Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon

Marathon Relay - Searchable - Results

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[next 10 records]

9101 College SIS Voltron Force Stillwater OK - 0/0 - 59:35 1:32:53 2:04:36 2:37:55 3:06:11 - 9:22
9107 College OSU - SIS 1 Stillwater OK - 0/0 - 1:00:03 1:29:51 - 2:21:22 2:50:45 - 8:36
9575 College UCO Track Team Edmond OK 7 1/23 2:56:12 42:37 1:02:47 1:27:14 1:50:54 2:15:08 2:56:45 6:45
9003 College Marshmallow Mateys Norman OK 24 2/23 3:16:03 47:39 1:11:52 1:37:33 2:03:46 2:31:16 3:20:25 7:39
9445 College Team NOC Nardin OK 41 3/23 3:34:04 - 1:21:01 1:48:55 2:17:45 2:44:57 3:35:48 8:14
9032 College Friend Time Nardin OK 45 4/23 3:31:52 56:59 1:24:17 1:57:28 2:28:01 2:51:55 3:38:46 8:21
9332 College Cowboys Stillwater OK 48 5/23 3:38:02 56:48 1:22:54 1:51:18 2:18:10 2:46:27 3:41:26 8:27
9405 College Team OC Montana Oklahoma City OK 49 6/23 3:41:12 48:03 1:11:47 1:48:00 2:21:51 2:55:47 3:41:29 8:27
9022 College LOS POLLOS LOCOS Tahlequah OK 57 7/23 3:39:10 57:15 1:26:58 1:54:44 2:20:26 2:45:33 3:44:30 8:34
9544 College Run HAPPY Tulsa OK 79 8/23 3:48:25 50:48 1:23:04 1:56:24 2:24:36 2:56:20 3:51:28 8:50

[next 10 records]

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