AquaRun 2011 - Kids Awards Results

	Boys 10-12			Girls 10-12					
	1st - Nickolas Paduano		1st - Emily Haegeland					
	2nd - Drew Bair			2nd - Jayden Bush					
	3rd - Mark Van Horn		3rd - Katrina Mueller					
	Boys 9/Under			Girls 9/Under					
	1st - Micah Bair		1st - Ashley Reeck					
	2nd - Cohen Noki		2nd - Lizzie Daugherty					
	3rd - Ian Mahler		3rd - Emma Apostolos					
Some Kids did not turn in tags or have ages on registration information which caused								
delays in scoring and did not allow us to present awards on site. We apologize if we 								
missed anyone! Thanks for participating this year.