2012 Republic Tiger Tri

Adult Triathlon Results - Results

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354 Jonathan Gano M3539 49 6/23 44/222 4:31 1:39 1:38 38:34 19.3 1:31 21:41 7:00 1:07:55
337 Cynthia Bradley F4549 50 2/14 5/126 5:50 2:08 1:01 36:57 20.1 0:53 23:18 7:31 1:07:58
274 Scott Peterson M5054 51 1/15 45/222 7:32 2:45 0:53 36:25 20.4 0:46 22:29 7:16 1:08:06
266 David Whitney M4549 52 6/20 46/222 8:19 3:03 1:20 36:53 20.2 0:59 20:44 6:41 1:08:15
2 Dalton Edwards M0119 53 2/21 47/222 5:24 1:59 1:04 42:03 17.7 0:36 19:12 6:12 1:08:18
95 Rodmy Chavez M3034 54 11/33 48/222 6:06 2:14 1:40 35:18 21.1 1:21 24:26 7:53 1:08:51
360 Andrew Ellsworth M4044 55 10/29 49/222 4:14 1:33 1:24 37:35 19.8 0:51 24:50 8:01 1:08:54
24 Greg Tull M0119 56 3/21 50/222 5:11 1:54 1:20 39:21 18.9 1:09 22:02 7:07 1:09:03
238 Tony Shields M4549 57 7/20 51/222 5:01 1:50 0:56 39:49 18.7 0:53 22:25 7:14 1:09:04
141 Monica Miller F3539 58 2/18 6/126 5:41 2:05 0:56 38:49 19.2 0:33 23:16 7:31 1:09:16
244 Karim Farouki M4549 59 8/20 52/222 5:35 2:03 1:05 39:05 19.0 1:19 22:15 7:11 1:09:19
397 Jonathon Clark M2024 60 5/14 53/222 5:47 2:07 1:26 36:57 20.1 1:58 23:38 7:38 1:09:46
137 Chad Carrel MCLY3 61 3/11 54/222 5:46 2:07 1:36 37:07 20.0 1:47 23:34 7:36 1:09:50
288 Dennis Neil M5054 62 2/15 55/222 6:12 2:16 1:22 39:18 18.9 1:07 22:19 7:12 1:10:18
9 Garrron Schweighardt M0119 63 4/21 56/222 5:10 1:54 1:53 43:28 17.1 0:29 19:19 6:14 1:10:19
180 Troy Caron M3539 64 7/23 57/222 5:35 2:03 2:19 38:00 19.6 2:27 22:10 7:09 1:10:31
398 Team Gummy Bear Dea TEAM 65 2/12 2/12 4:51 1:47 0:38 37:04 20.1 0:33 27:32 8:53 1:10:37
355 Gabriel Fleck M4549 66 9/20 58/222 4:27 1:38 2:00 40:14 18.5 1:30 22:29 7:15 1:10:39
163 Adam Wright MCLY3 67 4/11 59/222 5:08 1:53 1:11 35:58 20.7 1:11 27:17 8:49 1:10:46
166 Matt Myers M3539 68 8/23 60/222 6:15 2:17 1:45 40:05 18.6 1:04 21:47 7:02 1:10:56
152 Jami Jordan F3539 69 3/18 7/126 5:26 1:59 1:18 39:40 18.8 1:03 23:29 7:35 1:10:57
268 Gary Locke M4549 70 10/20 61/222 6:08 2:15 1:14 38:10 19.5 1:13 24:18 7:51 1:11:02
192 Wade Wheeler M4044 71 11/29 62/222 6:25 2:21 2:08 36:15 20.5 1:30 24:46 8:00 1:11:04
308 Rob Bullock M5559 72 2/15 63/222 5:37 2:03 1:32 38:44 19.2 1:20 24:01 7:45 1:11:15
327 Team Sbr Endurance TEAM 73 3/12 3/12 6:28 2:22 1:05 40:05 18.6 0:34 23:03 7:27 1:11:16
65 Katie Evans F2529 74 2/18 8/126 6:43 2:28 1:02 40:37 18.3 0:50 22:10 7:09 1:11:23
7 Joshua Petty M0119 75 5/21 64/222 6:06 2:14 1:09 41:41 17.8 0:31 21:57 7:05 1:11:23
342 Victor Pardue M4549 76 11/20 65/222 5:50 2:08 1:14 38:08 19.5 1:14 24:58 8:04 1:11:24
284 John Dolence M5054 77 3/15 66/222 6:11 2:16 1:52 38:42 19.2 0:49 24:00 7:45 1:11:34
122 Scott Short M3034 78 12/33 67/222 6:39 2:26 2:33 41:15 18.0 1:27 19:44 6:22 1:11:38
217 Brian Hunter M4044 79 12/29 68/222 5:56 2:10 1:44 40:56 18.2 1:13 21:54 7:04 1:11:43
186 Stephanie Lewis F4044 80 1/17 9/126 4:36 1:41 1:08 42:18 17.6 1:01 23:00 7:25 1:12:03
298 David Beltz M5559 81 3/15 69/222 6:25 2:21 1:19 37:13 20.0 1:27 25:51 8:21 1:12:15
264 Jennifer Clark F4549 82 3/14 10/126 6:34 2:24 1:39 37:25 19.9 2:00 24:49 8:01 1:12:27
157 Travis Farran M3539 83 9/23 70/222 6:34 2:24 2:41 42:09 17.7 0:50 20:24 6:35 1:12:38
260 Marc Mills M4549 84 12/20 71/222 6:27 2:22 2:46 38:50 19.2 1:32 23:04 7:27 1:12:39
76 Aaron Luebbe M2529 85 6/18 72/222 5:40 2:05 3:30 38:43 19.2 1:49 23:19 7:32 1:13:01
78 Daniel Farage MCLY3 86 5/11 73/222 5:42 2:05 1:50 43:09 17.2 0:41 21:40 7:00 1:13:03
102 Amy Hietter F3034 87 1/17 11/126 5:29 2:01 2:37 41:35 17.9 1:35 21:48 7:02 1:13:04
252 Don Buttram M4549 88 13/20 74/222 9:43 3:33 2:02 36:47 20.2 1:27 23:10 7:29 1:13:09

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