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Runners Roost XC Invitational - Open Race Results
RUNNER'S ROOST X-COUNTRY INVITATIONAL Results By Eclectic Edge Racing 5K Results Place No. Name S Time Pace ===== ==== ========================= = ======= ===== 1 1743 Andrew Simmons M 17:48.5 5:44 2 1745 Ben Mulvaney M 17:54.5 5:46 3 411 Madelynn Gerritson F 19:27.4 6:16 4 1748 John Sushinsky M 20:19.7 6:33 5 1750 Amy Dannwolf-Jones F 20:19.9 6:33 6 1712 Emma Carpenter F 21:05.4 6:48 7 1757 Keith Purvis M 21:40.0 6:59 8 1744 Katie Whidden F 22:09.9 7:09 9 1761 Phillip Snyder M 22:32.4 7:16 10 1713 Jen Byrne F 22:39.0 7:18 11 1746 Rich Marks M 22:44.9 7:20 12 1747 Mary Marr F 22:56.9 7:24 13 231 Allie Clark F 26:27.6 8:31 14 235 Livia Kotula F 26:30.1 8:32 15 1760 Kayla Friedan F 30:40.8 9:53 16 1759 Megahn Gutensburger F 30:40.9 9:53 17 1758 Traci Waters F 30:41.5 9:53