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2014 Cozad Cross Country Invitational - Boys Middle School Results Results

                                                                       Page 1
                     Cozad Cross Country Invitational
                       Cozad Country Club, Cozad, NE
                          September 4, 2014 - 1M

                          BOYS MIDDLE SCHOOL RACE

 Place Name                    Year Team                      Time    Pace  
 ===== ======================= ==== ========================= ======= ===== 
     1 Ryker Vanbrocklin          8 Hastings High              5:08.7  5:09 
     2 Sergio Escobar             8 Gothenburg                 5:33.9  5:34 
     3 Ryan Healey                8 Gothenburg                 5:34.3  5:35 
     4 Edvin Ortiz                8 Lexington High School      5:39.6  5:40 
     5 Eric Graff                 7 McCook                     5:39.9  5:40 
     6 Yanni Vasquez-Garcia       7 Lexington High School      5:40.3  5:41 
     7 Isaiah Brandt              8 Hastings High              5:42.1  5:43 
     8 Nate Kare                  8 Cozad                      5:43.0  5:43 
     9 Danny Vuong                8 Hastings High              5:43.3  5:44 
    10 Devon Meixner              8 McCook                     5:47.3  5:48 
    11 Matthew Welton             8 Hastings High              5:48.3  5:49 
    12 Traiven Campbell           8 Broken Bow High School     5:49.8  5:50 
    13 Evan Davis                 8 Hastings High              5:51.2  5:52 
    14 Alexis Hernandez           7 Lexington High School      5:56.3  5:57 
    15 Zac Burnside                 Ogallala                   6:01.6  6:02 
    16 Noah Sass                  8 Hastings High              6:03.1  6:04 
    17 Connor Story               7 Hastings High              6:04.4  6:05 
    18 Matthew Shea               7 Gothenburg                 6:04.8  6:05 
    19 James Myers                8 McCook                     6:05.9  6:06 
    20 Aaron Ochsner              7 Hastings High              6:06.2  6:07 
    21 Riley Mai                  8 McCook                     6:06.9  6:07 
    22 Jefferson Mai              8 Hastings High              6:15.6  6:16 
    23 Isaac Patterson            8 Hastings High              6:17.5  6:18 
    24 Preston Smith              8 Gothenburg                 6:19.1  6:20 
    25 Jonathan Zimmerman         8 Hastings High              6:20.2  6:21 
    26 Skyler Chancellor          8 Gothenburg                 6:20.7  6:21 
    27 Kevin Perez                8 Lexington High School      6:23.5  6:24 
    28 Austin Macek               8 Gothenburg                 6:25.2  6:26 
    29 Erick Estrada              8 Lexington High School      6:30.2  6:31 
    30 Kaden Benson               8 McCook                     6:30.9  6:31 
    31 Austin Werner              7 Cozad                      6:33.1  6:34 
    32 Gavin Strauss              7 Lexington High School      6:33.9  6:34 
    33 Gabe Estrada               7 Cozad                      6:35.8  6:36 
    34 Marvin Orozco              7 Lexington High School      6:41.7  6:42 
    35 Tad Riedel                 7 Gothenburg                 6:45.9  6:46 
    36 Ryan Beck                  8 Broken Bow High School     6:46.0  6:46 
    37 Josiah Hiatt               8 Hastings High              6:49.6  6:50 
    38 Will Rosno                 8 Hastings High              6:51.2  6:52 
    39 Elmer Orellana             7 Cozad                      6:54.3  6:55 
    40 Christen Howard            7 Broken Bow High School     6:54.7  6:55 
    41 Garrett Phillips           7 Broken Bow High School     6:55.8  6:56 
    42 Hunter Rios                7 Lexington High School      6:55.9  6:56 
    43 Nolan Nielsen                Ogallala                   6:55.9  6:56 
    44 Lane Russell               7 Broken Bow High School     6:57.6  6:58 
    45 Jaxson Dueland             8 McCook                     6:57.8  6:58 
    46 Trevor Linn                8 Cozad                      6:59.8  7:00 
    47 Blake Sucha                8 Gothenburg                 7:02.0  7:02 
    48 Jacob Studley              7 Hastings High              7:04.3  7:05 
    49 Efren Agurre               7 Lexington High School      7:07.9  7:08 
    50 Moses Dunbar               8 Hastings High              7:08.9  7:09 
 Results provided by Precision Race Results

                                                                       Page 2
                     Cozad Cross Country Invitational
                       Cozad Country Club, Cozad, NE
                          September 4, 2014 - 1M

                          BOYS MIDDLE SCHOOL RACE

 Place Name                    Year Team                      Time    Pace  
 ===== ======================= ==== ========================= ======= ===== 
    51 Kaden Garcia               8 Cozad                      7:10.5  7:11 
    52 Landon Power               7 Hastings High              7:18.3  7:19 
    53 Nathan Albers              8 Hastings High              7:20.4  7:21 
    54 Geoffrey Brandenberg       7 Cozad                      7:25.5  7:26 
    55 Soren Wiedman              8 Hastings High              7:29.9  7:30 
    56 Nolan Avent                7 Hastings High              7:31.2  7:32 
    57 Sam Schendt                8 Broken Bow High School     7:32.0  7:32 
    58 Philip Glazebrook            Ogallala                   7:32.7  7:33 
    59 Daniel Tschetter             Ogallala                   7:32.9  7:33 
    60 Loki Hays                  7 Hastings                   7:33.9  7:34 
    61 Weston Wale                8 Broken Bow High School     7:36.4  7:37 
    62 Oliver Dunbar              7 Hastings High              7:46.1  7:47 
    63 Anderson Rogers            7 Hastings High              8:14.2  8:15 
    64 Dakota Welch               7 Lexington High School      8:20.1  8:21 
    65 Eloy Chavez                8 Hastings High              8:29.4  8:30 
    66 Tanner Butler              8 Broken Bow High School     8:45.6  8:46 
    67 Taylor Donahue             7 Hastings High              8:58.5  8:59 
    68 Treyton Bottolfson         8 Hastings High              9:15.0  9:15 
    69 Ryan Kuskie                8 Broken Bow High School    10:07.8 10:08 
    70 Tate Amos                  7 Lexington High School     11:06.4 11:07 
 Results provided by Precision Race Results