Madison Marathon - 2014

Marathon - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 25 of 25
number of records per page: [10] [all]

364 Brian Condon M25-29 1 1/103 1/768 35:19 1:14:02 1:45:36 2:31:32 5:47
1545 Joshua Haase M20-24 2 1/90 2/768 35:28 1:14:03 1:45:44 2:32:29 5:49
548 Kevin Gries M20-24 3 2/90 3/768 35:28 1:14:31 1:47:28 2:36:33 5:59
261 Michael Borst M20-24 4 3/90 4/768 36:22 1:18:37 1:53:27 2:42:09 6:12
843 David Luy M20-24 5 4/90 5/768 37:36 1:19:05 1:54:03 2:44:35 6:17
1188 Robert Schneider M35-39 6 1/114 6/768 38:30 1:20:44 1:55:25 2:46:19 6:21
1187 Patrick Schneider M40-44 7 1/106 7/768 38:09 1:20:13 1:54:38 2:46:24 6:21
539 Kevin Grabowski M45-49 8 1/72 8/768 38:52 1:21:55 1:57:02 2:47:12 6:23
1151 Ryley Ruzek M20-24 9 5/90 9/768 38:38 1:21:53 1:57:00 2:47:36 6:24
638 Jake Hommer M25-29 10 2/103 10/768 40:23 1:24:58 2:00:09 2:49:42 6:29
1580 Joe Kurian M35-39 11 2/114 11/768 37:36 1:21:36 1:58:29 2:51:07 6:32
1579 Andrew Jungwirth M30-34 12 1/109 12/768 39:20 1:25:19 2:00:09 2:51:17 6:32
295 Thomas Brunold M45-49 13 2/72 13/768 41:13 1:25:52 2:02:20 2:53:19 6:37
782 Ryan Kulke M30-34 14 2/109 14/768 38:40 1:22:16 1:58:28 2:53:20 6:37
523 Ryan Gill M35-39 15 3/114 15/768 41:08 1:26:28 2:03:36 2:54:38 6:40
448 Thomas Enright M01-19 16 1/32 16/768 40:38 1:24:58 2:01:15 2:54:55 6:41
2015 James Bonus M20-24 17 6/90 17/768 41:54 1:27:16 2:03:16 2:55:33 6:42
287 Kayla Brown F25-29 18 1/119 1/503 39:45 1:23:39 2:00:24 2:55:59 6:43
184 Jonathan Balabuck M30-34 19 3/109 18/768 40:36 1:25:28 2:01:32 2:56:05 6:43
1185 Jake Schneider M20-24 20 7/90 19/768 39:16 1:23:32 1:59:34 2:56:29 6:44
966 Justin Nale M30-34 21 4/109 20/768 40:47 1:26:36 2:04:03 2:56:39 6:45
563 Bret Hagen M25-29 22 3/103 21/768 40:30 1:25:08 2:02:04 2:57:38 6:47
1252 Henry Southgate M30-34 23 5/109 22/768 40:07 1:25:06 2:02:09 2:57:57 6:48
174 Nelson Auner M20-24 24 8/90 23/768 41:35 1:27:46 2:05:40 2:58:50 6:50
151 Joe Ainsworth M25-29 25 4/103 24/768 41:56 1:28:27 2:05:46 2:59:27 6:51

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