shemyakina F5054 47 1/34 10/474 1:31:19.28 6:59
1115 Timothy Francl M4549 48 4/83 38/512 1:31:27.91 6:59
242 Jeff Grant M3034 49 8/69 39/512 1:31:35.80 7:00
371 Alexander Shemyakin M5054 50 4/60 40/512 1:32:06.84 7:02
255 John Kayser M4044 51 5/93 41/512 1:32:09.29 7:03
862 Neal Hermanson M4044 52 6/93 42/512 1:32:19.87 7:03
650 Jeffery Lung M3034 53 9/69 43/512 1:32:36.05 7:05
829 Brooke Williams F3539 54 2/109 11/474 1:32:38.40 7:05
253 Oscar Im M4549 55 5/83 44/512 1:33:00.42 7:06
302 Brent Powell M4044 56 7/93 45/512 1:33:18.95 7:08
1159 Vincent Chiaramonte M4549 57 6/83 46/512 1:33:20.77 7:08
277 Jose Andrade M4549 58 7/83 47/512 1:33:26.95 7:09
298 Mukesh Patel M4044 59 8/93 48/512 1:34:00.08 7:11
567 Tom Spadafora M5054 60 5/60 49/512 1:34:00.88 7:11
140 Barbra Pawlicki F3539 61 3/109 12/474 1:34:07.85 7:12
377 Shelly Kalmas F4044 62 2/85 13/474 1:34:17.88 7:12
887 Kristen Dietz F3034 63 1/75 14/474 1:34:19.12 7:12
399 John Good M4549 64 8/83 50/512 1:35:10.40 7:16
507 Nick Marsh M3034 65 10/69 51/512 1:35:23.14 7:17
257 Charles Petersen M4549 66 9/83 52/512 1:35:42.01 7:19
1088 John Becerril M4549 67 10/83 53/512 1:35:48.94 7:19
889 Dave Wilcoxen M4549 68 11/83 54/512 1:35:50.31 7:19
949 Aimee Weber F2529 69 6/65 15/474 1:35:56.49 7:20
871 Keith Halsall M3034 70 11/69 55/512 1:36:05.85 7:21
201 Brian Cahoon M3539 71 6/80 56/512 1:36:08.15 7:21
932 Brett Porter M4044 72 9/93 57/512 1:36:11.79 7:21
878 Daniel Solera M2529 73 8/50 58/512 1:36:14.24 7:21
963 Jenny Poore F2024 74 2/20 16/474 1:36:19.42 7:22
6 Jana Brady F3034 75 2/75 17/474 1:36:26.64 7:22
861 Amanda Youker F3034 76 3/75 18/474 1:36:37.53 7:23
400 John Hodge M3539 77 7/80 59/512 1:36:40.91 7:23
348 Dan Klein M5054 78 6/60 60/512 1:37:20.49 7:26
276 Martin Laserna M4549 79 12/83 61/512 1:37:35.95 7:28
999 Melchor Varela M5054 80 7/60 62/512 1:37:38.29 7:28
231 Janet Walberer F3539 81 4/109 19/474 1:37:48.15 7:28
64 Richard Cizek M5054 82 8/60 63/512 1:38:24.50 7:31
662 Perfecto Gaytan M4044 83 10/93 64/512 1:38:37.38 7:32
472 Josh Shenton M2529 84 9/50 65/512 1:38:57.06 7:34
513 Jonathan Lincheck M3539 85 8/80 66/512 1:39:00.04 7:34
874 Stephen Wade M3034 86 12/69 67/512 1:39:11.78 7:35
357 David Jordan M3539 87 9/80 68/512 1:39:25.26 7:36
860 Calvert Smith M2529 88 10/50 69/512 1:39:53.56 7:38
715 Justin Mattson M3539 89 10/80 70/512 1:40:05.20 7:39
754 Ryan Meier M3034 90 13/69 71/512 1:40:06.01 7:39
58 Chris Muth M3034 91 14/69 72/512 1:40:14.57 7:40
442 Reed Vostal M3539 92 11/80 73/512 1:40:16.52 7:40
59 Allysia Muth F2529 93 7/65 20/474 1:40:18.86 7:40
498 Tim Noverini M5054 94 9/60 74/512 1:40:39.75 7:42
476 Chris Wahl M3034 95 15/69 75/512 1:40:43.28 7:42
1142 Randy Debruyne M2024 96 8/15 76/512 1:40:43.44 7:42
1032 Erin Sarris F4044 97 3/85 21/474 1:40:43.92 7:42
345 Mark Jakubowski M5559 98 2/37 77/512 1:40:56.76 7:43
37 Chris Johnson M6064 99 1/14 78/512 1:40:59.20 7:43
758 Will Sawitz M3539 100 12/80 79/512 1:41:11.31 7:44
445 Roger Reiling M4044 101 11/93 80/512 1:41:15.32 7:44
980 Jaime Duran M4044 102 12/93 81/512 1:41:17.64 7:44
575 Matt Kirkpatrick M3034 103 16/69 82/512 1:41:24.06 7:45
943 Paul Nappier M2529 104 11/50 83/512 1:41:24.84 7:45
527 Celeste Kudrys F3034 105 4/75 22/474 1:41:27.91 7:45
649 Jake Stawoney M3539 106 13/80 84/512 1:41:30.85 7:45
750 Thomas Widmer M3539 107 14/80 85/512 1:41:37.22 7:46
979 Karl Mark M4044 108 13/93 86/512 1:41:37.96 7:46
817 John Jones III M4549 109 13/83 87/512 1:41:39.88 7:46
264 Ronald Carden M5054 110 10/60 88/512 1:41:41.25 7:46
92 Stevie Parks F2024 111 3/20 23/474 1:41:53.76 7:47
132 Daniel Warren M4549 112 14/83 89/512 1:41:53.93 7:47
1130 Dawn Sandoval F4044 113 4/85 24/474 1:42:03.53 7:48
103 Tamara Gregory F4044 114 5/85 25/474 1:42:03.68 7:48
270 Michael Torman M3034 115 17/69 90/512 1:42:09.79 7:48
437 Mark Piercy M5559 116 3/37 91/512 1:42:22.74 7:49
978 Allan Eilts Jr M3539 117 15/80 92/512 1:42:36.07 7:50
106 Fletcher Hamill M3539 118 16/80 93/512 1:42:44.27 7:51
308 Michael Wright M2529 119 12/50 94/512 1:42:44.49 7:51
1157 Tomas Borosko M2024 120 9/15 95/512 1:42:46.43 7:51
470 James Maze M5559 121 4/37 96/512 1:42:46.59 7:51
710 Michael Jedlink M2529 122 13/50 97/512 1:42:52.27 7:52
835 Joe Cullen M5054 123 11/60 98/512 1:43:04.86 7:53
462 Mike McDaniel M4044 124 14/93 99/512 1:43:08 7:53
420 Andy King M5054 125 12/60 100/512 1:43:17.76 7:54
108 Dennis Kelsey M3539 126 17/80 101/512 1:43:19.20 7:54
991 Kuniaki Ota M3539 127 18/80 102/512 1:43:20.68 7:54
550 Don Pattison M5559 128 5/37 103/512 1:43:25.19 7:54
409 Malarie Schmidt F2529 129 8/65 26/474 1:43:26.13 7:54
926 Darren Fischer M3539 130 19/80 104/512 1:43:27.92 7:54
20 David Beeson M4044 131 15/93 105/512 1:43:33.34 7:55
1001 Debby Jones F5054 132 2/34 27/474 1:43:41.48 7:55
528 Dani Armstrong F5054 133 3/34 28/474 1:43:42.99 7:56
5 Edward Bates M6064 134 2/14 106/512 1:43:47.32 7:56
1049 Andy McDonough M5054 135 13/60 107/512 1:43:51.80 7:56
1038 Michael Gibson M2529 136 14/50 108/512 1:43:55.75 7:57
292 Glenn Rolbiecki M5054 137 14/60 109/512 1:44:12.58 7:58
1030 Kelly Tinnes F2024 138 4/20 29/474 1:44:19.95 7:58
313 John Golden M19UN 139 1/5 110/512 1:44:20.60 7:58
842 Tom Minichiello M5054 140 15/60 111/512 1:44:22.51 7:59
599 Brian Hastings M3539 141 20/80 112/512 1:44:24.94 7:59
957 Dan Craychee M3034 142 18/69 113/512 1:44:25.39 7:59
708 Jill Bures F2529 143 9/65 30/474 1:44:28.45 7:59
120 Martin Walz M4044 144 16/93 114/512 1:44:30.20 7:59
974 Neil Schwan M4044 145 17/93 115/512 1:44:30.24 7:59
977 Harold Katz M4549 146 15/83 116/512 1:44:31.85 7:59
272 Timothy Kippley M3539 147 21/80 117/512 1:44:34.67 7:59
353 Chris Fallow M3034 148 19/69 118/512 1:44:51.33 8:01
216 Jack Rohan M3539 149 22/80 119/512 1:44:51.95 8:01
243 Gretchen Grant F3034 150 5/75 31/474 1:45:13.27 8:02
261 Terri Nietzel F4549 151 2/53 32/474 1:45:13.72 8:02
415 Andrea Kovach F4044 152 6/85 33/474 1:45:14.13 8:02
858 Nathan Shields M3034 153 20/69 120/512 1:45:23.81 8:03
765 Andrew Freeman M2529 154 15/50 121/512 1:45:25.26 8:03
998 Laura Bowen F2024 155 5/20 34/474 1:45:30.87 8:04
1093 A.J Hacker M3539 156 23/80 122/512 1:45:36.66 8:04
922 Brian Gifford M3034 157 21/69 123/512 1:45:50.06 8:05
340 Amanda Corkill F2024 158 6/20 35/474 1:45:51.60 8:05
263 Lynn Crim M5054 159 16/60 124/512 1:46:07.66 8:07
486 Greg Hall M3034 160 22/69 125/512 1:46:08.14 8:07
285 Josh Stumpenhorst M3034 161 23/69 126/512 1:46:10.15 8:07
1036 Michaela Read F2529 162 10/65 36/474 1:46:25.02 8:08
1170 John Mitchell M5054 163 17/60 127/512 1:46:33.38 8:09
685 Kristi Walsh F3034 164 6/75 37/474 1:46:35.22 8:09
97 Laura Bransky F4044 165 7/85 38/474 1:46:37.15 8:09
966 Everett Phillips M5054 166 18/60 128/512 1:46:48 8:10
267 Mungai Kamiti M6064 167 3/14 129/512 1:46:51.65 8:10
956 Ron Seeberger M4549 168 16/83 130/512 1:46:55.11 8:10
34 David Diverde M4549 169 17/83 131/512 1:46:57.66 8:10
1003 Maureen Smith F2529 170 11/65 39/474 1:46:59.55 8:11
1113 David Camacho M4044 171 18/93 132/512 1:46:59.64 8:11
1016 Matt Davis M3539 172 24/80 133/512 1:47:02.26 8:11
606 Jim Nolan M4549 173 18/83 134/512 1:47:03.81 8:11
574 Vince Paparozzi M5559 174 6/37 135/512 1:47:10.32 8:11
770 Jason Troxell M3034 175 24/69 136/512 1:47:10.68 8:11
741 Mark Mooney M4044 176 19/93 137/512 1:47:11.31 8:11
679 Ben Missele M3539 177 25/80 138/512 1:47:12.67 8:12
511 Joe Donaldson M3034 178 25/69 139/512 1:47:27.33 8:13
749 Nate Pualengco M3034 179 26/69 140/512 1:47:27.80 8:13
245 Stephen Beck M4044 180 20/93 141/512 1:47:29.68 8:13
1072 Bill Adelmann M3539 181 26/80 142/512 1:47:30.29 8:13
718 Martin Garcia M3034 182 27/69 143/512 1:47:46.52 8:14
863 Sara Anderson F3539 183 5/109 40/474 1:47:50.18 8:14
36 Charlie Rzeppa M5054 184 19/60 144/512 1:47:50.96 8:14
312 Eddie Golden M19UN 185 2/5 145/512 1:47:58.33 8:15
135 James Gage M4549 186 19/83 146/512 1:48:08.88 8:16
994 Joseph Mitacek M2529 187 16/50 147/512 1:48:10.38 8:16
91 Harvey Parks M4044 188 21/93 148/512 1:48:22.69 8:17
1153 Jay Buckley M3539 189 27/80 149/512 1:48:28.53 8:17
1020 Lori Schmidt F4044 190 8/85 41/474 1:48:34.17 8:18
809 Dave Kurek M2529 191 17/50 150/512 1:48:35.48 8:18
289 Erin Randall F3034 192 7/75 42/474 1:48:38.36 8:18
1119 Mark Douglas M4549 193 20/83 151/512 1:48:48.54 8:19
401 Adam Tucker M2529 194 18/50 152/512 1:48:56.20 8:19
586 Michael Happold M4549 195 21/83 153/512 1:49:03.92 8:20
480 Jason Bradley M3034 196 28/69 154/512 1:49:08.44 8:20
211 Gene Stuckey M3539 197 28/80 155/512 1:49:11.31 8:21
929 Marek Dubiel M4044 198 22/93 156/512 1:49:16.81 8:21
1140 Russell Reinhart M4549 199 22/83 157/512 1:49:26.08 8:22
1135 Brett Cline M3539 200 29/80 158/512 1:49:26.37 8:22
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