Justice Run 5K & 10K


Return Timing Chip - www.coloradoracetiming.com


October 5, 2014 in Littleton, CO


Results By

5K - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
number of records per page: [10] [25] [all]

539 Alyson Ryan F 20-29 - - 358 33 213 42:54 13:50 44:14
319 Summer Kennedy F 20-29 - - 359 34 214 42:58 13:52 43:36
42 Christine Bishop F 40-49 - - 360 32 215 42:59 13:52 43:37
163 Pat Fincher F 40-49 - - 361 33 216 43:08 13:55 43:34
1392 Marcia Morgan F 1-12 - - 362 33 217 43:08 13:55 44:34
164 Jennie Fleming F 50-59 - - 363 22 218 43:52 14:09 44:05
51 Jane Blue F 50-59 - - 364 23 219 44:09 14:15 44:28
229 Regina Hansen F 40-49 - - 365 34 220 44:20 14:18 44:36
452 Katie Murphy F 20-29 - - 366 35 221 45:01 14:31 46:50
118 Minh Dao F 13-19 - - 367 28 222 45:04 14:32 45:40
6 Cynthia Anderson F 50-59 - - 368 24 223 45:06 14:33 46:49
477 Claire OKeefe F 1-12 - - 369 34 224 45:09 14:34 46:08
339 Ava Langer F 1-12 - - 370 35 225 45:12 14:35 46:11
1362 Will Rathjen M 1-12 - - 371 34 146 45:12 14:35 46:10
435 Becky Mitchell F 30-39 - - 372 59 226 45:20 14:37 45:40
146 Suzanne Eitzen F 40-49 - - 373 35 227 45:20 14:37 45:40
346 Maren Langer F 1-12 - - 374 36 228 45:27 14:40 46:26
472 Andrew Oberly M 1-12 - - 375 35 147 45:35 14:42 46:28
95 Sean Collette M 1-12 - - 376 36 148 45:39 14:44 45:58
94 Amy Collette F 30-39 - - 377 60 229 45:44 14:45 46:02
341 Chris Langer M 30-39 - - 378 29 149 46:04 14:52 47:05
81 Vicky Cheng F 30-39 - - 379 61 230 46:14 14:55 46:50
448 Colleen Mullin F 60-69 Littleton CO 380 8 231 47:00 15:10 47:29
191 Regina Gomez F 30-39 - - 381 62 232 47:06 15:12 47:58
136 Jennifer Dorrough F 20-29 - - 382 36 233 47:17 15:15 47:43
543 Ronald Sandhoff M 60-69 - - 383 12 150 47:29 15:19 47:55
626 Aleithia Toews F 20-29 - - 384 37 234 47:30 15:19 49:08
104 Sandy Courtney F 50-59 - - 385 25 235 47:40 15:23 49:11
610 Tara Swanson F 30-39 - - 386 63 236 48:13 15:33 49:52
609 Andy Swanson M 30-39 - - 387 30 151 48:14 15:34 49:53
75 Joy Carreno F 50-59 - - 388 26 237 48:25 15:37 49:02
1354 Steve yaussy M 50-59 - - 389 10 152 48:30 15:39 48:48
392 Kirstin Marr F 40-49 - - 390 36 238 48:35 15:40 49:31
2259 Sarah Graves F 30-39 - - 391 64 239 49:24 15:56 50:05
630 emma utesch F 13-19 - - 392 29 240 49:30 15:58 50:05
465 Sonya Nickell F 40-49 - - 393 37 241 49:31 15:58 50:05
506 Tiffany Pittman F 30-39 - - 394 65 242 49:56 16:06 51:30
48 shandra blosser F 30-39 - - 395 66 243 49:57 16:07 50:49
132 Sylvia Diebel F 60-69 - - 396 9 244 49:59 16:07 50:37
39 Kathy Beus F 60-69 - - 397 10 245 49:59 16:07 50:38

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