D 4.9 K Run/Walk


The D4.9 K Run/Walk is a family-friendly event for D49 staff, students, parents and community members. Our goal is to provide a fun, low-cost healthy event for members of our D49 community.


September 30, 2023 in Falcon, CO


Results By

4.9K - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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533 Matt Balk M35-39 142 9/12 70/105 44:22 14:34
343 Mixie Romney F0-18 143 26/44 73/169 44:23 14:35
340 Reed Romney M40-44 144 9/17 71/105 44:23 14:35
517 Lili Anderson F0-18 145 27/44 74/169 44:37 14:39
562 Thiago Carrasco M0-18 146 29/45 72/105 44:54 14:45
1204 Olive Tobler F0-18 147 28/44 75/169 45:12 14:51
1202 Brendan Tobler M35-39 148 10/12 73/105 45:14 14:52
743 Cassi MacArthur F40-44 149 11/23 76/169 45:33 14:58
1220 Erica West F45-49 150 4/15 77/169 45:38 14:59
1219 Robert West M40-44 151 10/17 74/105 45:38 14:59
332 Isabel Richey Ruiz F0-18 152 29/44 78/169 45:43 15:01
331 Ryan Richey M40-44 153 11/17 75/105 45:43 15:01
1362 Carrie Ipson F35-39 154 13/28 79/169 45:50 15:03
1364 Emmalyn Ipson F0-18 155 30/44 80/169 45:50 15:03
560 Tatjana Carrasco F35-39 156 14/28 81/169 46:14 15:11
346 Johnathan Rue F40-44 157 12/23 82/169 46:21 15:13
1628 Kent Smiley M0-18 158 30/45 76/105 46:21 15:13
1630 Alan Smiley M0-18 159 31/45 77/105 46:29 15:16
761 Alan McDonald M0-18 160 32/45 78/105 47:58 15:45
518 Araceli Anderson F0-18 161 31/44 83/169 48:23 15:53
575 Carrie Clay F50-54 162 7/14 84/169 49:03 16:07
759 Jennifer McDonald F50-54 163 8/14 85/169 49:06 16:07
1251 Kevin Henderson M55-59 164 5/6 79/105 49:06 16:08
325 Sarah Reed F25-29 165 4/6 86/169 49:12 16:10
324 David Reed M25-29 166 2/2 80/105 49:13 16:10
737 Kutter Lewis F0-18 167 32/44 87/169 49:40 16:19
736 Tarah Leigh Lewis F40-44 168 13/23 88/169 49:44 16:20
591 Chris Dale F55-59 169 3/11 89/169 49:45 16:20
373 Wendi Sidney F55-59 170 4/11 90/169 49:45 16:20
330 Connor Reynolds M0-18 171 33/45 81/105 50:13 16:30
329 Chris Reynolds M40-44 172 12/17 82/105 50:16 16:31
755 Brittani McCaig F35-39 173 15/28 91/169 50:25 16:34
582 Alexis Corral F40-44 174 14/23 92/169 50:26 16:34
556 Mackenzie Carlisle F30-34 175 6/16 93/169 50:30 16:35
1318 Catherine Fairall F35-39 176 16/28 94/169 50:35 16:37
558 Blakely Carlisle F0-18 177 33/44 95/169 50:47 16:41
514 Stephanie Anderson F45-49 178 5/15 96/169 50:47 16:41
1232 Lori Wilson F55-59 179 5/11 97/169 50:56 16:44
1337 Debbie Haberkorn F50-54 180 9/14 98/169 50:57 16:44
1389 Teresa Kilbury F55-59 181 6/11 99/169 50:58 16:44

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