2013 New Years Double

Day Full Marathon - Results

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    NO FN LN DIVISION OVERALL DIVP SEXP Split 3.6 Split 6.55 Split 10.15 Split 13.1 Split 16.7 Split 19.7 Split 23.3 Guntime TIME PACE
1678 Karl Huchthausen MOveral 1 1 1 24:42 43:59 1:08:34 1:27:51 1:52:20 2:12:22 2:39:04 3:00:35 3:00:33 6:53
667 Mieczyslaw Swiatkowski M30-34 2 1 2 24:40 44:00 1:08:34 1:27:50 1:53:06 2:14:41 2:44:33 3:08:57 3:08:55 7:13
713 Ray Taylor MUK 3 1 3 28:28 50:45 1:18:54 1:41:16 2:09:43 2:31:50 3:00:53 3:24:27 3:24:20 7:48
792 Chris Ho M35-39 4 1 4 27:32 49:16 1:17:22 1:39:58 2:08:47 2:31:55 3:03:08 3:26:30 3:26:25 7:53
2003 Joshua Witte MMaster 5 1 5 27:28 48:38 1:15:55 1:37:46 2:06:11 2:29:41 3:02:31 3:28:02 3:27:59 7:56
1688 Scott Overmann M40-44 6 1 6 29:16 52:15 1:21:29 1:44:42 2:13:53 2:37:10 3:07:02 3:31:11 3:31:05 8:03
1658 Keith Schlottman M45-49 7 1 7 28:25 51:02 1:20:05 1:43:22 3:08:59 2:37:34 - 3:32:48 3:32:43 8:07
872 Amanda Rossolimo FOveral 8 1 1 29:41 53:30 1:24:58 1:49:02 2:19:27 2:43:14 3:12:55 3:35:57 3:35:54 8:14
1694 Kurt Lauerman M40-44 9 2 8 28:00 50:49 1:19:52 1:43:14 2:14:09 2:38:55 3:11:18 3:36:53 3:36:48 8:16
162 Kim Howard M50-54 10 1 9 30:05 53:30 1:23:06 1:46:42 2:16:48 2:40:59 3:11:47 3:37:09 3:37:09 8:17

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