Barrel To Keg Relay
Presented by Community Services Consortium
Philomath To Newport 07/22/2017
Place Teamname Time No. Start Div Divpl Divto
===== ================================================== ======== ===== ======== ===== ===== =====
1 Dr. Seuss On The Loose #2 7:31:11 17 7:00:00 8 1 3
Bonny Benton
Wanda Johnston
Valerie Pratt
Patricia Myrdal
2 4 Amigas 7:57:28 53 7:00:00 8 2 3
Christine Rice
Cindy Waugh
Jan Rosenthal
Sue Moir
3 Beet Feet (walk) 8:41:47 49 7:00:00 8 3 3
Wendie Cave
Doreen Hamilton
Brandon Burgess
Chengwei Ren
Kathy Klink
Marie Blanchan
Delani O'connell