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BolderBOULDER 2012 - Elite Men 10k Results

                             TOP 50 men FINISH

Place  Finish    Tot Dif    No.     Name                           Cou 
===== ========== ========== ======= ============================== === 
    1   29:53.15                M16 Allan Kiprono                  KEN 
    2   30:02.45    0:09.30     M22 Tadese Tola                    ETH 
    3   30:05.86    0:12.71     M23 Brihanu Gedefa                 ETH 
    4   30:09.74    0:16.59      M3 Aaron Braun                    USA 
    5   30:33.08    0:39.93     M24 Demessew Tsega                 ETH 
    6   30:35.23    0:42.08      M6 Kenyon Neuman                  CO  
    7   30:41.34    0:48.19     M18 John Korir                     KEN 
    8   30:44.00    0:50.85     M15 Alejandro Suarez               MEX 
    9   30:45.80    0:52.65      M9 Leon Lopez Constantino         PER 
   10   30:50.26    0:57.11     M13 Juan Carlos Romero             MEX 
   11   30:58.12    1:04.97     M31 Liam Adams                     AUS 
   12   31:06.51    1:13.36      M8 Paulino Canchanya Canchanya    PER 
   13   31:11.81    1:18.66      M1 Chris Barnicle                 USA 
   14   31:18.25    1:25.10     M17 Lani Rutto                     KEN 
   15   31:23.50    1:30.35     M14 Diego Alberto Borrego          MEX 
   16   31:32.58    1:39.43      M4 Jeremy Freed                   CO  
   17   31:38.06    1:44.91      M5 Patrick Rizzo                  CO  
   18   31:45.03    1:51.88     M32 Lee Troop                      AUS 
   19   32:02.79    2:09.64      M2 Scott Smith                    USA 
   20   32:06.49    2:13.34      M7 Jhon Lenon Casallo Lozano      PER 
   21   32:34.13    2:40.98     M30 Rob Watson                     CAN 
   22   32:46.97    2:53.82     M20 Ottoniel Mucia                 GUA 
   23   33:01.29    3:08.14     M29 Sami Jabril                    CAN 
   24   33:18.65    3:25.50     M21 Mynor Lopez                    GUA 
   25   33:22.69    3:29.54     M28 Sam Pawluk                     CAN 
   26   33:37.58    3:44.43     M19 Victor Manuel Gonzales         GUA 
   27   34:56.87    5:03.72     M33 Michael Fox                    AUS 

                        Bolder/Boulder Pros - 2012

  Place No.     Name                       Sex Team           Mile1   Mile2   Mile3   Mile4   Mile5   Mile6   Time       Pace  
  ===== ======= ========================== === ============== ======= ======= ======= ======= ======= ======= ========== ===== 
      1     M16 Allan Kiprono                M Ken               4:56    4:36    4:45    4:58    4:41    4:53   29:53.15  4:50 
      2     M22 Tadese Tola                  M Eth               4:57    4:40    5:02    4:53    4:38    4:55   30:02.45  4:51 
      3     M23 Brihanu Gedefa               M Eth               4:56    4:37    5:03    4:53    4:41    4:55   30:05.86  4:52 
      4      M3 Aaron Braun                  M Usa               4:56    4:51    5:03    4:58    4:42    4:44   30:09.74  4:52 
      5     M24 Demessew Tsega               M Eth               4:56    4:44    5:02    5:02    4:48    5:00   30:33.08  4:56 
      6      M6 Kenyon Neuman                M Co                4:57    4:49    5:05    4:58    4:48    4:59   30:35.23  4:56 
      7     M18 John Korir                   M Ken               4:56    4:48    5:03    4:58    4:46    5:03   30:41.34  4:57 
      8     M15 Alejandro Suarez             M Mex               4:56    4:48    5:04    5:00    4:49    5:04   30:44.00  4:58 
      9      M9 Leon Lopez Constantino       M Per               4:56    4:49    5:04    5:00    4:50    5:06   30:45.80  4:58 
     10     M13 Juan Carlos Romero           M Mex               4:57    4:48    5:04    4:59    4:51    5:06   30:50.26  4:59 
     11     M31 Liam Adams                   M Aus               4:57    4:48    5:04    5:00    4:52    5:12   30:58.12  5:00 
     12      M8 Paulino Canchanya Canchany   M Per               4:56    4:48    5:04    5:05    5:00    5:07   31:06.51  5:02 
     13      M1 Chris Barnicle               M Usa               4:57    4:53    5:09    5:06    4:58    5:05   31:11.81  5:02 
     14     M17 Lani Rutto                   M Ken               4:56    4:37    4:58    5:08    5:04    5:30   31:18.25  5:03 
     15     M14 Diego Alberto Borrego        M Mex               4:56    4:49    5:06    5:11    4:59    5:13   31:23.50  5:04 
     16      M4 Jeremy Freed                 M Co                4:56    4:53    5:20    5:14    5:00    5:07   31:32.58  5:06 
     17      M5 Patrick Rizzo                M Co                4:56    4:51    5:12    5:15    5:02    5:16   31:38.06  5:07 
     18     M32 Lee Troop                    M Aus               4:56    4:51    5:21    5:12    5:04    5:15   31:45.03  5:08 
     19      M2 Scott Smith                  M Usa               4:57    5:01    5:18    5:12    5:01    5:24   32:02.79  5:11 
     20      M7 Jhon Lenon Casallo Lozano    M Per               4:56    4:50    5:24    5:21    5:06    5:23   32:06.49  5:11 
     21     M30 Rob Watson                   M Can               4:57    5:00    5:26    5:24    5:11    5:26   32:34.13  5:16 
     22     M20 Ottoniel Mucia               M Gua               4:57    5:01    5:34    5:27    5:13    5:26   32:46.97  5:18 
     23     M29 Sami Jabril                  M Can               5:06    5:16    5:30    5:24    5:11    5:26   33:01.29  5:20 
     24     M21 Mynor Lopez                  M Gua               4:56    5:12    5:49    5:37    5:13    5:25   33:18.65  5:23 
     25     M28 Sam Pawluk                   M Can               4:58    5:11    5:34    5:34    5:23    5:32   33:22.69  5:24 
     26     M19 Victor Manuel Gonzales       M Gua               4:57    5:13    5:39    5:38    5:19    5:35   33:37.58  5:26 
     27     M33 Michael Fox                  M Aus               4:58    5:26    5:57    5:55    5:36    5:53   34:56.87  5:39 
                         TEAM RESULTS - FINISH
  1. ETH
            2    3    5  =    10
  2. KEN
            1    7   14  =    22
  3. MEX
            8   10   15  =    33
  4. USA
            4   13   19  =    36
  5. CO 
            6   16   17  =    39
  6. PER
            9   12   20  =    41
  7. AUS
           11   18   27  =    56
  8. CAN
           21   23   25  =    69
  9. GUA
           22   24   26  =    72