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RHS Alumni Turkey Trot for Tots - 5K (text) Results

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                                     `-\'                                                                        Page 1
                        RHS Turkey Trot for Tots 5K
                   Robinson High School     Robinson, IL
                            11/26/2015     9am
     Chip Timing by To The Finish LLC   
Place Div/Tot  Bib Name                S Ag City        Chip Time Pace  2 Mile    Pace  Last 1.1  Gun Time     
===== ======== === =================== = == =========== ========= ===== ========= ===== ========= ========= 
    1   1/111  217 Wyatt Bonnell       M 14 Flat Rock     17:56.9  5:47   11:45.5  5:53    6:11.4   17:58.3 
    2   2/111  651 Jeff Watson         M 34 New York      17:58.9  5:48   11:46.5  5:54    6:12.5   17:59.9 
    3   3/111   28 Todd Gill           M 41 Mount Carme   18:25.4  5:56   12:02.5  6:02    6:23.0   18:26.8 
    4   4/111  615 Eric Holscher       M 17 Palestine     18:27.0  5:57   12:20.6  6:11    6:06.5   18:30.7 
    5   5/111  294 Morgan Beabout      M 16 Robinson      18:36.2  6:00   11:57.9  5:59    6:38.3   18:37.1 
    6   6/111  256 Bobby Crismyre      M 28 Robinson      19:21.7  6:14   12:38.8  6:20    6:43.0   19:22.6 
    7   7/111  221 Jay Hawkins         M 46 Robinson      19:46.4  6:22   12:51.7  6:26    6:54.7   19:46.9 
    8   8/111  608 Coffman Bob         M 40 Robinson      20:40.1  6:40   13:37.6  6:49    7:02.5   20:42.5 
    9   9/111  250 Wesley Harrison     M 19 Robinson      20:48.6  6:42   13:37.9  6:49    7:10.7   20:51.3 
   10  10/111  370 Zane Crossen        M 17 Lawrencevil   21:12.0  6:50   13:37.3  6:49    7:34.7   21:13.6 
   11  11/111  285 Matthew Staub       M 31 Columbus      21:21.6  6:53   13:42.8  6:52    7:38.9   21:23.9 
   12  12/111  264 Andrew Carwile      M 17 Mount Carme   21:27.9  6:55   13:36.2  6:49    7:51.7   21:43.3 
   13  13/111  600 Jon Michael Dasher  M 21 Mount Carme   21:33.2  6:57   13:42.9  6:52    7:50.4   21:34.6 
   14  14/111  606 Jerry Mitchell      M 65 Henderson     21:34.7  6:57   13:52.5  6:57    7:42.2   21:36.7 
   15  15/111  396 Tyler Gallion       M 15 Petersburg    21:47.7  7:01   14:13.8  7:07    7:34.0   21:53.4 
   16   1/134  220 Stephanie Hawkins   F 18 Robinson      21:57.6  7:05   14:19.9  7:10    7:37.7   21:58.9 
   17  16/111  367 Tj Tingley          M 38 Robinson      21:58.6  7:05   14:23.9  7:12    7:34.7   22:02.5 
   18  17/111  216 Wylie Bonnell       M 13 Flat Rock     22:01.4  7:06   14:12.4  7:07    7:49.0   22:01.5 
   19  18/111  268 Ben Pifer           M 32 Bettendorf    22:10.6  7:09   14:14.7  7:08    7:56.0   22:13.0 
   20  19/111  601 Conner White        M 12 Robinson      22:22.5  7:13                             22:22.5 
   21  20/111  398 Brandon Vignolo     M 37 Evansville    22:37.1  7:17   14:37.1  7:19    8:00.0   22:42.4 
   22  21/111  257 Duke Thompson       M 10 Robinson      22:40.7  7:18   14:44.8  7:23    7:56.0   22:41.8 
   23  22/111  545 Evan Stewart        M 12 La Grange     22:46.4  7:20   14:33.8  7:17    8:12.6   22:50.1 
   24  23/111  266 James Goens         M 57 Robinson      22:49.8  7:21   15:00.9  7:31    7:48.9   22:54.9 
   25   2/134  631 Nadia Kaczmarz      F 14 La Grange P   22:56.8  7:24   14:35.2  7:18    8:21.6   23:08.7 
   26  24/111  644 Justin Stone        M 39 Chicago       23:01.1  7:25   14:35.2  7:18    8:25.9   23:04.4 
   27  25/111  258 MacK Thompson       M 39 Robinson      23:03.7  7:26   14:49.9  7:25    8:13.9   23:06.8 
   28  26/111  293 Daniel Dix          M 31 Robinson      23:14.2  7:29   15:20.9  7:41    7:53.3   23:24.8 
   29  27/111  191 Mark Grimm          M 54 Robinson      23:15.7  7:30   15:24.7  7:43    7:51.0   23:21.5 
   30   3/134  259 Olivia Hickey       F 17 Robinson      23:26.8  7:33   15:01.3  7:31    8:25.5   23:28.0 
   31  28/111  278 Carl Herron         M 19 Corpus Chri   23:35.1  7:36   15:42.1  7:52    7:53.0   23:40.7 
   32  29/111  628 Caleb Jared         M 16 Mahomet       23:40.7  7:38   15:18.2  7:40    8:22.5   23:50.0 
   33  30/111  617 Andy Kummerer       M 35 Dayton        23:48.5  7:40   15:41.6  7:51    8:06.9   24:08.9 
   34   4/134  618 Natalie Kummerer    F 34 Dayton        23:48.7  7:40   15:41.6  7:51    8:07.2   24:09.0 
   35  31/111  442 Brian Weck          M 41 Robinson      23:51.3  7:41   15:33.0  7:47    8:18.4   23:59.8 
   36  32/111  395 Toby Gallion        M 11 Petersburg    23:54.6  7:42   15:31.8  7:46    8:22.8   24:00.5 
   37  33/111  550 Tony Cork           M 67 Robinson      24:01.3  7:44   15:43.5  7:52    8:17.8   24:05.9 
   38  34/111  623 Kyle Bilyew         M 34 Robinson      24:14.7  7:49   16:05.3  8:03    8:09.4   24:26.7 
   39  35/111  633 Ken Kaczmarz        M 46 La Grange P   24:23.7  7:52   15:47.9  7:54    8:35.8   24:34.6 
   40  36/111  287 Chuck Goode         M 55 Columbus      24:34.3  7:55   16:24.1  8:13    8:10.2   24:43.2 
   41  37/111  394 Rob Gallion         M 44 Petersburg    24:41.9  7:57   15:54.7  7:58    8:47.2   24:47.3 
   42   5/134  219 Shiloh Bonnell      F 39 Flat Rock     24:43.1  7:58   16:08.0  8:04    8:35.2   24:51.8 
   43  38/111  335 Mike Gullett        M 48 Carbondale    24:44.8  7:58   16:02.7  8:02    8:42.2   24:49.6 
   44  39/111  279 Gordon Herron       M 50 Corpus Chri   24:48.3  8:00   16:25.7  8:13    8:22.6   24:54.3 
   45   6/134  283 Shannon Hudson      F 36 Mount Carme   24:52.8  8:01   16:09.0  8:05    8:43.9   24:56.7 
   46  40/111  603 Martin Roth         M 46 Evansville    24:54.5  8:02   15:49.2  7:55    9:05.4   24:59.7 
   47   7/134  393 Leigh Staub         F 29 Columbus      24:57.0  8:02   16:34.6  8:18    8:22.4   25:00.7 
   48   8/134  308 Hannah Holscher     F 31 Champaign     24:57.2  8:02   16:34.8  8:18    8:22.4   25:00.6 
   49  41/111  646 Tim Gallion         M 32 Robinson      25:07.4  8:06   16:17.5  8:09    8:49.9   25:14.2 
   50  42/111  549 Collin Rains        M 18 Robinson      25:10.0  8:06   16:59.8  8:30    8:10.2   25:25.1 

     19:43:39 11/26/2015

                                                                      Page 2
                        RHS Turkey Trot for Tots 5K
                   Robinson High School     Robinson, IL
                            11/26/2015     9am
     Chip Timing by To The Finish LLC   
Place Div/Tot  Bib Name                S Ag City        Chip Time Pace  2 Mile    Pace  Last 1.1  Gun Time     
===== ======== === =================== = == =========== ========= ===== ========= ===== ========= ========= 
   51  43/111  352 Jason Garrard       M 44 Oblong        25:11.2  8:07   16:48.3  8:25    8:22.9   25:16.9 
   52  44/111  312 Christopher Slater  M 27 Robinson      25:30.9  8:13   16:45.1  8:23    8:45.8   25:39.1 
   53  45/111  381 Jeremy Brush        M 36 Lawrencevil   25:32.0  8:14   17:00.0  8:30    8:32.1   25:52.7 
   54  46/111  284 William Hudson      M 37 Mount Carme   25:33.3  8:14   16:31.3  8:16    9:02.1   25:38.9 
   55  47/111  313 Justin Akers        M 36 Lawrencevil   25:35.8  8:15   16:59.6  8:30    8:36.3   25:57.2 
   56  48/111  189 Justin Tuel         M 33 Robinson      25:37.0  8:15   16:51.5  8:26    8:45.5   25:46.4 
   57  49/111  416 Joe Rodriguez       M 43 San Antonio   25:38.4  8:16   16:38.2  8:20    9:00.2   25:43.1 
   58   9/134  320 Cindy Cummins       F 48 Lawrencevil   25:40.6  8:16   16:42.8  8:22    8:57.8   25:57.8 
   59  50/111  636 Caleb Carwile       M 10 Mt Carmel     25:50.6  8:20   16:22.0  8:11    9:28.7   25:50.6 
   60  10/134  613 MacKenzie Nickum    F 28 Westminster   25:53.5  8:20                             25:53.5 
   61  51/111   23 Darin Cox           M 18 Robinson      25:54.5  8:21   16:21.2  8:11    9:33.4   25:56.8 
   62  11/134  650 Lindsey Reynolds    F 32 New York      25:55.0  8:21   16:52.2  8:27    9:02.9   25:57.8 
   63  52/111  369 Clint Crossen       M 46 Lawrencevil   25:56.3  8:21   16:47.1  8:24    9:09.3   26:00.4 
   64  53/111  544 Don Stewart         M 36 La Grange     25:57.8  8:22   16:40.2  8:21    9:17.6   26:01.8 
   65  54/111  347 Nick Graham         M 18 Robinson      26:04.0  8:24   16:20.3  8:11    9:43.7   26:06.7 
   66  55/111  233 Paul Spinner        M 71 Paris         26:04.5  8:24   16:57.9  8:29    9:06.7   26:08.9 
   67  56/111  318 Chris Jansen        M 30 Robinson      26:14.6  8:27   17:10.2  8:36    9:04.4   26:30.1 
   68  57/111  478 Slater Martin       M 17 Robinson      26:20.0  8:29   17:23.6  8:42    8:56.4   26:36.7 
   69  12/134  222 Beth Hawkins        F 47 Robinson      26:20.9  8:29   17:22.6  8:42    8:58.4   26:26.1 
   70  58/111  343 Jordan Bowen        M 26 Clinton       26:27.6  8:31   17:06.6  8:34    9:21.1   26:45.8 
   71  59/111  159 Dalton Albright     M 16 Robinson      26:34.0  8:34   16:20.3  8:11   10:13.7   26:36.4 
   72  13/134  649 Hannah Songer       F 21 Oblong        26:34.3  8:34   17:07.1  8:34    9:27.2   26:51.8 
   73  60/111  373 Tom Moore           M 50 Oblong        26:35.3  8:34   17:07.3  8:34    9:28.0   26:40.1 
   74  61/111  547 Paul Roales         M 34 Robinson      26:43.0  8:36   17:01.1  8:31    9:42.0   27:01.1 
   75  14/134  359 Amber Leclair       F 32 Medina        27:06.8  8:44   17:30.8  8:46    9:36.0   27:09.4 
   76  15/134  302 Bri Robb            F 12 Robinson      27:10.1  8:45   17:50.5  8:56    9:19.7   27:15.2 
   77  62/111  638 Zeke Swanson        M  9 Allendale     27:20.0  8:48   18:03.0  9:02    9:17.1   27:26.9 
   78  16/134  639 Kristina Kelsey     F 36 Allendale     27:21.8  8:49   18:03.1  9:02    9:18.8   27:28.7 
   79  63/111  295 Jason Woodard       M 30 Palestine     27:39.9  8:55   18:36.9  9:19    9:03.1   28:02.8 
   80  64/111  400 Keaton Neeley       M 20 Oblong        27:40.9  8:55   19:11.9  9:36    8:29.0   27:45.9 
   81  17/134  397 Marley McKee        F 13 Mechanicsbu   27:45.5  8:57   18:02.4  9:02    9:43.2   27:50.6 
   82  65/111  224 James Riggs         M 51 Robinson      27:53.3  8:59   18:01.6  9:01    9:51.8   27:58.7 
   83  18/134  296 Nicole Woodard      F 29 Palestine     27:54.3  8:59   18:40.5  9:21    9:13.8   28:17.3 
   84  66/111  627 Jason Jared         M 42 Mahomet       28:06.4  9:03   18:10.3  9:06    9:56.1   28:14.8 
   85  67/111  388 John Sharma         M 39 Robinson      28:10.5  9:05   18:42.1  9:22    9:28.5   28:26.6 
   86  68/111  243 Eric Dean           M 41 Robinson      28:15.8  9:06   18:09.7  9:05   10:06.2   28:22.4 
   87  19/134  543 Mandy Stewart       F 35 La Grange     28:33.0  9:12   18:38.2  9:20    9:54.8   28:41.0 
   88  69/111  645 Blake Stone         M 45 Fredricksbu   28:45.4  9:16   18:12.9  9:07   10:32.6   28:57.0 
   89  20/134  353 Darcee Pfeifer      F 10 Oblong        28:46.5  9:16   19:15.6  9:38    9:30.9   28:48.8 
   90  70/111  197 Riley Simpson       M 12 Robinson      28:47.3  9:16   18:10.2  9:06   10:37.1   28:48.0 
   91  71/111  354 David Pfeifer       M 37 Oblong        28:50.1  9:17   19:46.6  9:54    9:03.5   28:52.2 
   92  21/134   87 Angela Frapp        F 44 Robinson      28:52.0  9:18   18:49.1  9:25   10:03.0   29:06.7 
   93  22/134  332 Megan Yager         F 24 Oblong        28:52.5  9:18   19:00.5  9:31    9:52.0   29:02.6 
   94  72/111  247 Mark Shaner         M 59 Robinson      28:54.6  9:19   18:50.1  9:26   10:04.6   29:03.8 
   95  23/134  368 Amy Crossen         F 23 Lawrencevil   29:03.4  9:22   19:12.1  9:37    9:51.4   29:07.5 
   96  24/134  477 Marnie Inboden      F 46 Robinson      29:22.1  9:28   19:06.7  9:34   10:15.4   29:23.3 
   97  73/111  426 Rick Guyer          M 40 Robinson      29:27.3  9:29   19:45.3  9:53    9:42.1   29:48.5 
   98  25/134  609 Kayla Guyer         F 12 Robinson      29:27.7  9:29   18:13.1  9:07   11:14.7   29:48.4 
   99  26/134  190 Cindy Grimm         F 51 Robinson      29:35.5  9:32                             29:35.5 
  100  27/134  288 Hayli Goode         F 22 Columbus      29:36.8  9:32   18:47.6  9:24   10:49.3   29:45.6 

     19:43:39 11/26/2015

                                                                      Page 3
                        RHS Turkey Trot for Tots 5K
                   Robinson High School     Robinson, IL
                            11/26/2015     9am
     Chip Timing by To The Finish LLC   
Place Div/Tot  Bib Name                S Ag City        Chip Time Pace  2 Mile    Pace  Last 1.1  Gun Time     
===== ======== === =================== = == =========== ========= ===== ========= ===== ========= ========= 
  101  74/111  249 Joe Riggs           M 20 Robinson      29:37.1  9:32   18:32.9  9:17   11:04.2   29:53.7 
  102  28/134  237 Ashtin Midgett      F 27 Robinson      29:47.2  9:36   19:28.4  9:45   10:18.8   30:12.5 
  103  29/134  238 Julie Blagrave      F 51 Robinson      29:50.6  9:37   19:29.8  9:45   10:20.9   30:14.6 
  104  75/111  425 Brad Maurer         M 40 Robinson      29:55.2  9:38   19:49.1  9:55   10:06.1   30:12.7 
  105  30/134  365 Ella Tingley        F  8 Robinson      29:56.5  9:39   20:10.0 10:05    9:46.5   30:08.4 
  106  31/134  546 Anastasia Kaiser    F 22 Robinson      30:03.6  9:41   19:09.6  9:35   10:54.1   30:23.2 
  107  76/111  624 Jeremy Edgin        M 36 Vincennes     30:05.3  9:42   19:05.5  9:33   10:59.9   30:32.0 
  108  77/111  303 Elijah Robb         M  9 Robinson      30:06.1  9:42   19:46.3  9:54   10:19.9   30:07.6 
  109  78/111  315 Andrew Elder        M 35 Robinson      30:35.0  9:51   20:08.0 10:04   10:27.1   30:39.8 
  110  79/111  314 Aiden Elder         M  9 Robinson      30:38.6  9:52   20:11.9 10:06   10:26.8   30:39.7 
  111  80/111  286 Terry Manhart       M 42 Oblong        30:56.7  9:58   19:51.1  9:56   11:05.7   31:02.1 
  112  32/134  389 Rhonda Shoulders    F 35 Bridgeport    31:01.4 10:00   19:51.7  9:56   11:09.7   31:10.1 
  113  33/134  377 Diane Hodge         F 43 Vincennes     31:01.5 10:00   19:37.4  9:49   11:24.1   31:10.6 
  114  34/134  386 Jodie Richart       F 43 Robinson      31:01.7 10:00   19:51.3  9:56   11:10.4   31:10.8 
  115  81/111  643 Shaun Cramer        M 36 Robinson      31:06.6 10:01   20:16.9 10:09   10:49.7   31:26.0 
  116  35/134  642 Jen Fyke            F 36 New Lenox     31:07.5 10:02   20:18.0 10:09   10:49.5   31:25.8 
  117  82/111  281 Bryan Hicks         M 29 Robinson      31:21.6 10:06   20:18.1 10:10   11:03.5   31:40.2 
  118  36/134  280 Ali Hicks           F 26 Robinson      31:21.8 10:06   20:19.0 10:10   11:02.8   31:39.8 
  119  37/134  325 Rendi Shuff         F 21 Lawrencevil   31:42.1 10:13   20:56.0 10:28   10:46.1   31:52.1 
  120  38/134  274 Lauren Tedford      F 29 Chicago       31:43.5 10:13   20:36.0 10:18   11:07.6   32:06.3 
  121  83/111  273 Kent Tedford        M 31 Chicago       31:44.7 10:14   20:36.9 10:19   11:07.8   32:06.2 
  122  39/134  463 Valerie Weck        F 37 Robinson      31:49.1 10:15   21:02.9 10:32   10:46.2   32:09.1 
  123  40/134  228 Carol Schrey        F 34 Ballwin       31:59.7 10:18   21:07.5 10:34   10:52.3   32:11.5 
  124  41/134   24 Audrey Maxwell      F 15 Robinson      32:00.1 10:18   20:41.6 10:21   11:18.5   32:08.6 
  125  42/134  602 Andrea Schalburg    F 15 Robinson      32:00.5 10:19   20:41.8 10:21   11:18.8   32:08.4 
  126  43/134  607 Lauren Weber        F 15 Robinson      32:00.5 10:19   20:42.1 10:22   11:18.4   32:08.5 
  127  84/111  619 Derek Tedford       M 29 Robinson      32:01.6 10:19   21:09.2 10:35   10:52.4   32:11.5 
  128  44/134  272 Kelley Pfeifer      F 37 Sumner        32:12.8 10:23   21:14.0 10:37   10:58.8   32:35.0 
  129  45/134  244 Hannah Dean         F 15 Robinson      32:14.4 10:23   20:42.9 10:22   11:31.6   32:22.1 
  130  85/111  165 Mark Shaw           M 69 Palestine     32:28.1 10:28   21:16.0 10:38   11:12.1   32:41.8 
  131  86/111  374 Nathaniel Owens     M 29 Nashville     32:28.5 10:28   21:34.2 10:48   10:54.4   32:39.3 
  132  46/134  364 Ashley Tingley      F 38 Robinson      32:29.9 10:28   21:15.5 10:38   11:14.4   32:44.2 
  133  47/134  254 Charlotte Crismyre  F 28 Robinson      32:33.2 10:29   21:00.6 10:31   11:32.7   32:38.2 
  134  48/134  346 Hannah Lushin       F 27 Castleton     32:34.5 10:30   21:24.3 10:43   11:10.2   32:42.5 
  135  49/134  234 Esther Cha          F 30 Robinson      32:34.5 10:30   21:24.1 10:43   11:10.5   32:42.6 
  136  50/134  317 Valerie Elder       F 35 Robinson      32:35.8 10:30   21:15.1 10:38   11:20.8   32:48.4 
  137  51/134  316 Katelyn Elder       F 12 Robinson      32:36.0 10:30   21:16.1 10:39   11:20.0   32:47.5 
  138  52/134  161 Sonia Albright      F 46 Robinson      32:52.7 10:35   21:29.2 10:45   11:23.5   32:55.5 
  139  53/134  356 Susan Gubelman      F 56 Robinson      32:57.0 10:37   21:34.6 10:48   11:22.4   33:13.0 
  140  54/134  604 Stephanie Roth      F 17 Evansville    33:27.7 10:47   22:39.2 11:20   10:48.5   33:35.3 
  141  55/134  291 Shelby Bursott      F 15 Robinson      33:29.4 10:47   22:40.3 11:21   10:49.2   33:50.1 
  142  56/134  269 Amber Hillard       F 14 Robinson      33:55.9 10:56   22:10.0 11:05   11:46.0   34:04.9 
  143  87/111  270 James Hillard       M 18 Robinson      33:55.9 10:56   22:10.0 11:05   11:45.9   34:04.8 
  144  57/134  542 Katelyn Thomas      F 16 Robinson      34:04.9 10:59   21:18.2 10:40   12:46.7   34:20.4 
  145  88/111  548 Jordan Frapp        M 18 Robinson      34:05.1 10:59   21:18.2 10:40   12:46.9   34:20.6 
  146  58/134  605 Lisa Roth           F 46 Evansville    34:27.5 11:06   22:34.0 11:17   11:53.6   34:40.6 
  147  59/134  338 Kerry Zerla         F 48 Fishers       34:32.0 11:07   22:39.6 11:20   11:52.4   34:39.5 
  148  60/134  376 Livia Smith         F 11 Robinson      34:37.9 11:09   22:18.6 11:10   12:19.3   34:45.7 
  149  61/134  626 Alaina Jared        F 10 Mahomet       34:38.1 11:09   22:18.7 11:10   12:19.4   34:45.8 
  150  62/134  324 Dawn Shuff          F 56 Lawrencevil   34:40.5 11:10   22:07.4 11:04   12:33.1   34:52.0 

     19:43:39 11/26/2015

                                                                      Page 4
                        RHS Turkey Trot for Tots 5K
                   Robinson High School     Robinson, IL
                            11/26/2015     9am
     Chip Timing by To The Finish LLC   
Place Div/Tot  Bib Name                S Ag City        Chip Time Pace  2 Mile    Pace  Last 1.1  Gun Time     
===== ======== === =================== = == =========== ========= ===== ========= ===== ========= ========= 
  151  89/111  417 Riley Pearce        M 35 Robinson      34:46.4 11:12   22:42.2 11:22   12:04.2   35:04.3 
  152  63/134  289 Lori Goode          F 52 Columbus      34:47.9 11:13   23:14.4 11:38   11:33.6   35:02.8 
  153  90/111  611 James Lathrop       M 40 Robinson      34:52.8 11:14   22:42.0 11:21   12:10.8   35:10.8 
  154  64/134  194 Sarah Porter        F 36 Mount Carme   34:53.1 11:14   22:38.8 11:20   12:14.3   34:59.9 
  155  65/134  166 Jessie Steele       F 32 Robinson      34:53.2 11:14   22:44.2 11:23   12:09.0   35:16.2 
  156  66/134  188 Andrea Steele       F 31 Robinson      34:53.3 11:14   22:44.5 11:23   12:08.9   35:16.2 
  157  67/134  415 Lorrisa Neeley      F 27 Oblong        34:54.1 11:14   22:43.5 11:22   12:10.7   34:58.9 
  158  68/134  248 Resa Shaner         F 54 Robinson      35:02.7 11:17   23:18.9 11:40   11:43.8   35:10.9 
  159  69/134  290 Amber Bursott       F 36 Robinson      35:19.7 11:23   22:49.4 11:25   12:30.4   35:40.3 
  160  91/111  355 Eric Gubelman       M 57 Robinson      35:20.8 11:23   23:15.3 11:38   12:05.5   35:37.7 
  161  70/134  198 Carrie Simpson      F 43 Robinson      35:35.9 11:28   23:02.1 11:32   12:33.8   35:38.1 
  162  71/134  309 Christy Fuller      F 37 Victor        35:36.0 11:28   23:02.5 11:32   12:33.6   35:38.1 
  163  72/134  612 Carolyn Nickum      F 56 Steamboat S   35:37.3 11:28   23:03.5 11:32   12:33.8   35:38.4 
  164  92/111  235 Jeff Deamann        M 63 Robinson      35:42.2 11:30   23:09.8 11:35   12:32.5   35:55.2 
  165  73/134  225 Amanda Keesling     F 35 Robinson      36:30.7 11:46   23:30.1 11:46   13:00.6   36:53.9 
  166  74/134  292 Amy Coonce          F 42 Robinson      36:50.1 11:52   24:01.7 12:01   12:48.4   37:11.0 
  167  75/134  357 Jenny Hardiman      F 41 Robinson      36:51.1 11:52   24:02.7 12:02   12:48.4   37:09.8 
  168  93/111  227 Seth Mason          M  6 Robinson      37:15.3 12:00                             37:41.9 
  169  94/111  218 David Bonnell       M 39 Flat Rock     37:43.7 12:09   23:13.8 11:37   14:30.0   37:52.0 
  170  76/134  199 Wren Bonnell        F  8 Flat Rock     37:44.1 12:09   23:15.1 11:38   14:29.0   37:52.0 
  171  95/111  263 Scott Carwile       M 42 Mount Carme   38:05.5 12:16   24:30.7 12:16   13:34.8   38:17.3 
  172  77/134  337 Jenny Zerla         F 11 Fishers       38:10.0 12:18   25:27.4 12:44   12:42.7   38:17.3 
  173  78/134  339 Laura Zerla         F 16 Fishers       38:14.0 12:19   25:27.3 12:44   12:46.7   38:21.8 
  174  96/111  336 Andy Zerla          M 47 Fishers       38:14.5 12:19   25:27.8 12:44   12:46.8   38:21.6 
  175  79/134  625 Mandy Jared         F 40 Mahomet       38:45.3 12:29   25:08.3 12:35   13:37.1   38:54.1 
  176  80/134  246 Angie Smith         F 40 Robinson      38:45.4 12:29   25:08.4 12:35   13:37.1   38:54.1 
  177  81/134  277 Morgan Gill         F 13 Oblong        38:49.9 12:30   24:12.2 12:07   14:37.7   39:11.7 
  178  82/134  344 Kelsa Bowen         F 24 Clinton       38:52.2 12:31   25:22.8 12:42   13:29.5   39:07.3 
  179  83/134    7 Carolyn Schmidt     F 55 Lynnville     38:59.4 12:33   25:43.0 12:52   13:16.4   39:11.0 
  180  84/134  614 Stephanie Rudd      F 11 Palestine     39:00.8 12:34   24:24.8 12:13   14:36.1   39:10.0 
  181  85/134  304 Ashly Lassen        F 37 Robinson      39:11.4 12:37   25:26.5 12:44   13:44.9   39:20.9 
  182  97/111    8 Pete Orth           M 72 Lynnville     39:36.4 12:45   25:44.5 12:53   13:51.9   39:46.7 
  183  86/134   34 Pj Vanshoyck        F 43 Robinson      39:49.4 12:50                             40:15.9 
  184  87/134  226 Stacy Mason         F 40 Robinson      39:54.0 12:51                             40:20.9 
  185  88/134  275 Jenna Hamm          F 31 Hillsboro     40:16.7 12:58   26:24.4 13:13   13:52.4   40:39.9 
  186  89/134  328 Scherrie Chamblin   F 44 Robinson      40:31.0 13:03   26:21.8 13:11   14:09.2   40:50.7 
  187  90/134  382 Amy Frey            F 38 Lawrencevil   40:31.4 13:03   26:55.7 13:28   13:35.7   40:44.3 
  188  91/134  310 Terri Birkofer      F 56 Flat Rock     40:33.4 13:04   26:29.0 13:15   14:04.4   40:42.3 
  189  92/134  311 Alana Slater        F 35 East Ridge    40:33.5 13:04   27:30.9 13:46   13:02.7   40:42.0 
  190  93/134   61 Kyndal Jobe         F 15 Robinson      41:04.5 13:14   27:40.9 13:51   13:23.6   41:24.7 
  191  98/111   60 Chris Jobe          M 42 Robinson      41:04.9 13:14   27:41.3 13:51   13:23.7   41:24.4 
  192  94/134  131 Kaleigh Weger       F 22 Robinson      42:53.7 13:49   28:14.1 14:08   14:39.6   43:08.4 
  193  95/134  108 Michelle Weger      F 49 Robinson      43:09.7 13:54                             43:24.8 
  194  96/134  481 Holly Dix           F 29 Robinson      43:12.0 13:55   30:30.1 15:16   12:41.9   43:33.0 
  195  97/134  253 Janet Crismyre      F 54 Park Ridge    43:13.1 13:55   28:15.7 14:08   14:57.4   43:20.2 
  196  98/134  255 Cathy Grabowski     F 60 Palatine      43:21.4 13:58   28:14.5 14:08   15:06.9   43:29.7 
  197  99/134  637 Danielle Carwile    F 38 Mt Carmel     43:32.9 14:01   28:38.0 14:19   14:55.0   43:50.1 
  198 100/134  399 Jill Jansen         F 35 Robinson      43:48.1 14:06   30:29.0 15:15   13:19.1   44:09.8 
  199  99/111  383 Hayden Frey         M 11 Lawrencevil   43:49.8 14:07   26:56.5 13:29   16:53.3   44:01.9 
  200 101/134  307 Jennifer Mumbower   F 32 Spring Grov   44:08.3 14:13   28:48.6 14:25   15:19.7   44:21.2 

     19:43:39 11/26/2015

                                                                      Page 5
                        RHS Turkey Trot for Tots 5K
                   Robinson High School     Robinson, IL
                            11/26/2015     9am
     Chip Timing by To The Finish LLC   
Place Div/Tot  Bib Name                S Ag City        Chip Time Pace  2 Mile    Pace  Last 1.1  Gun Time     
===== ======== === =================== = == =========== ========= ===== ========= ===== ========= ========= 
  201 102/134  306 Megan Gallagher     F 12 Spring Grov   44:09.2 14:13   28:49.6 14:25   15:19.7   44:21.1 
  202 100/111  160 Scott Albright      M 43 Robinson      44:14.4 14:15   25:00.4 12:31   19:14.1   44:18.5 
  203 101/111  260 Troy Hickey         M 54 Robinson      45:18.7 14:36   29:53.1 14:57   15:25.7   45:34.2 
  204 103/134  261 Mariah Hickey       F 21 Gonzales      45:18.8 14:36   29:53.2 14:57   15:25.7   45:34.2 
  205 102/111  380 Tyler Mitchell      M 26 Flat Rock     45:29.5 14:39   29:39.9 14:50   15:49.7   45:58.7 
  206 104/134  379 Sandy Hodge         F 22 Vincennes     45:30.5 14:39   29:40.2 14:51   15:50.3   45:58.5 
  207 105/134  371 Crystal Ham         F 25 Robinson      45:36.4 14:41   29:19.6 14:40   16:16.9   45:48.3 
  208 106/134  372 Sheila Ham          F 47 Robinson      45:38.4 14:42   29:20.7 14:41   16:17.7   45:49.3 
  209 107/134  141 Chris Blair         F 69 Robinson      45:38.9 14:42   30:20.6 15:11   15:18.4   46:03.9 
  210 108/134  305 Amber Riker         F 26 Robinson      46:07.3 14:51   30:51.8 15:26   15:15.6   46:17.1 
  211 109/134  375 Carly Schrey        F 26 Nashville     46:07.3 14:51   30:51.9 15:26   15:15.4   46:17.0 
  212 103/111  276 Doug Gill           M 52 Oblong        46:21.3 14:56   30:14.7 15:08   16:06.7   46:44.1 
  213 110/134  330 Laini Wright        F 15 Robinson      46:52.4 15:06   30:40.6 15:21   16:11.9   47:18.1 
  214 111/134  329 Amy Wright          F 46 Robinson      46:52.5 15:06   30:40.7 15:21   16:11.8   47:18.2 
  215 112/134  333 Fayrene Wright      F 57 Robinson      47:23.6 15:16   31:05.5 15:33   16:18.1   47:41.0 
  216 113/134  231 Jordan Runyon       F 24 Robinson      48:12.5 15:31   25:42.8 12:52   22:29.8   48:25.0 
  217 104/111  647 Dennis Smith        M 44 Annapolis     48:42.3 15:41   32:17.2 16:09   16:25.1   49:06.8 
  218 114/134  301 MacKenzie Neal      F 14 Robinson      48:43.7 15:42   31:42.1 15:52   17:01.7   48:58.9 
  219 105/111  648 Wyatt Smith         M 16 Annapolis     48:45.0 15:42   32:19.2 16:10   16:25.8   49:07.7 
  220 115/134  300 Alex Fulling        F 16 Robinson      48:45.0 15:42   31:43.2 15:52   17:01.8   48:59.0 
  221 116/134  232 Kristina Smith      F 35 Annapolis     48:45.7 15:42   32:19.7 16:10   16:26.1   49:07.5 
  222 106/111  385 Mac Crane           M 10 Mount Carme   49:08.1 15:49   32:37.1 16:19   16:31.0   49:35.3 
  223 107/111  384 Freddie Crane       M 48 Mount Carme   49:08.8 15:50   32:37.7 16:19   16:31.2   49:35.7 
  224 117/134  251 Jessica Ault        F 36 Flat Rock     49:12.2 15:51   32:09.8 16:05   17:02.5   49:26.4 
  225 108/111  187 Zach Steele         M 33 Robinson      49:19.1 15:53   32:04.2 16:03   17:14.9   49:50.5 
  226 118/134  265 Sue Steele          F 61 Robinson      49:19.1 15:53   32:04.5 16:03   17:14.7   49:50.2 
  227 119/134  340 Annabeth Brimberry  F 26 Manteno       49:57.8 16:05   32:12.5 16:07   17:45.3   50:13.6 
  228 109/111  342 Logan Brimberry     M 26 Manteno       49:59.2 16:06   32:12.4 16:07   17:46.8   50:13.9 
  229 120/134  341 Kim Brimberry       F 53 Robinson      50:07.2 16:08   32:12.2 16:07   17:55.0   50:23.1 
  230 121/134  223 Pat Bernhardt       F 61 Robinson      50:09.8 16:09   32:38.4 16:20   17:31.4   50:35.0 
  231 122/134  322 Dee Dee Barbee      F 49 Robinson      50:14.5 16:11   32:23.7 16:12   17:50.9   50:29.6 
  232 110/111  321 Bryan Barbee        M 52 Robinson      50:15.6 16:11   32:24.4 16:13   17:51.2   50:29.8 
  233 123/134  345 McKinnon Anderson   F 16 Mount Carme   50:18.4 16:12   32:50.0 16:25   17:28.5   50:35.3 
  234 124/134  327 Lisa Paddock        F 45 Robinson      51:20.9 16:32   33:07.7 16:34   18:13.2   51:42.9 
  235 125/134  351 Meredith Cornwell   F 35 Robinson      51:21.9 16:32   33:07.8 16:34   18:14.2   51:44.1 
  236 126/134  334 Jessi Wright        F 29 Mount Verno   51:36.0 16:37   33:52.1 16:57   17:43.9   51:52.9 
  237 127/134  362 Stephenie North     F 44 Robinson      53:04.1 17:05   34:14.4 17:08   18:49.8   53:32.8 
  238 128/134  360 Abbie Davidson      F 41 Olney         53:05.7 17:06   34:13.4 17:07   18:52.3   53:35.4 
  239 129/134  361 Amira Thompson      F 15 Olney         53:06.0 17:06   34:13.9 17:07   18:52.1   53:35.3 
  240 130/134  427 Lee Lawhead         F 46 Robinson      53:45.3 17:19   35:16.7 17:39   18:28.7   54:08.0 
  241 131/134  640 Sally Messenger     F 70 Vincennes     54:55.6 17:41   35:26.5 17:44   19:29.1   55:29.7 
  242          620 Sally Messenger     F    Robinson      54:56.9 17:42   35:32.3 17:47   19:24.7   55:30.8 
  243          622 Terry Messenger     M    Robinson      54:58.9 17:42   35:26.9 17:44   19:32.0   55:32.5 
  244 111/111  641 Lon Messenger       M 65 Vincennes     55:02.5 17:43   35:33.8 17:47   19:28.7   55:35.8 
  245 132/134  635 Trinity Kramer      F 46 St Elmo       55:09.0 17:46   35:22.2 17:42   19:46.8   55:35.9 
  246 133/134  632 Barbara Kaczmarz    F 49 La Grange P   55:09.6 17:46                             55:37.5 
  247 134/134  630 Nina Kaczmarz       F 16 La Grange P   55:09.9 17:46                             55:37.5 
  248          634 Brandi Waterman     F    St Elmo       55:10.7 17:46   35:22.7 17:42   19:48.0   55:37.7 

     19:43:39 11/26/2015