Winter Predictor
19K & 13K & 6K
Eugene, OR 01/10/2016
Results By Eclectic Edge Racing
19K Results - By Predicted Times
NOTE ON RESULTS: At the race, the prediction results that were posted were based on finish times
and a chip start, in relation to predicted time based on a 2pm start for everyone. The following
results reflect the chip time in relation to the raw predicted time - these results are now final.
Place Name No. Ag S City St Prediction Time Pace Diff
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1 Karla Ramsdal 492 44 F Eugene OR 2:12:35 2:12:38 11:15 0:03
2 Jenny Pedersen 165 39 F Eugene OR 2:12:00 2:12:39 11:15 0:39
3 Tim Cheek 471 40 M Harrisburg OR 1:14:20 1:12:59 6:11 1:21
4 Andrew Madaus 162 33 M Glide OR 1:40:35 1:37:06 8:14 3:29
5 Scott Rauch 157 30 M Springfield OR 1:22:18 1:16:29 6:29 5:49